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研究生(外文):Po-Chih Chen
論文名稱(外文):HLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 alleles typing in southern Taiwanese women with breast cancer.
指導教授(外文):Bai-Hsiun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Breast cancergenetic susceptibilityprotective alleleshuman leukocyte antigen
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近年來死亡率增幅最大的是女性乳癌且呈現年輕化傾向,死於女性乳癌者平均年齡為56.86歲,較癌症平均死亡年齡再少約10歲。造成女性乳癌逐年上升原因,除了飲食西化之環境的因素外,遺傳性及家族性的因子也是主要造成乳癌的原因。很多相關的研究發現基因方面的因素也是造成乳癌發生原因之ㄧ。近年來越來越多人研究癌症與HLA之相關性,容易罹患此疾病之個體,在人類第六對染色體之主要組織相容性複合體(major histocompatibility complex, MHC)上有特異性的基因型存在。其中又以HLA第二級分子,DP、DQ及DR特別重要。本研究之目的是希望對高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院經病理診斷為乳癌患者進行HLA-DQAl及DQBl之基因型分析,以期能得到是否有專屬於台灣地區乳癌患者之感受性基因及保護性基因。
本研究共收集101位女性被診斷為乳癌患者(平均年齡為50.6±12.1歲,年齡範圍從23~80歲)及115位健康個體,分別作為本實驗之研究組及對照組,且研究之對象均為居住在南台灣的中國人。我們應用 Olerup等提出與過去此症相關研究不少採用之聚合酶連鎖合成反應合併序列特異性引子(PCR-SSP)分析的方法,對所收集的檢體進行HLA-DQAl及HLA-DQBl基因型分類並比較其頻率。對女性乳癌患者,吾人也比較乳癌罹患部位、estrogen 接受體、progesterone接受體、HER-2/neu存在與否在HLA-DQAl及DQBl出現頻率之差異是否具統計學上有意義之差異。


Background and Aim: The pathogenesis of breast cancer is multifactorial. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, hormones and even infections agent are thought to interact in the manifestation of breast cancer. Particular human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles play a pivotal role in cellular immunity and may be an important genetically determined host trait. Regardless of the importance and functions of HLA genes in the evolution of cancer, the allele specific association of HLA molecules in cancer patients has not been well established. Recently, there are a few studies concentrating on the association between HLA and breast cancer. Besides, the results of those studies were controversial.
Materials and Methods: We designed a study to evaluate the association between the genotype of HLA class II genes and the breast cancer, polymorphism of HLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 were determined by polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP) in 101 Taiwanese women patients with breast cancer and 115 matched control subjects. We also investigated the effect of breast cancer site estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER-2/neu on the association between HLA-DQA1, DQB1 and female breast cancer.
Result: By PCR SSP typing, the HLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 locus comparison of allele frequencies between breast cancer patients and healthy controls showed no significant difference at the HLA-DQA1 and-DQB1 locus. In female breast cancer patients with HER-2/neu positivity, the frequencies of DQA1*0501 24% were significant higher then that of HER-2/neu negativity 7.7% (Pc=0.04)
Conclusion: We have established the importance to a lack of HLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 association with breast cancer in southern Taiwanese women, and we found that the HLA-DQA1*0501 allele frequencies of breast cancer patients with HER-2/neu positivity were significantly higher then that of HER-2/neu negativity (Pc=0.04). The results of this study may provide information for further clarification of the etiology of breast cancer in this region.

Key words: Breast cancer, genetic susceptibility, protective alleles, human leukocyte antigen.
1.1 乳癌簡介……………………………………………….(8)
1.2 人類白血球組織抗原簡介……………………………(21)
1.3 乳癌與HLA-CLASS II…………………………………(31)

第二章 材料與方法……………………………………………(34)
2.2 進行純化週邊白血球之DNA萃取……………………(35)
2.3 HLA-DQ基因型分類……………………………………(36)
2.4 增幅HLA-DQA1所用之前引子…………………………(36)
2.5 增幅HLA-DQB1所用之前引子…………………………(37)
2.6 聚合酶合成反應對照引子………………………………(37)
2.7 聚合酶連鎖合成反應……………………………………(38)
2.8 瓊酯凝膠電泳……………………………………………(39)
2.9 統計分析…………………………………………………(40)

第三章 研究結果……………………………………………….(41)
第四章 結論……………………………………………………(44)
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