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研究生(外文):Chia-Hsiang Fang
論文名稱(外文):The antitumor activity of Emodin, Solamargine, Toona Sinensis, Duchsnea Chrysantha on nonhormone sensitive prostate cancer cell lines
指導教授(外文):Jin-Lian Tsai
外文關鍵詞:EmodinSolamargineToona SinensisDuchsnea ChrysanthaProstate cancer cell lines
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本研究是利用非依賴型-荷爾蒙PC-3、DU-145癌細胞株為研究題材,來探討大黃(Emodin)、黃水茄(Solamargine)、香椿(Toona Sinensis),以及蛇莓(Duchsnea Chrysantha)等中草藥,對於抑制-前列腺癌的毒殺效果與機制。由MTT實驗結果顯示,大黃對PC-3在50%的存活率的濃度為228 ppm。對DU-145在50%的存活率濃度為223 ppm。黃水茄對PC-3在50%的存活率濃度為35 ppm。對DU-145在50%的存活率濃度為28 ppm。香椿對PC-3在50%的存活率濃度為400 ppm。對DU-145在50%的存活率濃度為302 ppm。蛇莓對PC-3在50%的存活率濃度為327 ppm。對於DU-145在50%的存活率濃度為193 ppm。結果顯示黃水茄對PC-3的毒殺效果最好,香椿為次之,毒殺效果最差的為蛇莓,結果顯示黃水茄對DU145的毒殺效果最好,香椿為次之,毒殺效果最差的是蛇莓,且黃水茄對於PC-3與DU-145的比較之下,在DU-145有很好的抑制效果。由此可知 DU-145對四種藥物的敏感性大於PC-3。

細胞螢光免疫實驗結果顯示PC-3與 DU-145在大黃、黃水茄、香椿、蛇莓作用有P21蛋白質有極強的表現;在PCNA及MDM2在上述四種中草藥的蛋白質螢光表現上較P21差;在TRADD、FADD、BCL2、BAX、Caspase 3、Caspase 8、Caspase 9等細胞凋亡有關的蛋白在四種中草藥的無表現。由此結果可推測大黃、黃水茄、香椿、蛇莓藉由P21的蛋白誘發引起細胞核停止分裂,而造成癌細胞數目不再增加。
Mechanism that dies that the cell that the anticancer drug causes withers, it is the direction that numerous scholars make great efforts to study。 Though a lot of anticancer drug, possess and bring out the tumour cell - the function that withers and dies naturally 。 If fragrant of leaf water assemble thing (TSL-CE ) to human lung hyperplasia , cancer cell of A549 , there are apparent restrain results; A549 is a type in the non- little cell lung cancer (NSCLC ), the non- little cell lung cancer (NSCLC ) includes: Human lung gland cancer cell (H441 ) lung scale''s form cancer cell (H520 ) and big cell''s cancer cell of lung (H661 )。 Composition of TSL-1 among them of the thing (TSL-CE ) that the fragrant leaves water assembleses, have extremely good restraining the cancer result and bringing out cells to wither and die to the big cell''s cancer cell of lung (H661 ) even more。

It has cancer of resisting that the rhubarb (Emodin ) is verified, physiological activation , such as antivirus ,etc。; Discover in the near future , Emodin can also suppress the activation of breast cancer cell Tyrosine Kinase , and have a very strong restrain result to T - the lymphocyte。 Moreover, the rhubarb is plain and can be brought out the withering to die naturally of human lung cancer cell by the report too; Direct against the human liver tumour cell: HepG2/C3A, the rhubarb of
result of killing of PLC/PRF/5 and SK-HEP-1 is plain to represent extremely good function, especially bring out on HepG2/C3A cell。

The scientist finds from take a photograph of the hereditary family which protects the gland cancer, the defect of known gene RNASEL, infer that the defect of this gene results in taking a photograph of and protecting the gland cancer, should have something to do with the function that He Er is covered with 。 Though in the position of the first pair of chromosome , find out a section of defects position , and is named HPC1 (hereditary prostate cancer 1 ), but has not found that there is any gene that relates to take a photograph of and protect the gland cancer。

In the lung cancer cell with fragrant one- rhubarb- the mock-strawberry, the tumour of the liver cancer cell is suppressing the apparent result of killing, and then protect the gland cancer in taking the photograph and carry on relevant experiment and discussion.
目 錄





第一章: 緒論 (Introduction)

1.1 前列腺癌 (Prostate cancer)………………………………………….14

1.2-1 細胞週期 (Cellcycle)……………………………………………...15




1.3-3 香樁(Toona sinensis)……………………………………………...17

1.3-4 蛇莓(Duchsnea chrysantha)……………………………………….18

1.4 研究目的 (Purpose).…………………………………………………19

第二章:材料與方法(Materials & methods)……………………………20

第三章:結果討論(Results & Discussion).……………………………..35



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