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研究生(外文):Yuan-Lung Hsia
論文名稱(外文):Photoluminescence of I-VII Semiconductor Compounds, ensitized Luminescence from “Deep States” Recombination in CuBr/AgBr Nanocrystals
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Chuan Wen
外文關鍵詞:CuBr and AgBr NCsPhotoluminescenceEnergy transferAuger recombination
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將CuBr 和CuBr/AgBr的奈米粒子融入硼系玻璃內並以355 nm的雷射光源照射。我們注意到CuBr玻璃的發光(λmax 520 nm)與CuBr奈米粒子的組成有關。同時也到觀察CuBr / AgBr玻璃藍至橙-紅色可見光的發光現象(吸收峰位置在520 及 570 nm),而在570 nm的位罝上的光激瑩光強度則隨著AgBr的增加而減少。此一現象可能由於在光激發的瞬間,溴化銅與溴化銀之間發生能量傳遞(energy transfer),或經Auger碰撞後所誘發的電子散射作用所引起。
The photoluminescence (PL) properties of CuBr and CuBr/AgBr semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in borosilicate glasses are measured under band-to-band excitation by a 355 nm Nd:YAG laser. We observed emission from CuBr (peaked at 520 nm) doped glass, which is associated with deep states in CuBr NCs. We also observed the sensitized blue to orange-red emission in CuBr/AgBr-glass systems (peaked at 520 and 570 nm), in which the luminescence intensity of CuBr decreases with increasing AgBr concentrations, while it is enhanced significantly around 570 nm. The results are discussed by the possible energy transfer between them, or by the multi-exitonic recombination process which ejects an excited carrier from CuBr to AgBr NCs.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 半導體光學反應理論基礎 2
2-2 I-VII族半導體內載子進行復合發光(radiative recombination)的機制-----------------------------------------------------------------------4
第三章 實驗方法 ----------------------------------------8
3-1 試藥與儀器----------------------------------------------------------------8
3-1-1 試藥----------------------------------------------------------------------8
3-1-2 儀器----------------------------------------------------------------------9
3-2 玻璃試片製程步驟------------------------------------------------------10
3-3 玻璃試片的研磨與拋光------------------------------------------------12
3-4 玻璃試片之穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察--------------------------------13
3-5 玻璃試片之紫外光-可見光吸收光譜儀----------------------------13
3-6 玻璃試片之光激發發光測量------------------------------------------13
第四章 結果與討論 ----------------16
4-2 玻璃試片之紫外光-可見光吸收光譜儀觀察結果--------------16
4-3 CuBr的光激發螢光-----------------------------------------------------16
4-4 CuBr/AgBr復合晶體的光激發螢光---------------------------------17
第五章 結論 21
參考文獻 22
附錄 25
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