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論文名稱(外文):Design of Optical Coupling for Bi-Directional Triplexer Transceiver Module
指導教授(外文):Min-Chuan LinChun-Lin Lu
外文關鍵詞:Optical CouplingBi-Directional Triplexer
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乙太網路( Ethernet )為現今區域網路中佔有比例最高( 95% )的傳輸架構,隨著頻寬需求與使用者增加,原先技術已不敷使用。藉著引進光纖元件與系統技術,傳輸速度可大幅提升。由於光收發器成本最高的地方在於封裝製程,而封裝最困難的為光學對位,因此在選用光電元件時,必須將對位容忍度與光耦合效率當作第一考量。
傳統型雙向式三頻光收發模組(Triplexer)之光路採用人工對位,不但組裝成本高、耗時而且對位誤差的容魚d圍也較低。本論文嘗試使用光纖(Fiber)做為光路耦合之傳輸介質,並配合設計出具有V型溝槽之光學組裝平台,不但可降低組裝成本(時間),還可提高光路耦合效率。實際製作時,可先使用光學軟體模擬並計算出各光學元件間之最佳間隙,再於組裝完成之後進行間隙微調。透過本論文所實作完成之SMF / MMF ( Single-Mode Fiber / Multi-Mode Fiber ) 光路耦合收發模組,實際量得模組整體耦光效率( Coupling Efficiency ) 為9.3 ﹪(-10.3 dB),已符合IEEE 802.3z的規範;實驗也証明,模組確實通過1.25 Gbps的Eye Mask Test規範。
As a result of the rapidly growing volume of data transfer in telecommunication networks, data streams for digital video, high-definition television (HDTV), and color graphics are requiring higher and higher bandwidth. It leads people to consider the optical communication to be a good solution for today’s digital life networks. In spite of the importance in wide band communication, the assembly procedures of the optical communication system, especially for the triplexers, are still so complicated as to be costly.
This thesis adopts two ideas in the improvement of the assembly of the triplexer. One of them is the usage of multi-mode optical fibers in constraining the optical beams to travel in the desired paths. Then the well conducted optical beams are coupled with each others in self-alignment V-groove platforms which could immunize the fiber coupling from lateral misalignment, angular misalignmnet, and even the separation between fiber ends. Here the usage of the V-groove platform is the other contribution of this work and it is proved to be helpful not only in the simplification of the assembly but also in the enhancement of the couple efficiency.
To raise the optical coupling efficiency further, ASAPTM and Beam-PROPTM software are also employed in this work. They are used in the calculation of the optimum gap between two optical elements. The measurement shows that the total optical coupling efficiency of the implemented optical system is 9.3 ﹪(-10.3 dB) which is in compliance with IEEE 802.3z standard.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景 3
1.3 研究動機 5
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 光纖之光學原理與特性 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 光纖的分類 9
2.2.1 依折射率分佈之不同分類 9
2.2.2 依傳播模態數目之不同分類 10
2.2.3 依材料成分之不同分類 10
2.3 光的折射與反射現象 11
2.4 光纖傳輸損失成因 12
2.4.1 徑向偏移 (Lateral Misalignment) 13
2.4.2 角度偏移 (Angular Misalignmnet) 14
2.4.3 光纖端面的分離 (Separation Between Fiber Ends) 15
2.4.4 不同的光纖纖核直徑 16
2.4.5 凸面的光纖端面 (Convex Fiber Ends) 16
2.5 討論 18
第三章 雙向三頻光收發模組 19
3.1 前言 19
3.2 Fabry Perot雷射之特性 21
3.3 PIN光偵測器特性 24
3.4 V型溝槽 (V- groove) 設計 26
第四章 光路設計概念與模擬分析 28
4.1 前言 28
4.2 光路架構設計概念 29
4.3 光路耦合模擬與分析 34
4.3.1 雷射元件與光纖間耦合效率模擬 35
4.3.2 單模光纖-濾波片-單模光纖耦合效率模擬 36
4.3.3 雷射元件-球形透鏡-單模光纖耦合效率模擬 38
第五章 光路耦合實驗與量測 40
5.1 前言 40
5.2 雷射元件與光纖間耦光實驗 41
5.3 光纖與光纖間耦光實驗 433
5.4 光路高速訊號量測 46
5.5 光纖色散現象比較 47
5.6 1.25 Gbps 光纖對光纖眼圖量測 50
5.7 1.25 Gbps 多模對單模光纖眼圖量測 51
5.8 1.25 Gbps 多模光纖-濾波片-單模光纖眼圖 53
5.9 1.25 Gbps 多模光纖-濾波片-單模光纖眼圖 (VS. Misalignment) 54
5.10 1.25 Gbps多模光纖-濾波片-單模光纖(Pass Through 2 Km SMF) 55
第六章 結論 56
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………………57
附 錄 ………………………………………………………………………58
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