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研究生(外文):Tsai Mao-Hong
論文名稱(外文):Transient Simulation of Transformers in Thermal Power Plant
指導教授(外文):Yeh Tzeng-Shong
  • 被引用被引用:2
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This thesis investigates the transient characteristics of three phase transformers in thermal power plant. The nonlinear characteristics of transformer are analyzed at first. Then ATPDraw is applied to construct the models of transformers and other equipments in the system, the electromagnetic transient program ATP is used to simulate transient phenomenon of system. Finally, the simulation results are analyzed and discussed.
Some improving strategies are proposed for the potential harm of transformer transient and the ATP simulation is performed once again. Simulating results demonstrate that these strategies are helpful to reduce the damage of transformer and to ensure the safe of equipments and the normal operation of units.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------ i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------ ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------ iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------ iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------ vi
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------ vii
符號說明 ------------------------------------------------------ xii
第一章 緒論 -------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 ----------------------------------------- 1
1.2 相關文獻回顧 ------------------------------------------- 4
1.3 內容大綱 ---------------------------------------------- 6
第二章 變壓器特性分析 ----------------------------------------- 7
2.1 實用變壓器 -------------------------------------------- 7
2.2 等效電路參數之決定 ------------------------------------- 10
2.3 鐵心特性分析 ------------------------------------------ 12
2.4 湧入電流特性分析 --------------------------------------- 14
2.5 鐵磁共振特性分析 --------------------------------------- 17
第三章 模擬軟體介紹及模型說明 ---------------------------------- 21
3.1 EMTP/ATP --------------------------------------------- 21
3.2 繪圖分析軟體 ------------------------------------------- 23
3.3 ATPDraw ---------------------------------------------- 24
3.3.1 Transformers------------------------------------------ 25
3.3.2 Branch Linear ---------------------------------------- 30
3.3.3 Branch Nonlinear ------------------------------------- 31
3.3.4 Line/Cable ------------------------------------------- 33
3.3.5 Switches --------------------------------------------- 34
3.3.6 Sourses ---------------------------------------------- 34
3.3.7 Machines --------------------------------------------- 35
第四章 變壓器暫態模擬與討論 ----------------------------------- 37
4.1 配電變壓器暫態模擬 ------------------------------------- 37
4.1.1 加壓激勵的暫態模擬-------------------------------------- 41
4.1.2 討論 ------------------------------------------------- 54
4.1.3 鐵磁共振特性模擬 -------------------------------------- 55
4.1.4 討論 ------------------------------------------------- 66
4.2 電力變壓器暫態特性模擬 --------------------------------- 67
4.2.1 加壓激勵的暫態模擬 ------------------------------------- 75
4.2.2 討論 ------------------------------------------------- 79
4.2.3 暫態效能模擬 ------------------------------------------ 80
4.2.4 討論及改善對策 ---------------------------------------- 87
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 ------------------------------------ 90
5.1 結論 ------------------------------------------------- 90
5.2 未來研究方向 ------------------------------------------ 91
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------- 92
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