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研究生(外文):Hui-Chen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Domitory Service Quality Gap Study - An University Case Study
指導教授(外文):Chiun-Hsiung Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:college dormitory studentsdormitory quality servicesdormitory main focusesdormitory satisfactory
  • 被引用被引用:20
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This research paper attempts to understand the current situation of college students who live in the dormitories, such as the dormitory management, quality, and satisfaction. The servicing quality is focused on four main points such as cleanness, hardware and software services, and the dormitory living counseling. These four points include ten concerns such as the dormitory’s neatness and cleanness; basic facilities or equipments; maintenance equipments; safety equipments; maintenance personnel’s professionalism and attitude; accommodating officer’s servicing attitude, professionalism, and counseling; dormitory officer’s servicing attitude; administration services; teacher and drillmaster’s counseling; and safety counseling. Base on the questionnaire findings and research, it can help the administration to plan future improvements, and also improving the management and service qualities.
The paper study’s subjects are the students who live in the dormitories, mainly focused on a southern private university. Five hundred copies of questionnaires were handed out, four hundred and thirty four effective copies were returned for analysis, and the effectiveness rate is in eighty six point eight percent. Both statistics and factor analysis were used to calculate the students’ current satisfactory rates and views of the dormitory managements. In addition, related sample T-test was used to measure the differences between the relationships of the dormitory services and quality managements, based on the degree of main focus importance and satisfactory. Pearson’s canonical was used to provide the degree of main focus importance and satisfactory relevance analysis. The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to analyze the students’ point of views and satisfaction of the dormitories based on the differences of their backgrounds. Finally, the “Importance Performance Analysis” or IPA method was applied to determine the level of improvements needed to better the dormitory’s management and service qualities.
After the findings and results, campus living students’ main concerns are highly focused on four main points such as dormitory cleanness and neatness; basic facility equipments; maintenance services; and administration or management services. But the satisfactory rates were low on these points, so these will be the first main improvements. This research will conclude by pointing out the below four improvements that are needed. One: improve the living education of the students, dormitory rules, and the students’ view of personal hygiene. Two: setting up dormitory building’s maintenance and repair plan, status of the building’s equipments restoration or replacement and maintenance, and setting a status scheduling to fully control the situation. Three: Internet service equipments and design are old and needed to be replaced and upgraded, problems such and lag, cut-off or traffic can then be improved. Four: Improve the ways of communication such as mandatory student meetings or activities to better students’ involvement with the dormitory managements, and to increase the students’ self-managements skills.

Keywords: college dormitory students, dormitory quality services, dormitory main focuses, dormitory satisfactory.
圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………. …...Ⅵ
表目錄………..………………………………………………………..…………. …Ⅶ

第一章 緒論…………….. ………………………………………………….……..1
第一節 研究背景、動機及目的……………………………………………..1
第二節 研究範圍、時間、對象與限制……………………………………..4
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………..………………………………........5
第一節 服務品質……………………….……………………………….........5
第二節 學生宿舍…………………………….………………………….......11
第三節 學生宿舍管理……………………………………………………....14
第四節 住宿滿意度………………………………………………………....20
第五節 服務品質與滿意度之相關研究……………………………………25
第三章 研究方法……………..…………………………………………………..28
第一節 觀念性架構、研究變數定義及研究問題與假設……………........28
第二節 問卷設計與抽樣設計………………………………………………31
第三節 問卷預試……………………………………………………………35
第四節 資料分析方法…………………………………………………........40
第四章 實證結果…………………………………………………………………41
第一節 問卷回收與樣本敘述………………………………………………41
第二節 住宿生對宿舍服務品質重視度與滿意度分析……………………48
第三節 宿舍服務品質重視度與滿意度之相關分析………………………54
第四節 不同背景之住宿生在重視度的差異分析…………………………56
第五節 不同背景之住宿生在滿意度的差異分析…………………………62
第六節 住宿生對宿舍服務品質重視度與滿意度之矩陣分析
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………74
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………74
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………79

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