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研究生(外文):Man-Yun Tzeng
論文名稱(外文):Meta-Analysis of Corporate Equity Research
指導教授(外文):Shu-Yu Yeh
外文關鍵詞:corporate equitymeta-analysis
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  根據研究結果,進一步提出三大建議:(1) 企業品牌權益各構面密不可分,業界需考量全盤之品牌策略,並結合產業特性,才能有效預估未來效益;(2)學者們在進行研究寫作中,需留意資料揭露與意義,以便未來發展更精確之文獻整合。(3)企業品牌權益構面間之中介變項相關議題,留待後續研究者作深入驗證與參考。
A strong brand could bring competitive advantages and great earnings. In such a competitive environment, many managers and researchers are interested in how to build the equity for their enterprises, and believe a great corporate equity could create the continuing profit and advantages in the future. There are many studies about the corporate equity, but even the topic are the same; there are still many different conclusions. In order to find an objective about the corporate equity, this research collects past studies and uses meta-analysis to get a general conclusion.
   This research collects past studies with the keywords “corporate equity”, and follows the four principals to cull the appropriate studies. Totally, there are 34 studies can be analyzed in practice. This research finds the meta-analysis framework for corporate equity, including brand awareness、customer perceived、brand meaning、customer performance and corporate performance. Our results show some interesting conclusions: (1) there are mean relationship between customer performance and brand awareness、customer perceived、brand meaning; (2) brand meaning and corporate performance have mean or high relationship; (3) there are two mediators: brand awareness and customer perceived in this corporate equity framework.
This research also suggest: (1) if the enterprises pursue the longer profit, the manager has to consider the overall brand strategies and firm’s characteristics; (2) in order to devote to future integrated research, each authors has to exposure the detail data and meaning; (3) other mediator subjects could suggest future researcher to discuss and test.
目 錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 服務業與品牌資產 4
2.1.1 服務業之定義 4
2.1.2 服務之品牌 4
2.1.3 企業品牌權益 5
2.1.4 品牌權益與價值 6
2.2 企業品牌權益之構面 6
2.2.1 品牌知曉構面 6
2.2.2 消費者知覺構面 8
2.2.3 品牌意義構面 9
2.2.4 顧客績效構面 11
2.2.5 企業績效構面 13
2.2.6 企業品牌權益構面之關係 14
2.3 後設分析之文獻 15
2.3.1 後設分析之背景與發展 15
2.3.2 後設分析之定義與目的 15
2.3.3 後設分析之特性 16
2.3.4 後設分析之功能 16
第三章 研究方法與概念性架構 18
3.1 文獻資料搜集與來源 18
3.1.1文獻資料之搜集 18
3.1.2 搜集研究資料之準則 18
3.2 概念性架構與假設 19
3.3 後設分析Hunter法 20
3.3.1 後設分析之步驟 20
3.3.2: Hunter分析法 20
3.3.3: Hunter法相關係數r轉換 22
3.3.4 後設分析常用之軟體 23
3.4 模型配適分析-LISREL結構方程式 23
第四章 分析結果與討論 25
4.1 結果判斷準則 25
4.2 企業品牌權益相關構面之資料 26
4.3 企業品牌權益(細項)後設分析結果 31
4.4 企業品牌權益(主構面)後設分析結果 36
4.5 企業品牌權益架構配適之驗證 37
第五章 結論與建議 42
5.1 研究發現與結論 42
5.2 研究之限制 44
5.3 研究之建議 44
參考文獻 46
附錄一:後設分析之發展情形概況表 52
附錄二:Hunter法誤差調整介紹 54
附錄三:LISREL分析模型 56
附錄四:Meta-Analysis文獻樣本資料 59
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