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論文名稱(外文):Applying Rough Set Theory and Support Vector Machine for Copper Clad Laminate Defect Classification
外文關鍵詞:Copper Clad LaminateWavelet TransformInverse Wavelet TransformRough Set TheorySupport Vector Machine
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隨著電子產業的蓬勃發展,同時也擴大了零組件業的需求。印刷電路板 (Printed Circuit Board;PCB) 是電子產業中重要的元件,而銅箔基板 (Copper Clad Laminate;CCL) 則是構成印刷電路板的主要材料。
如果有效的利用電腦視覺技術,則可以避免人為疏失、降低成本、增加效率及減少傷害發生。本研究探討有關電腦視覺技術在銅箔基板缺陷上的自動檢測。利用小波轉換 (Wavelet Transformation;WT) 與反小波轉換 (Inverse Wavelet Transform;IWT) 找出影像中的缺陷,經轉換後使用區塊分析 (Blob analysis) 找出缺陷中 20 個特徵值,將區塊分析後的特徵值透過約略集合理論 (Rough Set Theory;RST) 進行特徵值的篩選,經篩選過後的特徵值再利用支向機 (Support Vector Machines;SVM) 執行缺陷分類的動作。
本研究在最後缺陷分類過程中,比較 SVM 與 BP 此二種分類方法,所得之結果顯示,SVM 以核心函數為 RBF 之分類結果較好。在各種特徵值組合中,其平均訓練與測試的正確率 (Accuracy) 達到 88.525 % 與 82.435 %,而 BP 的平均正確率為 82.663 % 與 81.93 %。透過分類的正確率可以得知,SVM 應用在銅箔基板缺陷的分類上比 BP 更為優越。
Along with the prospering electronic industry, it also expands the needs over the Parts & Components Industry. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is an important component in the electronic industry, and Copper Clad Laminate (CCL) is the main material to form a printed circuit board.
Currently in the industry’s manufacturing processes, the quality inspections of PCB are still dependent upon the quality control personnel who will proceed testing by visual inspection. However, the inspection is a kind of highly repetitive and boring task; although manually inspection can improve quality, it is time-consuming, inefficient, and ignorant of economic costs, as well to easily cause fatigues of human eyes. In addition, its judgement is dependent upon personal experiences without exact standards that can easily lead to personal errors.
If we can efficiently apply the computer vision technologies, then we can avoid human errors, cut down costs, increase efficiency, and reduce injuries incidences. This study is mainly investigated the automatic inspection that applied the computer vision technologies to the defects on CCL. First of all, it adopted the Wavelet Transformation (WT) and Inverse Wavelet Transform (IWT) to find the defects in the images. Next, after the process of transformation, it calculated 20 features in the defects by using the blob analysis, and then conducted the screening process of features by mean of the Rough Set Theory (RST). At last, it carried out the defects classifying process on the screened features by using the Support Vector Machines (SVM).
In the final process of defects classification, this study compared both SVM and BP classifying methods, and the results indicated that when the kernel function of SVM is RBF, it will has better classifying outcomes of accuracy. In the various features combinations from SVM, the average accuracy rates of trainings and testings are achieved 88.525% and 82.435% respectively, while those of the average accuracy rates of BP are reached 82.663% and 81.93% respectively. Understanding by the accuracy rates of classification, SVM applications are more extraordinary than BP on the classification of defects for CCL.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究之範疇與限制 3
1.5 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 銅箔基板 5
2.1.1 空間域法 5
2.1.2 頻譜域法 5
2.2 傅立葉轉換 6
2.3 小波轉換 7
2.3.1 小波轉換四大步驟 9
2.3.2 二維小波 10
2.3.3 反小波轉換 12
2.3.4 小波轉換應用於銅箔基板之缺陷檢測探討 12
2.4 約略集合 13
2.5 支向機 14
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 視覺系統之基本架構與實驗設備 19
3.2 實驗流程 20
3.3 影像處理 21
3.3.1 平滑 (Smooth) 21
3.3.2 邊緣檢測 23
3.3.3 二值化 24
3.4 二維小波轉換(2D Wavelet Transform) 25
3.5 反小波轉換(Inverse Wavelet Transform) 28
3.6 區塊分析 (Blob analysis) 29
3.7 約略集合 (Rough Set Theory) 30
3.7.1 資訊系統 (Information System) 30
3.7.2 不可區分關聯性 (Indiscernibility Relation) 31
3.7.3 近似集 (Approximation of Sets) 32
3.7.4 屬性篩選與核心 (Core and Reduct of attributes) 33
3.8 支向機 (Support Vector Machine;SVM) 分類 35
3.8.1 線性可分支向機 35
3.8.2 非線性可分支向機 37
3.8.3 Kernel 函數 38
3.9 多類支向機 39
3.9.1 Holdout Method 39
3.9.2 Cross-Validation Method 39
3.9.3 One-against-all method 40
3.9.4 One-against-one method 41
第四章 實驗結果與分析 42
4.1個案簡介 42
4.2銅箔基板類別 44
4.3 銅箔基板之影像處理 45
4.3.1 影像前處理 45
4.3.2 小波轉換與反小波轉換 45
4.3.3 反小波轉換後之影像處理 46
4.4 特徵值擷取與篩選 47
4.4.1 區塊分析 (Blob analysis) 48
4.4.2 約略集合理論 (Rough Set Theory) 49
4.5 SVM分類結果 50
4.5.1 Holdout 分類結果 50
4.5.2 Cross-Validation 分類結果 53
4.5.3 Holdout 與 Cross-Validation 分類結果之比較 55
4.6 比較SVM與BP分類之結果 56
第五章 結論與後續建議 58
5.1 結論 58
5.2後續建議 59
參考文獻 60
附錄 20個特徵值數據 63
作者簡介 92
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