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論文名稱(外文):The Cases Study of Knowledge Management Strategy on Life Insurance: The Prudential Life Insurance and Shin Kong Life Insurance
外文關鍵詞:life insuranceknowledge managementknowledge management strategy
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This research is for the purpose of discussing the domestic and foreign case life insurance company regarding the knowledge management strategy pattern, analyzes the knowledge management way, and proposes the conformability knowledge management strategy practice construction. Therefore, this research conducts the real diagnosis research by the domestic and foreign life insurance company, amounts to carry on the thorough interview to six company managers, understands condition of and the good and bad points the internal present knowledge management strategy pattern, also coordinates to the basic unit staff to carry on the questionnaire survey that could understand the staff point of view to the knowledge management which company made, provides 300 to ask completely, recycles 221, and using the SPSS statistical analysis software to make (1)descriptive statistical analysis (2)the reliability analyzes (3)factor analysis (4)correlation analysis(5)t test and ANOVA analysis.
Through this research, several conclusions are found:(1)The meaning of the life insurance industry knowledge management strategy is (a) Link the personal knowledge and the group knowledge sharing in the company. (b)The knowledge management strategy emphasizes the different level knowledge activity conformity between the company, the managers and the employee. (c) The purpose of knowledge management strategy lies in the organizing, sharing, transforming and the efficiency of applying.(2)This findings proved, the knowledge management strategy is combined by the enterprise culture strategy, the system strategy, the knowledge sharing strategy and the performance evaluation strategy, and these four composing main factors have obvious of influence.(3)Demonstrates in the case, in addition to the employee’s sex, the age, the education level and the service past service mostly have obvious influence to the result of the insurance company’s knowledge management.(4)Make use of the interview and questionnaire at the same time not only can understand the supervisor and employee’s knowledge management strategy cognition more definitely, but also find out further the imperfection of the knowledge management strategy and the improvement method.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機.....1
1.2 研究目的.....2
1.3 研究方法.....3
1.4 研究流程.....3
1.5 研究對象和範圍.....5
1.6 研究架構.....5
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 知識意涵.....6
2.2 知識管理.....10
2.3 知識管理策略.....12
第三章 個案研究
3.1 保險產業概況.....21
3.2 個案簡介.....22
3.3 個案分析.....29
第四章 模式建構
4.1 理論模式的建構.....42
4.2 深度訪談.....47
4.3 問卷設計.....51
第五章 實證分析
5.1 訪談結果分析.....53
5.2 問卷結果分析.....61
5.3 研究假設驗證結果分析.....70
5.4 實務模式.....74
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 研究結論.....76
6.2 研究建議.....77
6.3 研究限制.....78
A 知識管理策略問卷.....83
B 深度訪談問項.....86
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