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研究生(外文):Huang, Chih Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Contract Manufacturer Selection Process—The Case of Multinational Enterprises
外文關鍵詞:OutsourcingContract manufacturerOriginal equipment manufacturer (OEM)Electronic manufacturing services (EMS)Original design manufacturer (ODM)
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根據研究結果,本論文提出一套一般性的委外代工廠選擇程序。依照所考慮的委外代工廠種類之不同,該選擇程序建議五至六個階段(Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making),同時建議各階段應考慮的評估項目。本論文亦根據研究結果,對於欲建立委外代工廠選擇程序之品牌廠商以及委外代工廠提出相關建議。
In order to survive and even to grow in the competitive environment, enterprises may adopt outsourcing strategy to focus on their core competency and to have external suppliers to handle the other activities. How to select a proper outsourcing supplier is very critical to the implementation of outsourcing strategy because outsourcing suppliers will affect the final outcome of the whole value chain very much. Therefore, this thesis studies in the electronic industry to understand the process and evaluation criteria of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to select contract manufacturers (which are electronic manufacturing services, EMS, providers or original design manufacturers, ODMs). Case study is applied as the research method and three multinational companies are in-depth interviewed for this study.

Based on the research results, a general contract manufacturer selection process is proposed. This general process has five to six stages (Market Research, General Survey, Specific Survey, Trial Run (optional), Verification Survey, and Decision Making), depending on the kind of contract manufacturers under consideration. Corresponding evaluation criteria are also recommended for usage in each stage of the selection process. According to the research results, recommendations are made for OEMs which are planning to establish a contract manufacturer selection process and for contract manufacturers which are being surveyed.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research questions and objectives 2
1.3 Research procedure 3
1.4 Introduction of chapters 4
1.5 Research limitations 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Evaluation criteria for supplier selection 7
2.2 Supplier ranking 9
2.3 Supplier selection process 13
2.4 Summary of literature review 16
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 21
3.1 Basic model of contract manufacturer selection 21
3.2 Methodology 21
Chapter 4 Case Description and Discussion 26
4.1 Case description 26
4.2 Comparisons among contract manufacturer selection processes 46
4.3 Proposal of a general contract manufacturer selection process 52
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 64
5.1 Conclusions 64
5.2 Recommendations for OEMs and contract manufacturers 67
5.3 Suggestions for future research 72
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