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研究生(外文):Lein-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on In-situ Treatment of eutrophication by Spray and flow to force water jet circulation, along with ultrasonic wave and ozone.
外文關鍵詞:Jet StreamerUltrasoundOzoneIn situEutrophication
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本研究以噴射流快速曝氣設計強迫水體擾動循環,並結合超音波、臭氧等多重功能,進行現地試驗,每月檢測水位、温度、 pH值、導電度、溶氧、濁度、懸浮固體、氯鹽、總有機碳、透明度、葉綠素a、總磷、磷酸鹽、氨氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、硝酸鹽氮、總氮等水質項目,觀察期間之變化,同時比對前三年水質資料,以評估改善水庫優養化之可行性。
The in situ project of this research was conducted by means of Jet Streamer to force water jet circulation, along with Ultrasound and Ozone.Several physical and chemical factors were recorded over the course of the program. These factors include: water level, temperature, pH,electrical conductivity, turbidity, transparency, concentration of dissolved oxygen, suspended particles, chloride salts, total organic carbon compound, chlorophyll A, total phosphorus, phosphate salts, ammonia nitrogen, nitrous nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and total nitrogen. Data from these observation is compared with that of 3 years back in order to appraise the extent to which the improvement in Eutrophication of reservoir is caused by the project. ,,,,,,,,,,
The observation and monitoring were carried out for one year. Improvements resulted from the project include suspended particles, transparency, concentration of chlorophyll A, total organic carbon, total nitrogen. Factors that did not show obvious improvement include electrical conduction, concentration of nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrous nitrogen, phosphate salts. Finally, factors that were influenced by environment include water level, temperature, pH, total phosphorus, chloride salts. Ultrasonic and Ozone were able to dispel the vast concentration of algae. The CTSI level of the reservoir decreased to the lowest point of 53~56 (unit) resulting from the implementation of the project. Therefore, the strategy of integrating Jet Streamer with Ultrasound and Ozone has proven to decrease the concentration of algae within the reservoir at a great pace. However,this project must be combined with the use of other methods of interest, such as culturing water plants to eliminate the nitrogen salts, phosphorous salts in the wake of the death of the algae, to ensure the efficiency of improvement in Eutrophication of reservoir.,..
摘 要 III
英文摘要 IV
誌 謝 V
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 水質優養化評估方法 3
2.2 水庫庫區優養化治理 7
2.3 臭氧產生及運用 9
2.4 超音波產生及運用 16
第三章 材料及方法 22
3.1 試驗廠址介紹 22
3.2設備設計原理與規格 25
3.3 水質檢測與採樣 29
第四章 結果與討論 32
4.1 單循環觀察去除能力 32
4.2 水質監測結果 34
4.2-1 水位 34
4.2-2 水溫 35
4.2-3 溶氧 36
4.2-4 濁度 39
4.2-5 懸浮固體 40
4.2-6 透明度 42
4.2-7 總有機碳 43
4.2-8 氨氮 44
4.2-9 總氮 45
4.2-10 總磷 46
4.2-11 葉綠素a 47
4.2-12 pH值 49
4.2-13 氯鹽 51
4.2-14 導電度 52
4.2-15 硝酸鹽氮 54
4.2-16 亞硝酸鹽氮 55
4.2-17.磷酸鹽 55
4.3 水質優養化指標(CTSI) 56
第五章、結論與建議 60
5.1 結論 60
5.2 建議 60
第六章 參考文獻 62
附 錄 69
金門縣平均氣象觀測記錄統計表(民國43~93年) 70
陽明湖水質監測紀錄 71
陽明湖環保署歷年監測紀錄(2002~2005) 76
水中飽和溶氧度 77
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