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研究生(外文):Shao-lin Yu
論文名稱(外文):Study on ant-pollination of Mitrastemon in Taiwan
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奴草屬(Mitrastemon)植物為大花草科根部全寄生型植物,主要寄主為殼斗科之植物。台灣產有兩種:菱形奴草(M. kanehirai Y. Yamamoto)以及台灣奴草(M. kawasasakii Hayata)。菱形奴草分布於台灣低海拔闊葉林,台灣奴草則分布在台灣中海拔闊葉林,花期分別為9-12月、1-4月。奴草為兩性花,筒狀雄蕊先熟,隨後脫落露出雌蕊,屬於異花授粉之植物。開花期間可見大量螞蟻、蜂類、蠅類等昆蟲訪花。螞蟻為常見的訪花者,但在植物授粉作用中常被認定為盜蜜者。故本研究之目的為證實訪花螞蟻是否為台灣產奴草屬植物之授粉者。以野外觀察以及套袋實驗對兩種奴草進行授粉機制探討,並藉由觀察種子是否有多細胞團狀之內含物來判定授粉作用結果(結子率)。結果摘述如下:
Mitrastemon is a root-holoparasitic plant in Rafflesiaceae. The hosts are mainly fagaceous plants. There are two species in Taiwan: M. kanehirai Y. Yamamoto and M. kawasasakii Hayata, which are distributed in broad-leafed forests at low- and mid-altitudes of Taiwan respectively. The flowering period is in September to December for the former, and January to April for the latter. The flower is bisexual and cross-pollinated, with protandrous, tubular androecium, and the pistil appears after tubular androecium abscises. During the flowering period many ants, bees, and flies visit the flowers. Although ants are common flower visitors, they are generally considered as “nectar thieves”. The study aims to demonstrate if ants are pollinator of Mitrastemon in Taiwan. This study assessed pollination success under field investigations and different pollination experiments by estimating the seed set that was seeds determined by seed containing a cell mass. The result shows that there were pollen grains on ants, and ants are pollinator of Mitrastemon. The pollination experiments also show that M. kanehirai Y. Yamamoto depend more on ants for pollination than M. kawasasakii Hayata. However, the average of seed sets shows that winged insects appear to be better pollinator than ants. The seed set at the upper layer of the fruit is the highest, which is significantly different from those at the middle and lower layers(P<0.0001), suggesting there were many ovules not been fertilized during the flowering period due to fewer pollen grains and low pollen vitality. Finally, this study indicates that ant-pollination is not confined to hot and dry habitats or alpine region.
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