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研究生(外文):Yung-Chih Chang
論文名稱(外文):Does Internationalization Improve Firm Performance? -The Moderating Effects of the Firms Bribery and the Host Country Corruption.
外文關鍵詞:internationalizationperformancefirm’s briberyhost country corruptionthe level of the host country development
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母公司的內部環境與地主國的外在環境,讓多國企業在擴展的過程中面臨到許多挑戰。過去的實證研究發現,國際化與績效之間的關係尚無明確的定論,主要原因在於國際化與績效間常受到許多因素干擾,尤其投資地區的政治環境與經濟環境影響甚鉅。政治性活動於廠商國際化的過程中所扮演的角色在過去研究中並未受到重視。因此,本研究透過政治性活動 (廠商賄賂行為與地主國貪腐程度),以及地主國環境 (地主國開發程度) 一同探討國際化是否能為企業提昇績效。

本研究以國際化程度與廠商績效 (包括:母公司績效、創新績效與子公司績效) 之關係為研究主軸,同時探討「廠商賄賂行為」、「地主國貪腐程度」及「地主國開發程度」對廠商績效之影響,以及三項變數對國際化程度與廠商績效關係之干擾效果。本研究資料取自經濟部統計處「製造業對外投資實況調查報告」(2004) 之原始資料,由於本研究同時探討母、子公司績效,故經篩選研究樣本後:分析多國企業時為1,155家廠商;分析子公司時為1,112家,研究方法採用線性階層迴歸與Ordinal Logit模型檢定各變數間之關係與干擾效果。


Being a small-island economy and lacking abundant resources, Taiwan has paid close attention to internationalization. Compare with western MNCs Taiwanese small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lack international experiences, so the capacity to invest abroad directly may be limited. Due to these reasons, internationalization may bring the profit for Taiwanese businesses?
Subject to internal environment of parent company and external environment of the host country, MNCs may encounter a lot of challenges in the process of international expansion. Previous empirical studies reveal that the relationships between internationalization and performance were inconsistent. The main reason may be that this relationship is interfered with many factors, especially the host country’s political and economic environment. However, not too many studies catch the importance of the political activities in the process of internationalization. Hence, this research combines political activities (i.e., the firm’s bribery and the host country corruption) and the environment in the host country (i.e., the level of the host country development) to investigate how internationalization improve MNCs’ performance.
This study focuses on the relationships between internationalization extent and MNCs’ performance (parent company’s performance, innovation performance and subsidiary’s performance), and also explores the role of moderators in terms of firm’s bribery, host country corruption, and the level of the host country development. Empirical samples were taken from 2004 database of Department of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs. They are 1,155 MNCs and 1,112 subsidiarys.
Using hierarchical multiple regression method and ordinal logit for hypothesis testing, the findings show that: 1) internationalization has an U-shape effect on parent company’s financial performance, an inverse U-shape effect on subsidiary’s financial performance, and parent company’s innovation performance. 2) the host country corruption negatively influence parent country’s financial performance. 3) the level of the host country development has positive effect on parent country’s financial and innovation performance. 4) the parent country bribery has a positive effect on parent country innovation performance. 5) when the host country corruption is enhanced, it increases the effect of internationalization on subsidiary’s financial performance. 6) when the level of the host country development is enhanced, it decreases the effect of internationalization on subsidiary’s financial performance.
This study also found that both the host country’s corruption and bribery were also important factors that disrupt social stability. This research points out another view of political activities and use political activities relevant behaviors to make up the gap of resource-based theory and expand the contents of firm’s resources.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 5
第四節 名詞定義與說明 5
第五節 論文章節安排 8
第二章 理論背景與研究假說 9
第一節 國際化的定義與國際化程度衡量指標之探索 10
第二節 廠商績效的定義與衡量 13
第三節 國際化程度與廠商績效之關係 16
第四節 政治性因素與地主國開發程度於國際企業中所扮演的角色 32
第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 資料與樣本 49
第二節 研究變數定義與衡量 49
第三節 研究分析 56
第四章 實證結果與討論 58
第一節 敘述性統計分析 58
第二節 相關分析 63
第三節 單因子變異數分析 66
第四節 實證結果與討論 75
第五章 結論與建議 105
第一節 研究結論 105
第二節 理論貢獻與實務意涵 109
第三節 研究限制 112
第四節 後續研究建議 113
參考文獻 115
附錄一 國際化程度與MNCs財務績效迴歸分析 132
附錄二 國際化程度與SBUs財務績效迴歸分析 133
附錄三 廠商賄賂行為、貪腐程度與開發程度對MNCs財務績效迴歸分析 134
附錄四 廠商賄賂行為、貪腐程度與開發程度對SBUs財務績效迴歸分析 135
附錄五 廠商賄賂行為對MNCs財務績效之交互作用迴歸分析 136
附錄六 地主國貪腐程度對MNCs財務績效之交互作用迴歸分析 137
附錄七 地主國開發程度對MNCs財務績效之交互作用迴歸分析 138
附錄八 廠商賄賂行為對SBUs財務績效之交互作迴歸分析 139
附錄九 地主國貪腐程度對SBUs財務績效之交互作迴歸分析 140
附錄十 地主國開發程度對SBUs財務績效之交互作迴歸分析 141
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