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研究生(外文):Rei-Chu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Quality of Pineapple Vinegar
外文關鍵詞:fruit vinegarpineapple vinegarphysicochemical propertyvolatile compoundssensory qualitynear infrared spectroscopy
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± 20 %範圍,顯示國內市售水果醋普遍有品管不良的現象。依產品包裝標示,35件為果汁釀造產品,29件為果汁混合穀物醋產品;其餘則為果汁加酒精釀造、果汁醋加穀物醋與果汁醋加果汁調配而成。國產水國醋多為果汁混合穀物醋的產品。每100 mL國產醋的之平均單位售價以桑椹醋最高。市售水果醋飲料之酸度約在0.21- 0.66 %之間,進口蘋果醋與葡萄醋的酸度約在5-7 %之間,而國產水果醋之平均酸度在3 %以下。無糖水果醋的總糖量低於3 %,而含糖水果醋之總糖量則差異很大,範圍在8 - 64 %之間;至於市售水果醋飲料,其總糖量約在2.7 - 8.2 %之間。水果醋中有機酸除醋酸外,以蘋果酸、乳酸與檸檬酸為主。不管是水果醋或水果醋飲料,其總多元酚含量皆以桑椹醋最高。水果醋的抗氧化能力分析顯示其清除超氧陰離子能力平均高於70 %,以白葡萄醋與含糖紅葡萄醋最強,平均清除能力在95%左右。清除DPPH自由基能力以桑椹醋與紅葡萄醋的100 %最強,其餘樣品則平均低於70 %。水果醋飲料的抗氧化能力分析顯示桑椹醋飲料的清除DPPH自由基能力可達100 %;多數產品的清除超氧陰離子能力高於50%。
第二部分試驗首先選擇耐酒精與耐醋酸能力較佳的Acetobacter aceti BCRC 14156、A. aceti BCRC 11569、A. aceti 3012、A. aceti BCRC 12324與Acetobacter sp.五株醋酸菌進行醋酸發酵。當鳳梨酒酒精含量高於5.0 % (v/v)時,前三者之發酵率較後二者高。除A. aceti BCRC 12324於pH 4.5之發酵率較低外,此五株醋酸菌於pH 3.5-4.5均顯著高於pH 2.5-3.0者(p<0.05)。以此五株醋酸菌利用含6.0 %酒精之鳳梨酒,在不調整pH下,於30℃進行鳳梨醋發酵,其揮發性成分分析與感官品質分析結果,顯示A. aceti BCRC 14156、A. aceti BCRC 11569與A. aceti BCRC 12324發酵之鳳梨醋所產生之果香味揮發性成分(3-methyl-1-butyl acetate、2-phenylethyl acetate、3-methyl-1-butanol及2-phenylethanol)與水果氣味明顯較另二者為高。基於高發酵率與較佳感官品質,選擇A. aceti BCRC 11569與A. aceti BCRC 14156二株醋酸菌為鳳梨醋發酵之醋酸菌。
以上述所選擇的二株醋酸菌進行鳳梨醋(Pineapple vinegar, PV)發酵,結果顯示發酵自去皮且補糖至26 0Brix鳳梨汁、去皮不補糖鳳梨汁及不去皮不補糖鳳梨汁的三種鳳梨基酒之鳳梨醋(PVA、PVB與PVC)中,以PVC的水果氣味與整體口感最強,PVB其次,PVA明顯最弱。室溫貯藏試驗顯示PVA的水果氣味在一年貯藏中無明顯變化,但整體口感增加。PVB的水果氣味於6-8個月的貯藏期間無明顯改變,當貯藏時間延長為一年時,其水果氣味明顯減弱,但整體口感增強。PVC的水果氣味與整體口感於室溫貯藏八個月後均明顯減弱。冷凍或冷藏處理對長時間貯藏的鳳梨醋可緩和其水果氣味之減弱。
PVA發酵前添加硫酸銨、L-proline、L-aspartic acid、peptone與yeast extract等營養因子可提高鳳梨醋的最終酸度,添加硫酸銨同時具有縮短鳳梨醋發酵時間的效果。添加L-aspartic acid會增加PVA具花果香的揮發性成分與水果氣味,但PVB與PVC則否。
由於第一部分試驗顯示市售水果醋產品普遍有品管不良的現象,故第三部分試驗擬建立近紅外線光譜(NIRS)的檢量線,作為快速檢驗工具,或用於鳳梨醋發酵之品質監測,以產製品質穩定之產品。NIRS所建立91件市售食用醋之物化性質的檢量線中,以可溶性固形物、比重、總糖、Hunter L、醋酸與酸度六者之預測能力最佳,其解釋能力(R2)分別為0.997、0.995、0.971、0.963、0.944與0.910,且RPD值介於15.88-3.01之間。以10件未知市售食用醋樣品代入上述檢量線,以成對 Student’s t-test檢測,結果顯示其NIRS預測值與實測值二者之間無顯著差異存在;另從鳳梨果汁、果汁發酵至鳳梨酒之中間產物、鳳梨酒、鳳梨酒發酵至鳳梨醋之中間產物及鳳梨醋等五個階段共隨機取120件樣品。以NIRS建立其可溶性固形物、總糖、酒精濃度、酸度與醋酸濃度五條檢量線,其解釋能力(R2)分別為0.975、0.951、0.972、0.983與0.948,且RPD值分別為5.93、5.47、5.25、4.50與3.20。另取10件鳳梨酒與鳳梨醋發酵中間樣品或成品以上述檢量線進行預測,結果顯示NIRS預測值與實測值之間無顯著差異存在。故知NIRS確實具有快速分析市售食用醋產品的物化性質與監測鳳梨酒與鳳梨醋發酵變化之能力。
This research inspected the fruit vinegar products acquired from local commercial market for their label content, price, physicochemical properties and antioxidant ability to understand the production methods and the quality of fruit vinegar in the first part. The second part was to select the suitable acetic acid bacteria for fermenting pineapple vinegar. Then the influence of different pineapple base wine, storage and nutrition addition for the quality of pineapple vinegar was investigated to brew high quality pineapple vinegar. The last part was to examine the feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a rapid method to determine simultaneously physicochemical properties of edible vinegar products, or to monitor the changes of pineapple vinegar fermentation.
Two out of 66 fruit vinegar (FV) and 10 fruit vinegar beverage (FVB) samples were with no label, and 37 samples were with labeled nutrient contents. Total sugar contents in 21 samples were more than 20% exceeding the amount shown on the labels. This implied that fruit vinegar quality was not under adequate control. According to the label of the fruit vinegar samples, 35 samples were produced from juice by alcoholic and vinegar fermentation and 29 samples were made from juice mixed with grain vinegar (JG). The remaining samples were brewed from juice and alcohol, or made from fruit vinegar mixed grain vinegar or juice. Most of domestic products were made from JG. The average price of mulberry vinegar per 100 mL was the highest among all the domestic fruit vinegar samples. The acidity of imported cider and wine vinegar was about 5-7 %, the average acidity was less than 3% for the domestic FV, and the acidity of FVB was about 0.21-0.66%. The total sugars content of FV without sugar added was less than 3 %, while the variation of those with sugar added was ranged from 8 to 64 %, and the one for FVB was in the range between 2.7 to 8.2%. Besides the acetic acid, the major organic acids of the fruit vinegar were malic, lactic and critic acids. No matter FV or FVB, mulberry vinegar was highest in total polyphenols. The analysis of antioxidant ability in FV showed the average scavenging effect on superoxide anion was higher than 70%, and the white and sugar-added red wine vinegar were the strongest one with the average ability of 95%. The scavenging effect of the mulberry and red wine vinegar on DPPH radical was 100%, while that of other vinegar was below 70%. The analysis of antioxidant ability in FVB showed the scavenging effect of the mulberry vinegar on DPPH radical was 100%, and most other ones was higher than 50%.
Acetobacter aceti BCRC 14156, A. aceti BCRC 11569, A. aceti 3012, A. aceti BCRC 12324 and Acetobacter sp. which were with high alcohol and acid tolerance were selected to brew pineapple vinegar (PV). With alcohol content of pineapple wine above 5.0 % (v/v), the fermentation efficiency (FE) of the former three acetic acid bacteria (AAB) were higher than that of the last two. Except FE at pH 4.5 for A. aceti BCRC 12324 were slightly lower, the FE of pH 3.0-4.5 were significantly higher than those of pH 2.5 and 3.0 for these five AAB (p<0.05). Using these five AAB to ferment pineapple wine with 6.0 % alcohol content at 30℃, the vinegar samples brewed by A. aceti BCRC 14156, A. aceti BCRC 11569 and A. aceti BCRC 12324 were higher in the volatile compounds with floral or fruity, such as 3-methyl-1-butyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl acetate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-phenylethanol, and fruity odor than the other two. Not only higher FE, but also better sensory quality, A. aceti BCRC 11569 and A. aceti BCRC 14156 were more suitable than other AAB for PV fermentation.
The former selected AAB were used as the starter of three PV samples (PVA, PVB and PVC) which were brewed from three pineapple base wines fermented from sucrose added to 26 0Brix pineapple juice (PJ), PJ and PJ with skin. The sensory evaluation showed that PVC was strongest in fruity odor and overall mouth-feel, PVB was next, and PVA was weakest. The fruity odor of PVA was not significantly changed but overall mouth-feel was significantly increased during one year room temperature storage. There was no significant difference in sensory quality of PVB before six months storage, and fruity odor of PVB was significantly decreasing after one year storage. PVC was significantly decreased in fruity odor and overall mouth-feel after 8 months room temperature storage. Low temperature storage could slow down the decrease of fruity odor.
The final acidity of PVA brewed by A. aceti BCRC 11569 and A. aceti BCRC 14156 were significant raised by added nutrition factors, such as ammonium sulfate, peptone, L-proline, L-aspartic acid and yeast extract before vinegar fermentation. The first one could also shorten the time of PV fermentation. The addition of L-aspartic acid could increase contents of volatile compounds with floral and fruity, and fruity odor for PVA, but the ones of PVB and PVC were not changed.
For the first part of this study showed that the fruit vinegar quality was not under adequate control, the last part was to examine the feasibility of NIRS as a rapid method to determine physicochemical property of edible vinegar products, or to monitor the changes of pineapple vinegar fermentation. Using 91 edible vinegar samples in market to establish calibration models of NIRS, and the results showed high explaining ability (R2) in soluble solids, specific gravity, total sugars, Hunter L, acetic acid and acidity which were 0.997, 0.995, 0.971, 0.963, 0.944 and 0.910, respectively. And their RPD were in the range from 3.01 to 15.88. These six calibration models were verified by 10 unknown edible vinegar samples in market and there was no significant difference between the NIRS predicted and experimental values using the paired Student’s t-test. Using 120 samples random selected form pineapple juice, the fermentation intermediate and product of pineapple wine and vinegar to establish calibration models of NIRS, and the results showed high explaining ability (R2) which were 0.975, 0.951, 0.972, 0.983 and 0.948 for soluble solids, total sugars, ethanol, acidity and acetic acid, respectively. And RPD of these five calibration models were 5.93, 5.47, 5.25, 4.50 and 3.20, respectively. These five calibration models were verified by unknown set of 10 samples and there was no significant difference between the NIRS predicted and experimental values using the paired Student’s t-test. This indicated that NIRS is feasible to predict these important quality items of edible vinegar or to monitor the changes of the fermentation of pineapple vinegar.
中文摘要……………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要……………………………………………………………… iii
目次……………………………………………………………………. vi
圖次…………………………………………………………………… xiv
表次…………………………………………………………………… xvi

第一章 緒論………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 前言……………………………………………………… 1
第二節 文獻整理………………………………………………… 2
一、醋的相關研究……………………………………………… 2
(一) 醋的源起………………………………………………… 2
(二) 國內與國外對醋的相關規範…………………………… 2
1. 國內部分………………………………………………… 2
2. 國外規範………………………………………………… 3
3. 國內與FAO/WHO 對食用醋規定之比較…………….. 6
(三) 釀造食醋與合成食醋之分辨…………………………… 7
(四) 全球食用醋的生產概況.................................................... 7
(五) 醋酸菌與菌株之分離與培養…………………………… 11
(六) 醋的生產方式…………………………………………… 15
1. 靜置表面發酵法………………………………………… 15
2. 速釀法…………………………………………………… 16
3. 通氣攪拌法……………………………………………… 16
(七) 影響食醋品質因子……………………………………… 16
1. 釀造方法………………………………………………… 16
2. 醋酸菌菌株……………………………………………… 16
3. 發酵之基底酒(base wine)品質………………………. 16
4. 熟成時間(aging time)……………………..………….. 17
5. 營養促進因子……………………………………………. 17
6. 氧氣存在…………………………………………………. 18
7. 發酵溫度…………………………………………………. 19
(八) 醋酸菌之耐酸機制………………………………………. 19
(九) 醋的保健功能……………………………………………. 19
1. 抗菌性……………………………………………………. 19
2. 鹼性食品…………………………………………………. 20
3. 降血壓…………………………………………………… 20
4. 降血糖…………………………………………………… 20
5. 抑制油脂過氧化反應…………………………………… 20
6. 恢復疲勞………………………………………………… 20
7. 促進腸管鈣之吸收……………………………………… 21
8. 改善過敏………………………………………………… 21
9. 防止結腸癌的生成……..……………………………….. 21
(十) 台灣食醋產品的現況…………………………………… 21
(十一)、水果醋發展潛力…………………………………….. 22
二、近紅外線光譜技術....………………………………………. 22
(一) 近紅外線光譜的定義…………………………………… 22
(二) 近紅外線光譜的原理…………………………………… 22
(三) 近紅外線光譜檢量線的製備與選擇…………………… 23
(四) 近紅外線光譜分析之優點及特性……………………… 26
(五) 近紅外線光譜技術的發展……………………………… 26
三、台灣的鳳梨產業…………………………………………… 28
第三節 本論文之研究目的……………………………………….. 30

第二章 市售水果醋之品質調查…………………………………… 33
第一節 前言………………………………………………………. 33
第二節 材料與方法………………………………………………. 34
一、試驗材料……………………………………………………. 34
二、分析方法……………………………………………………. 34
(一) 比重……………………………………………………… 34
(二) 色澤測定………………………………………………… 34
(三) pH值……………………………………………………. 34
(四) 酸度……………………………………………………… 34
(五) 可溶性固形物…………………………………………… 34
(六) 總糖量測定……………………………………………… 34
(七) 總多元酚………………………………………………… 34
(八) 清除超氧陰離子自由基能力之測定…………………… 35
(九) 清除1, 1-二苯基-2-苦味肼基團能力之測定…………… 35
(十) 螯合亞鐵離子能力之測定……………………………… 35
(十一) 有機酸分析…………………………………………… 36
(十二) 無機鹽類分析………………………………………… 36
三、統計分析…………………………………………………… 36
第三節 結果與討論………………………………………………. 37
一市售水果醋的品質調查…………………………………….... 37
(一) 市售水果醋之標示、分類與單價……………………… 37
(二) 市售水果醋之物化分析………………………………… 40
1. 梅子醋…………………………………………………… 40
2. 蘋果醋…………………………………………………… 42
3. 桑椹醋…………………………………………………… 44
4. 檸檬醋…………………………………………………… 46
5. 葡萄醋…………………………………………………… 46
6. 綜合水果醋……………………………………………… 48
7. 其他水果醋……………………………………………… 48
8. 結語……………………………………………………… 50
(三) 市售濃縮水果醋之無機金屬離子含量分析…………… 50
(四) 市售水果醋之總多元酚與抗氧化能力分析…………… 57
1. 梅子醋…………………………………………………… 57
2. 蘋果醋…………………………………………………… 57
3. 桑椹醋…………………………………………………… 57
4. 檸檬醋…………………………………………………… 61
5. 葡萄醋…………………………………………………… 61
6. 綜合水果醋及其他水果………………………………… 63
7 不同價位水果醋抗氧化能力的比較……………………. 63
8. 結語……………………………………………………… 66
二、市售水果醋飲料之品質調查……………………………… 66
(一) 市售水果醋飲料之標示、分類與單價………………… 66
(二) 市售水果醋飲料之物化分析…………………………… 66
(三) 市售水果醋飲料之無機金屬離子含量分析…………… 72
(四) 市售水果醋飲料之總多元酚與抗氧化能力分析……… 72
(五) 結語……………………………………………………… 75
第四節 結論………………………………………………………. 76

第三章、鳳梨醋品質影響因子之探討………………………………. 78
第一節 前言………………………………………………………. 78
第二節 材料與方法………………………………………………. 79
一、 試驗材料…………………………………………………... 79
(一) 鳳梨汁…………………………………………………… 79
(二) 酵母菌菌株……………………………………………… 79
(三) 醋酸菌菌株……………………………………………… 79
(四) 培養基…………………………………………………. 79
1. 酵母菌用培養基……………………………………….. 79
2. 醋酸菌用培養基…………………………………………. 80
二、 試驗設計…………………………………………………… 80
(一) 鳳梨酒之發酵……………………………………………. 80
1. 酵母菌菌酛培養………………………………………… 80
2. 三種不同處理之鳳梨基酒……………………………… 80
(二) 醋酸菌之馴化試驗………………………………………. 83
(三) 鳳梨醋發酵條件之建立與醋酸菌之選擇………………. 83
1. 醋酸菌菌酉元培養…………………………………………. 83
2. 鳳梨醋發酵………………………………………………. 83
3. 選擇適合鳳梨醋發酵之醋酸菌…………………………. 84
(四) 不同鳳梨基酒對鳳梨醋品質之影響……………………. 84
(五) 貯藏時間之影響…………………………………………. 85
(六) 混合菌株對鳳梨醋發酵之影響…………………………. 85
(七) 添加營養因子對鳳梨醋發酵之影響……………………. 85
1. 發酵促進因子之選擇……………………………………. 86
2. 發酵促進因子之添加濃度的選擇………………………. 86
3. 添加營養因子對鳳梨醋品質之影響……………………. 86
(八) 市售鳳梨醋品質分析…………………………………….. 86
三、 分析方法……………………………………………………. 87
(一) 總菌數分析……………………………………………….. 87
(二) 物化分析………………………………………………….. 87
1. 色澤測定………………………………………………….. 87
2. pH值……………………………………………………... 87
3. 酸度……………………………………………………….. 87
4. 可溶性固形物…………………………………………….. 87
5. 無鹽可溶性固形物……………………………………….. 87
6. 總糖量與還原糖………………………………………….. 87
7. 灰分……………………………………………………….. 88
8. 總多元酚………………………………………………….. 88
9. 有機酸分析……………………………………………….. 88
10. 乙醇濃度之測定 …….….……………………………… 88
(三) 固相微萃取法萃取、分析與鑑定鳳梨醋之揮發性成分 89
1. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之萃取……………………………….. 89
2. SPME探針纖維薄膜的選擇……………………………. 89
3. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之萃取條件之探討…………………... 89
4. 氣相層析儀之分析條件…………………….…………….... 91
5. 氣相質譜儀分析條件…………………………….……….. 91
6. 揮發性化合物濃度計算………………………….……….. 92
(四) 感官分析………………………………………….……….. 92
1. 鳳梨醋之感官品質分析………………………….………. 92
(1). 試驗分析型品評試驗……………………….……… 92
(2). 風味描述分析……………………………….……….. 92
2. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之氣味特徵鑑別試驗……….………. 94
3. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之閾值試驗………………….………. 94
(五) 統計分析………………………………………….………. 94
第三節 結果與討論…………………………………….………….. 96
一、鳳梨醋發酵條件之建立與醋酸菌之選擇……….…….……. 96
(一) 不同發酵條件對醋酸菌產酸能力之影響……………….. 96
1. 醋酸菌之馴化試驗……………………………………….. 96
2. 酒精濃度的影響………………………………………….. 96
3. pH之影響…………………………………………………. 99
4. 溫度之影響……………………………………………….. 101
(二) 不同醋酸菌發酵對鳳梨醋品質之影響………………….. 101
1. 鳳梨汁與鳳梨酒之基本物化分析…………… ……….. 101
2. 鳳梨醋之基本物化分析………………………… …….. 101
(1) PVA…………………………………………………… 101
(2) PVB..……………………………………..………….. .. 104
3. 鳳梨醋上部揮發性成分之分析……………….…… ….... 107
(1) 鳳梨醋上部揮發性成分萃取條件的探討…………… 107
a. 探針纖維薄膜種類之決定……………………….... 107
b. 不同萃取條件對揮發性成分萃取之影響……….…. 107
c. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之鑑定……….…………………. 107
d. 鳳梨醋揮發性成分之氣味特徵…………………….. 119
e. 揮發性成分與感官品質之相關分析……..…………. 121
(2) PVA之揮發性成分分析…..……………………….… 121
(3) PVB之揮發性成分分析………………………………. 126
4. 感官品質分析………………………………………….…. 128
(1) 品評員的再現性與一致性探討……………………… 128
(2) PVA…………………………………..….……………. 130
(3) PVB…………………………………… .. ……………. 130
(三) 結語………………………………………………….……. 133
二、不同鳳梨基酒對鳳梨醋品質之影響……………………….. 134
(一) 發酵前後鳳梨酒與鳳梨醋之物化成分變化…………….. 134
(二) 發酵自不同鳳梨基酒之鳳梨醋揮發性成分的分析結果.. 136
(三) 發酵自不同鳳梨基酒之鳳梨醋的感官品質分析……….. 138
(四) 結語……………………………………………………… 140
三、貯藏對鳳梨醋品質之影響………………………………….. 141
(一) 室溫與冷凍貯存對鳳梨醋品質之影響………………….. 141
1. 物化分析………….……………………………………..... 141
2. 揮發性成分之變化.………………………………………. 141
3. 感官品質之變化….………………………………………. 145
4. 結語……………….…………………………………….… 147
(二) 不同鳳梨基酒所發酵之鳳梨醋於貯藏過程之變化…….. 147
1. 物化分析……………………..…………………………… 147
2. 揮發性成分之變化…………….…………………………. 147
3. 感官品質之變化……….……….………………………… 151
4. 討論…………………………….………….……………… 151
(三) 冷藏處理對鳳梨醋感官品質之影響…………………….. 153
1. 物化分析…………………………… ……..……….…..... 153
2. 揮發性成分之變化………………………………………. 153
3. 感官品質之變化…………………………………………. 156
(四) 結論………………………………………………………. 156
四、不同醋酸菌比例對鳳梨醋品質之影響…………………….. 159
(一) 物化分析………………………………………………….. 159
(二) 揮發性成分分析………………………………………….. 159
(三) 感官分析………………………………………………….. 162
(四) 討論……………………………………………………….. 162
五、不同營養因子之添加對鳳梨醋發酵之影響……………….. 164
(一) 發酵促進因子之選擇……….……………………………. 164
(二) 添加不同濃度營養因子對鳳梨醋發酵之影響…….……. 172
1. 不同濃度葡萄糖之影響…..…………………………….. 172
2. 不同濃度硫酸銨之影響…………….……….………….. 172
3. 不同濃度L-phenylalanine之影響…..….………………. 174
4. 不同濃度L-proline之影響……………………………… 176
5. 不同濃度L-aspartic acid之影響………………………… 176
6. 不同濃度peptone之影響………………………………… 176
7. 不同濃度yeast extract之影響…………………………… 179
(三) 不同營養促進因子對鳳梨醋品質之影響…..……………. 181
1. 發酵過程中之酸度變化…….……………………………. 181
2. 鳳梨醋成品之基本物化分析……………………….……. 183
3. 鳳梨醋成品之揮發性成分分析…………………………. 185
4. 鳳梨醋成品之感官品質分析……………………………. 188
5. 結語………………………………………………………. 191
(四) 添加L-aspartic acid對鳳梨醋品質之影響…….……….. 192
1. 鳳梨醋之物化分析…………..………………….……….. 192
2. 揮發性成分分析…..…………………………………….. 192
3. 感官品質之分析………………………………..……….. 195
4. 結語…..………………………………………………….. 195
六、市售鳳梨醋之品質分析……………………………………. 197
(一) 物化成分分析……………………………………………. 197
(二) 感官品質分析……………………………………………. 200
(三) 結語………………………………………………………. 204
第四節 結論……………………………………………………….. 205

第四章 近紅外線光譜技術在食用醋物化定量與監測鳳梨醋發
酵之應用…………………………………………………….. 207
第一節 前言………………………………………………………... 208
第二節 材料與方法 ………………………………………………. 208
一、材料…………………………………………………………. 208
(一) 市售食用醋產品………………………………………… 208
(二) 發酵過程中鳳梨酒與鳳梨醋樣品……………….………. 208
二、物化分析……………………………………………….……. 208
(一) 比重……………………………………………………… 208
(二) 色澤測定………………………………………………… 208
(三) pH值……………………………………………………. 208
(四) 酸度……………………………………………………… 208
(五) 可溶性固形物…………………………………………… 208
(六) 總糖量測定……………………………………………… 211
(七) 總多元酚………………………………………………… 211
(八) 有機酸分析……………………………………………… 211
(九) 酒精濃度………………………………………………… 211
三、近紅外線光譜儀之分析…………………………………… 212
(一) 近紅外線光譜掃瞄……………………………………… 212
(二) 檢量線的製備…………………………………………… 212
(三) 利用確認組檢測實測值與NIRS預測值二者之相關係. 213
(四) 以未知組再確認檢量線的預測能力…………………….. 213
四、統計分析………………………………………………….….. 213
第三節 結果與討論………………………………………………... 214
一、近紅外線光譜技術在市售食用醋產品物化分析之應用…... 214
(一) 市售食醋產品的NIRS光譜…………………………….. 214
(二) 檢量線組與預測組樣品的選取…………………………... 214
(三) 檢量線之製作……………………………………………… 214
(四) 檢量線之確認試驗………………………………………… 218
(五) 檢量線之再確認試驗……………………………………… 224
二、以近紅外線光譜技術監測鳳梨醋發酵過程之變化………… 226
(一) 未知組、檢量線組與確認組樣品的選取………………… 226
(二) 建立鳳梨酒與鳳梨醋各物化分析值之檢量線…………… 226
(三) 檢量線之確認試驗………………………………………... 230
(四) 檢量線之再確認試驗……………………………………... 230
第四節 結 論……………………………………………………… 234
第五章 總結…………………………………………………………… 235
參考文獻………………………………………………………………… 238
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