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研究生(外文):Yi-Ming Tai
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of production of astaxanthin and fructooligosaccharides by yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous
中文關鍵詞:Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous寡果糖蝦紅素
外文關鍵詞:Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhousfructooligosaccharidesastaxanthin
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高蝦紅素產量變異株Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous NCHU-FS601之總胡蘿蔔素為1,128μg-1 yeast,較X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346之286μ g g-1 yeast高出4倍。此二菌株於含有蔗糖之培養基中皆能合成蝦紅素及寡果糖,其寡果糖之主要成分為neokestose。於三角瓶規模中,在含200 g L -1蔗糖培養基,X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346與X. dendrorhous NCHU-FS601之最高寡果糖產量達128.60 g L-1及53.00 g L-1。而於含400 g L -1蔗糖培養基中,其產量分別為296.40 g L-1及102.90 g L-1。於小型發酵槽中,X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346在含200 g L -1蔗糖培養基及含400 g L -1蔗糖培養基中,最高產量亦可分別達127.78 g L-1及295.02 g L-1,最高產能為15.97 g L-1 h-1及19.67 g L-1 h-1。其最高產能皆較三角瓶規模高。
Astaxanthin, one kind of carotenoids, has been used as a pigment source in the poultry and aquaculture industries to improve the red color of products. Due to the color and antioxidative activity, astaxanthin can also be used as food colorant and antioxidant in medicine. In Japan, astaxanthin had been produced as anticancer agents.
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are widely found in natural plants and are also synthesized from sucrose by transfructosylation of microbial β-fructofuranosidase or fructosyltransferase. They are not only beneficial to food process but also non-digestible by human enzyme. FOS can stimulate the beneficial bacteria and Bifidobacterium in intestines, thus to improve the health of human and animal.
The total carotenoid content of X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346 and the high-astaxanthin producing mutant mutant NCHU-FS601 were 286 and 1,128μ g g-1 yeast, respectively. Both strains had the ability for co-production of astaxanthin and fructooligosaccharides which neokestose was the major fructooligosaccharide. In flask, the maximum volumetric of total FOS from sucrose of fermentation in yeast malt (YM) medium with 200 g L-1 sucrose by X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346 and X. dendrorhous NCHU-FS601 were 128.60 g L-1 and 53.00 g L-1, respectively. In YM medium with 400 g L -1 sucrose, the maximum volumetric of total FOS produced by X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346 and X. dendrorhous NCHU-FS601 were 296.40 g L-1 and 102.90 g L-1, respectively. In 1.5 L fermenter, the maximum volumetric of total FOS produced by X. dendrorhous BCRC-21346 in YM medium with 200 g L-1 sucrose and 400 g L-1 sucrose were 127.78 g L-1及295.02 g L-1. The maximum productivity in the same condition in fermenter were 15.97 g L-1 h-1及19.67 g L-1 h-1, which higher than in flask.
目錄 І
圖次 III
表次 IV
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻整理 2
一、Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous簡介 2
(一) X. dendrorhous之特性 2
(二) X. dendrorhous之型態及生理特性 2
二、蝦紅素(astaxanthin) 3
(一) 蝦紅素之來源 5
(二)蝦紅素之萃取 6
(三)不同基質之培養 7
(四)培養條件的探討 9
(五)蝦紅素生產菌株之改良 10
(六)蝦紅素的應用及發展 10
二、寡果糖(fructooligosaccharides) 13
(一)寡糖類(oligosaccharides) 13
(二)寡果糖 14
参、材料與方法 26
一、材料 26
(一)試驗菌株 26
(二)試驗藥品 26
二、儀器設備 27
三、實驗方法 28
(一)菌種之保存及活化: 28
(二)基礎培養條件: 28
(三)三角瓶規模生長及生產寡果糖 28
(四)小型發酵槽生產寡果糖 29
(五) 鹽類對菌體之蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 29
(六) pH對菌體之蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 29
(七)菌量對蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 29
(八)分析方法: 30
肆、結果與討論 32
一、原始菌株與變異株蝦紅素產量之差異 32
二、X. dendrorhous生成寡果糖之組成分析 32
三、三角瓶規模生產蝦紅素及寡果糖 34
四、小型發酵槽生產寡果糖之試驗 41
五、X. dendrorhous BCRC 21346菌體之菌量與理化特性對蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 46
(一) X. dendrorhous菌量對蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 46
(二)鹽類對菌體之蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 46
(三)pH對菌體之蔗糖水解及果糖基轉移能力之影響 46
(四) 溫度對菌體之相對寡果糖生成量之影響 47
伍、結論 52
六、未來展望 54
七、參考文獻 55
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