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研究生(外文):Yu-Tse Liu
論文名稱(外文):The study of functional characteristics for silkie fowl and broiler blood with different drying methods
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Silkie fowlBlood mealPeptideAntioxidantAnti-hypertension
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本研究利用白肉雞與烏骨雞屠宰場之副產物-雞血液為原料,分別使用冷凍乾燥與熱風乾燥(50℃)製成血粉樣品,進而分析其一般組成、製成率、胺基酸含量與胜肽含量、血管收縮素轉換酶(Angiotensin I converting enzyme, ACE)抑制能力、及抗氧化方面之DPPH自由基清除能力、清除超氧陰離子能力、還原力、螯合亞鐵離子能力與抑制脂質過氧化能力等,並將in vitro試驗結果較佳之血粉樣品進行in vivo之動物試驗,評估其在體內之抗高血壓效果,探討血液開發為機能性保健食品之可行性。
結果顯示:白肉雞與烏骨雞之血液及利用熱風乾燥與冷凍乾燥將其製成之血粉在一般組成份沒有顯著差異(p>0.05)。而血粉之製成率約為13%,銅、鋅與鐵之含量以烏骨雞的血粉比白肉雞血粉顯著較高(p<0.05)。貯藏試驗發現血粉之脂質氧化程度在一週內沒有顯著差異(p>0.05),欲提高血液相關產品的貯藏特性與品質,有賴未來在集血方式之改進。血粉有很高的蛋白質含量(83%)與平衡的胺基酸組成,其中以Asp(9.2%)、Glu(11.1%)、Leu(11.2%)、Lys(9%)含量較高,而胺基酸含量在各處理組間沒有顯著差異(p>0.05)。胜肽含量(M.W.<6kDa)以烏骨雞血粉顯著較白肉雞血粉高(p<0.05),其中以烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉最多(7.39 mg/10mg blood meal),此結果與烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉有最佳之血管收縮素轉換酶(ACE)抑制活性(38.91%)相符合。血粉在抗氧化效果方面以還原力與亞鐵離子螯合能力效果較佳,烏骨雞冷凍乾燥的血粉有最佳的效果;血粉清除DPPH自由基之能力很差,經熱風乾燥處理之血粉清除超氧陰離子之能力比冷凍乾燥血粉顯著較高(p<0.05);而血粉抑制脂質過氧化能力介在63.9%至70.2%,其中以烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉效果最佳(p<0.05)。將in vitro試驗結果最好的烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉進行in vivo之動物試驗,結果發現烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉餵予原發性高血壓鼠(SHR)可以顯著降低其血壓(p<0.05)達4小時,經8週長期試驗發現高血壓鼠之高血壓症狀有顯著改善(100 mg/kg bw/day)(p<0.05),且效果與市售抗高血壓藥物Captopril(1.5 mg/kg bw/day)間沒有顯著差異,而血粉與Captopril對正常鼠之血壓均沒有影響。在心臟機能方面,血粉樣品與Captopril均不會影響高血壓鼠之心跳速率,兩者除了可顯著改善高血壓鼠心臟肥大之現象,亦可顯著降低心臟冠狀動脈分支血管壁增生增厚之情形,且在大鼠之心、肺、肝與腎等器官沒有發現任何組織病變之情形。
This study investigate the functional characteristics of silkie fowl and broiler blood meal by different drying methods. Chicken blood were gathered from industrial slaughter house and then dried by lyophilization or air dryer (50℃). Proximate composition, yield percentage, amino acid composition, peptide content, activity of ACE inhibitory, scavenging effects on DPPH radical and superoxide anion, reducing power, ferrous ion chelating and inhibition of lipid peroxidation were carried out in various blood meals. The results showed that there was no significant difference in proximate composition (p>0.05). The yield percentage of blood meal was about 13%, and the contents of Cu, Zn and Fe in blood meal from silkie fowl were higher than those in broiler (p<0.05). No significant difference was observed in TBA value after all blood meals were stored for a week. High amount about 83% crude protein and balanced composition of amino acid were found in all blood meals. In addition the Asp (9.2%), Glu (11.1%), Leu (11.2%) and Lys (9%) were higher than others. Peptide content (M.W.<6kDa) of blood meal form silkie fowl was higher than those from broiler (p<0.05), especially the lyophilization blood meal of silkie fowl was the highest (7.39 mg/10 mg blood meal), as well as the result for ACE inhibit activity, the lyophilization blood of silkie fowl was the highest one (38.91%). According to the results of antioxidative activity, the lyophilization from silkie fowl had the best activity in reducing power and ferrous ion chelating power (92.19%), while poor on DPPH radical. However the scavenging effects on superoxide anion for blood meal from air dried was higher than those from lyophilization (p<0.05). Moreover, inhibition of lipid peroxidation were about 63.9-70.2%, and the lyophilization from silkie fowl exhibited the best activity (p<0.05).
The blood meal of lyophilization from silkie fowl were selected as oral substrates and fed 100mg/kg body weight to Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertension rat (SHR) to evaluate it’s antihypertensive ability. The result showed that a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) of SHR after feeding for 4 hours reached to 8 hours. After feeding for 8 weeks, the symptom of hypertension was improved (100 mg/kg bw/day)(p<0.05), and the ability for antihypertensive was no significant difference (p>0.05) with Captopril (1.5 mg/kg bw/day). Both blood meal of lyophilization from silkie fowl and Captopril have no influence on rate of heartbeat, but can improved the hypertrophy of heart and decreased the proliferation of coronary artery from SHR. Furthermore, no tissue pathological lesion in such organs as the heart, lung, liver and kidney of the WKY and SHR were found.
一、中文摘要 V
二、Abstract VΙI
第二章、前言 ΙX
一、烏骨雞概論 1
二、血液利用 4
(一)、血液之成分與利用 4
(二)、血粉介紹 7
(三)、凍乾法製造血粉 9
三、高血壓 13
(一)、高血壓之概況、定義與類型 13
1.高血壓之概況 13
2.高血壓之定義 15
3.高血壓之分類 16
(二)、高血壓之治療藥物 17
(三)、具血管收縮素轉換酶抑制活性之胜肽 21
四、抗氧化 25
(一)、自由基與活性氧 25
(二)、氧化傷害與疾病 28
(三)、抗氧化作用 30
1.酵素型抗氧化系統 30
2.非酵素型抗氧化系統 31
3.抗氧化劑 33

一、摘要 38
二、材料與方法 39
三、結果與討論 45
(一)、血液一般化學組成分析 45
(二)、血粉製成率之比較 48
(三)、血粉之色澤(L, a, b) 49
(四)、血粉之微量金屬元素分析-銅、鋅與鐵含量 52
(五)、血粉之貯藏試驗 54
1.總生菌數 54
2.2-硫巴比妥酸(TBA)值 56
四、結論 58

活性分析 59
一、摘要 60
二、材料與方法 61
三、結果與討論 68
(一)、血粉之胺基酸組成分析 68
(二)、血粉之胜肽含量測定 70
(三)、血管收縮素轉換酶(ACE)抑制活性分析 72
(四)、血粉之SDS-PAGE蛋白質電泳分析 74
四、結論 76

第六章、不同乾燥方式製成商用烏骨雞與白肉雞血粉之抗氧化特性 77
一、摘要 78
二、材料與方法 79
三、結果與討論 83
(一)、清除DPPH自由基能力 83
(二)、清除超氧陰離子能力 85
(三)、還原力 87
(四)、螯合亞鐵離子能力 89
(五)、抑制脂質過氧化能力 91
四、結論 93

第七章、烏骨雞冷凍乾燥血粉於in vivo試驗中抗高血壓效果之評估 94
一、摘要 95
二、材料與方法 96
三、結果與討論 103
(一)、立即性抗高血壓效果之測定 103
(二)、長期性抗高血壓效果之測定 106
(三)、試驗期間採食量與飲水量之變化 111
(四)、試驗期間心跳變化 111
(五)、體增重、心臟重與心臟/體重比 115
(六)、組織器官之外觀觀察 117
(七)、組織切片檢查 122
四、結論 130

第八章、論文結論 131
第九章、參考文獻 133
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