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研究生(外文):Jing-Wang Yu
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on the Deviations Balance of Coal Powder Flow in Thermal Power Plants
外文關鍵詞:flow balancecoalpower plant
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The effective control mode of the coal flow rate inside the coal pipes of the coal-fired power station is investigated in this paper. With the purpose of increasing the burning efficiency of the boiler and also lowering the pollutant emissions of flue gas to the environmental atmosphere, the coal flow rates on every coal pipes are measured and adjusted by an orifice type restrictor such that the coal flow deviations of the coal pipes are reduced to a minimum. The coal flow distribution tests are performed using the microwave-based coal flow measurement system. The boiler No. 2 at the Taichung Thermal Power Station was selected to test the flow balancing of the pipe-to-pipe coal flow distributions of the pulverizer.
The experimental results show that as the speed of the rotating dynamic classifier increases, the finer grain size of the powdered coal will be obtained. The small deviation of the coal flow rate is attained due to the percentage increase of the coal powder toward the small grain size distribution. The deviation of the coal flow rate will exceed the upper limit of the target value, if the speed of the rotating dynamic classifier is lowered to 75 rpm. The increasing air flow for the case of higher air/coal ratio helps the transport of large coal particles, and the better balance of the coal flow rate is achieved. It is noted that the coal thermal properties and the coal grain characteristics from different mining area affect rarely the balance of coal flow rates.
中文摘要………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要………………………………………………………… ii
誌謝……………………………………………………………… iii
目次……………………………………………………………… vi
表目次…………………………………………………………… vii
圖目次…………………………………………………………… ix
符號索引………………………………………………………… x
第一章 緒論
1.1前言……………………………………………………… 1
1.2文獻回顧………………………………………………… 1
1.3研究動機………………………………………………… 5
第二章 粉煤管流量平衡理論
2.1粉煤系統結構及規範…………………………………… 6
2.1.1粉煤機設備描述……………………………………… 10
2.2髒空氣流速測量………………………………………… 12
2.3粉煤細度取樣…………………………………………… 14
2.4微波測量粉煤管流量偏差……………………………… 17
2.5修正粉煤管流量偏差…………………………………… 21
2.6流量偏差分析…………………………………………… 22
2.6.1一次空氣量與粉煤量比例改變分析………………… 22
2.6.2動態分煤器轉速改變分析…………………………… 23
2.6.3煤質改變分析………………………………………… 23

第三章 系統操作與測試
3.1粉煤管流量偏差測試設備……………………………… 24
3.2粉煤管流量偏差測試…………………………………… 27
3.3修正流量偏差縮流孔尺寸計算………………………… 27
3.4平衡粉煤管流量偏差結果……………………………… 29
3.5粉煤管流量分佈及平衡………………………………… 31
3.6髒空氣流速測試………………………………………… 35
3.7髒空氣流速測試結果…………………………………… 39
第四章 粉煤流量偏差測試結果影響分析
4.1一次空氣量對粉煤流量比例推導……………………… 41
4.2動態分煤器轉速關係…………………………………… 42
4.3煤質改變分析…………………………………………… 43
第五章 結論與展望
5.1結論……………………………………………………… 45
5.2未來展望………………………………………………… 46
參考文獻……………………………………………………… 47
A-1 #1粉煤管平衡前流量變動及曲線分佈………………… 49
A-2 #1粉煤管平衡後流量變動及曲線分佈………………… 4
A-3 #2粉煤管平衡前流量變動及曲線分佈………………… 50
A-4 #2粉煤管平衡後流量變動及曲線分佈………………… 50
A-5 #3粉煤管流量變動及曲線分佈………………………… 51
A-6 #4粉煤管平衡前流量變動曲線分佈…………………… 51
A-7 #4粉煤管平衡後流量變動及曲線分佈………………… 52
A-8 #5粉煤管平衡前第一次流量變動及曲線分佈………… 52
A-9 #5粉煤管平衡前第二次流量變動及曲線分佈………… 53
A-10 #5粉煤管平衡後流量偏差曲線分佈…………………… 53
A-11 #6粉煤管平衡前流量偏差曲線分佈…………………… 54
A-12 #6粉煤管平衡後流量偏差曲線分佈…………………… 54
A-13 #1粉煤管煤炭水份高流量偏差曲線分佈……………… 55
A-14 #2粉煤管煤炭水份高流量偏差曲線分佈……………… 55
附錄 B
B-1 #1粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 56
B-2 #2粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 57
B-3 #3粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 58
B-4 #4粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 59
B-5 #5粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 60
B-6 #6粉煤機各粉煤管動壓值……………………………… 61
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