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研究生(外文):Yi-Yu Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Combination of phase unwrapping filtering with branch cut technology in searching of discontinuous phase map
外文關鍵詞:filteringbranch cutregional unwrapping technique
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In this paper we discuss the characteristic and the concept of filtering first. Then after we utilize a simulation drawing with noise to use Sine-Cosine filtering,we use the adaptive parallel phase unwrapping algorithm that put forward in our laboratory once to come to narrow the jump area. When we have the jump map,we try to turn down jump map threshold value and use branch cut the technology to promote the integrality of the jump.Finally we ues the regional unwrapping technique to unwrap phase. This method not only unwrap fast but also get good result of phase unwrapping on simulation drawing with high noise.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 論文大綱 2
第二章 電子斑點干涉術量測理論 3
2-1 ESPI實驗架設與原理 3
2-2.1 面內位移量測 6
2-2.2 面外位移量測 9
2-2 相移技術 11
2-2.1 三步相移 12
2-2.2 五步相移 13
第三章 相位展開理論回顧 14
3-1 路徑相依型相位展開技術 16
3-2 路徑獨立型相位展開技術 18
3-3 調控式平行相位展開法 19
3-4 相位展開所遭遇之問題 24
第四章 結合濾波與分支切割技術之相位還原法 28
4-1 濾波的概念 28
4-1.1 Sine-Cosine濾波法 29
4-2 Jump的說明 32
4-2.1 相位圖上的定義 32
4-2.2 Jump圖 32
4-3 分支點之介紹 37
4-4 物件編號 41
4-5 結合濾波與分支切割技術之相位還原 43
第五章 相位圖測試結果 55
第六章 結論 60
參考文獻 62
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