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研究生(外文):Hau-Luen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Independent Component Analysis-Based Feed-Forward Neural Network for Applications of Active Noise Control
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In this study, an application of active noise control (ANC) using an independent component analysis-based feed-forward neural network (FFNN) is investigated. We consider a speech source and a noise source generating mixture signals in the space. Two microphones located at two distinct places are used to measure the mixture signals. Since the signal sources and the transmission paths are unknown, we apply a FFNN with MJH algorithm(FFNN_MJH)for the measured signals to obtain estimates of the signal sources. These estimates are then used for an ANC controller such that suitable control signal can be generated to drive a loudspeaker. It is desired that one of the microphone can observe the speech while ignoring the noise by use of the loudspeaker. Computer simulation shows that the observed microphone can effectively retain the speech while attenuating the noise with respective to tonal or harmonic noises. The proposed system also maintains a certain degree of robustness with respective to the uncertainty in the transmission paths of the loudspeaker, demonstrating its feasibility.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
論文目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 論文概要 6
第二章 以獨立成分分析法為基礎之前饋式神經網路(FFNN_MJH) 7
2.1 遞迴式神經網路 7
2.2 統計獨立 9
2.3 JH演算法 10
2.4 前饋式神經網路 13
2.5 MJH演算法 15
2.6 盲訊號分離電腦模擬結果 19
第三章 主動噪音控制(ANC)系統:使用FFNN_MJH 23
3.1 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統架構 23
3.2 具FXLMS演算法之FIR適應性濾波器 25
3.3 ANC系統結合FFNN_MJH之應用 27
第四章 電腦模擬 33
4.1 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統電腦模擬之初始設定 33
4.2 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統於單頻噪音訊號之模擬結果 40
4.3 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統於倍頻噪音訊號之模擬結果 42
4.4 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統於倍頻噪音訊號放大五倍之
模擬結果 45
4.5 FFNN_MJH-Based ANC系統在估測控制路徑不準確時之模
擬結果 49
第五章 結論與未來展望 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 未來展望 60
附錄A 獨立成分分析法(ICA) 61
A.1 ICA之基本概念 61
A.2 ICA之限制 64
附錄B 動態遞迴式神經網路 69
參考文獻 73

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