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研究生(外文):Bi-Shan Guo
論文名稱(外文):Postharvest Handling and Storage Technology of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.)Urban)Tuberous Root
外文關鍵詞:jicama tuberous root (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.)Urban)chilling injurydecaybrowninghot- water treatment
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The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the postharvest handling technique, to find suitable temperature for storage, and to map the symptom of chilling injury as well as physiological changes of the jicama tuberous root under low-temperature condition. Jicama is a tropical crop, and thus is prone to low-temperature injury. Decay and browning being the principal visual symptom, cause the loss of commercial values. Results indicated that the jicama tuberous root stored at a temperature lower than 9℃ would show sign of chilling injury. When the chilled jicama root was moved to a higher temperature, its respiration and ethylene production rates would increase in proportion to the severity of the damage brought about by the cold.

The jicama tuberous root stored at 6℃ or below for 2 weeks, or stored at 9℃ for 3 weeks resulted in chill-induced decay and at 9℃ or below for a week led to severe browning. No obviously chilling injury was observed when it was stored at 12℃ or above for 1-4 weeks. However, a decrease in chroma and increase in lightness (L) values of root color were noticeable; the respiration and ethylene production rates remained relatively low. The critical storage temperature has found to be 9℃ for 2 weeks. After storing at 9℃ for 2 weeks, browning appeared on the tuberous roots before returning to the room temperature, and browning was deepened over time after storage. Furthermore, after storing at 1℃ for 1 week, browning was observed only after 48 hours under the room-temperature condition. Storing at 1℃ for 1 week then moved to 15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃ and 35℃, the symptom of chilling injury was most significant while the root was placed above 20℃.

Utilizing techniques of temperature regulation, PE packaging and hot-water treatment, it appeared that wrapping with PE bag at low temperature had limited effect on browning but reduced the severity of decaying. Temperature conditioning seemed to be ineffective either. Intermittent warmming regulation ameliorated the symptom of the chilling injury. Hot-water treatment at 50℃ before storing reduced the development of the chilling- injury symptom on the jicama tuberous root.
四、減輕寒害之方法 .......................................10
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