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研究生(外文):Min-Yao Lu
論文名稱(外文):Using Image Inpainting To Remove Dust Spots From Digital-SLR Images
外文關鍵詞:Sensor dustImage inpaintingTexture synthesisNoise removal
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於是有人提出用傳統去雜訊的方法來將影像上的粉塵清除,由於粉塵雜點比一般雜訊要大得多,因此如果只是使用一般中值濾波器將會失敗。另外,也有人提出利用市面上的影像處理軟體,例如Photoshop 的修復筆刷工具與PhotoImapct的修容工具等,來將粉塵拿掉,但是類似這樣的工具,都必須自己手動選取要拿掉的粉塵並自己找材質來填補,因此耗時耗力。而本篇研究的目的則是提出一個能夠自動偵測粉塵的演算法,同時利用影像修補的技術,將影像上令人困擾的粉塵去除,並且維持影像中的材質與線性結構的完整。實驗結果顯示,所提演算法能有效解決數位影像的感光元件染塵問題。
The digital cameras are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Digital SLRs not only allow photographers to use inter-changeable lenses to get different ranges of zoom and depth of field, but also give the users more control, it helps to take a better picture. Recently the number of digital SLR users is rising steadily as the equipments drop in price. However, unlike film cameras, current digital SLRs suffer from a frustrating weakness: sensor dust. It is obvious that the dust can damage the photos seriously. Cleaning dust on sensors is almost universally warned against by camera makers. If we remove the dust directly by the sensor brush, we might scratch or otherwise damage the cover glass over the sensor, therefore are responsible for the cost of repairs. Camera manufacturers have introduced the dust-reduction solution that involves anti-static coatings and vibration-cleaning of the low-pass filter. However, they can not remove the dust particles with high viscosity effectively.

Some photographers propose to correct this problem in software. The traditional noise reduction methods such as median filter do not perform well in removing the dust spots, since the size of the noise in digital photos caused by dust is large. Some image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop and Ulead Photoimpact also provide the healing brush and clone stamp to stamp out the dust specs, one at a time. However, it is a time-consuming and tedious process if we are taking many photos that suffer from this problem. In this study, we develop an automatic spots removal algorithm based on the inpainting technique. We first propose a noise detection algorithm to identify the dust spots, it uses Sobel filter and the process is fully automatic. A fast exemplar-based image inpainting approach is then proposed to fill holes of dust spots in images, it achieves accurate propagation of linear structures. Several examples on real images are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1基於偏微分方程的影像修補演算法 7
2.2材質合成 12
2.3結合偏微分方程與材質合成的演算法 16
第三章 所提之範例影像修補演算法 27
3.1基於範例影像修補演算法 27
3.2快速範例影像修補演算法 33
第四章 自動粉塵偵測 37
4.1 Sobel運算結合擴張運算 37
4.2 同質群體濾波器(peer group filter,PGF) 42
4.3 連通成分萃取運算 45
第五章 實驗結果與討論 50
第六章 結論 58
參考文獻 59
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