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研究生(外文):Chong-Yu Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Low Power 2-D Transform Architecture with Unique Kernel for Multi-Standard Video Coding Applications
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Kang Lai
外文關鍵詞:discrete cosine transform (DCT)integer transformVLSImulti-standardMPEG-1/2/4H.264/AVC
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在本論文中,我們使用新式分散式算術演算法(NEDA)來實現我們的架構,採用這演算法不需要乘法器和ROM,讓電路可以用簡單的位移器和加法器就可以完成。我們也利用新式分散式算術演算法提出了一個有效的2-D轉換架構,且利用單一核心即可完成傳統DCT的8x8運算以及H.264/AVC 的8x8與4x4整數轉換以支援多視訊編碼標準的應用。此外,我們使用加法樹(adder tree)改善採用分散式算術(DA)演算法所照成的低產出量,因此我們的產出量可以達到每秒400M pixels, 在工作頻率6M Hz、12M Hz 和48M Hz的時候分別可以即時處理HD 720p、1080p和數位電影畫面。而為了降低功率,我們找到一個有效化簡加法數的方法使運算量降低,光對傳統DCT的8x8運算而言就使加法數降低95.8%。根據實現的結果,此架構的功率消耗在時脈50M Hz時是38.7mW。因此本架構具有高處理量和低成本之特性來達到低功率的效果。採用相同的方法,我們也提出了一個支援多視訊編碼標準的IDCT架構。從VLSI實現的觀點來看,我們設計的架構一樣都具有簡單,模組化且規則。
  針對H.264/AVC標準,我們使用相同的演算法,提出了一個高處理量的直接2-D多重轉換架構。這個架構可以執行4種整數轉換,分別是4x4正相轉換、Hadamard 轉換、反相整數轉換和反相Hadamard轉換。根據合成的結果可以跑到時脈100M Hz使處理量達到每秒800M pixels。
In recent years, digital signal processing has significant effects and it is the most important job to design a low power circuit for portable devices. The discrete cosine transform (DCT) has been extensively applied to image and video coding standard. Designing circuit not only requires low power but also supports multi-standard video coding applications in order to meet the requirements of various video coding standards. However, no circuits can meet so far. Therefore, it is worth to research such a topic.
In the thesis, we adopt a new distributed arithmetic algorithm (NEDA) to implement our architecture. There are multiplier-free and ROM-free to make architecture easily to be implemented by some shifts and adders. Therefore, we propose an efficient 2-D transform architecture with unique kernel that can support traditional 8x8 DCT, 8x8 and 4x4 integer transform for multi-standard video coding applications. Furthermore, we utilize adder tree to improve low throughput problem that adopts DA algorithm. Our throughput rate is 400M pixels/s that can process real-time HDTV 720p, 1080p and digital cinema video at 6M Hz, 12M Hz and 48M Hz frequency, respectively. In order to reduce power consumption, we find an efficient approach to simplify number of adder to reduce computation more than 95.8% in terms of traditional DCT. According to experimental results, the power consumption of our proposed architecture is 38.7mW at 50M Hz frequency. Therefore, our proposed architecture has properties of high throughput and low cost to achieve low power effect. In the same way, we also propose IDCT architecture for multi-standard video coding applications. From the viewpoint of the VLSI realization, the proposed architecture is also simple, modular, and regular.
For H.264/AVC standard, we also propose a high throughput direct 2-D multiple transforms using the same algorithm. This architecture can support four transforms that include 4x4 forward integer transform, Hadamard transform, inverse integer transform and inverse Hadamard transform. According to synthesis result, the throughput rate can achieve 800M pixels/s at 100M Hz frequency.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Video Compression Standard 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 3

Chapter 2. Overview of H.264 Video Coding Standard 4
2.1 Video Coding System 4
2.2 Transforms, Quantization and Scan 6
2.2.1 Discrete Cosine Transform 6
2.2.2 Hadamard Transform 9
2.2.3 Quantization and Scan 9
2.3 Variable Block-size Motion Compensation 10
2.4 Multiple Reference Pictures for Motion Compensation 11
2.5 Deblocking Filter 12
2.6 Intra-frame Prediction 13
2.7 Entropy Coding 14

Chapter 3. Architecture Design of 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform 15
3.1 Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm 15
3.2 Previous Work 22
3.2.1 Row-Column Decomposition 22
3.2.2 2-D Direct Method 24
3.2.3 Systolic Approach 24
3.3 Motivation 25
3.4 Finite Wordlength Analysis 26
3.5 Our Proposed DCT Architecture 31
3.5.1 Adder Kernel Unit 33
3.5.2 Routing Unit and Final Unit 41
3.5.3 Transpose Memory Architecture 41
3.6 Our Proposed IDCT Architecture 43
3.7 Our Proposed Direct 2-D Multiple Transforms Architecture 44
3.7.1 Forward Integer Transform 44
3.7.2 Inverse Integer Transform 46
3.7.3 Hadamard and Inverse Hadamard Transform 46
3.7.4 2-D Multiple Transforms Architecture 47

Chapter 4. Chip Implementation 50
4.1 Chip Specification and Data Sheet 50
4.2 Design Flow, Verification Strategy and Design for Testability 53
4.2.1 Design Flow 54
4.2.2 Verification Strategy 55
4.2.3 Design for Testability 60
4.3 Implementation Result 61
4.3.1 Coding Style Checking 61
4.3.2 Code Coverage Analysis 61
4.3.3 Synthesis Result 62
4.3.4 Layout Result 66
4.3.5 DRC Summary Report 67
4.3.6 LVS Summary Report 68
4.3.7 FPGA Verification 69
4.4 Performance Comparison 74
Chapter 5. Conclusion 76

Reference 77
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