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研究生(外文):Meng-Chieh Chen
論文名稱(外文):Block-Layout Design Using MAX-MIN Ant System for Saving Energy on Mass Rapid Transit System
外文關鍵詞:rapid transit systemfixed-block signaling systemenergy consumptionMax-Min Ant System
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This thesis presents a method of block-layout design between successive stations for saving energy under the framework of the fixed-block signaling system and the equi-block principle on mass rapid transit systems. The main factors that affect the energy consumption of train operation in the journey are the alignment gradient and train-speed trajectory. At the same time, the block-layout and speed code need to be determined under the restrictions of average speed and headway for service quality.
First, the problem of minimizing energy consumption between successive stations is represented to the combinatorial optimization problem in this thesis. Second, the train-speed trajectory for saving energy is optimized by the max-min ant system of ant colony optimization algorithms. Third, the block-layout is designed in accordance with the shortest block length under the equi-block principle. Finally, the feasibility and benefit are verified via simulations, analyses and discussions.
誌謝辭 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figrues vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Fixed-Block Signaling Systems of RTS 3
2.1 Fundamentals of Signaling Systems 3
2.2 Automatic Train Control System- The Example of Taipei Rapid Transit Systems 3
2.3 Principles of Fixed-Block Signaling System 6
Chapter 3 Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm 9
3.1. Foraging Behavior of Ant Colonies and Optimization Process 9
3.2. Ant System 10
3.3. MAX-MIN Ant System 12
Chapter 4 Block-Layout Design of Fixed-Block Signaling System for Saving Energy 15
4.1 Presentation of Calculation Formulas 15
4.2 Optimization of Train-Speed Trajectory Using MAX-MIN Ant System 17
4.3 Block-Layout Design after Optimizing the Train-Speed Trajectory 22
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 23
5.1 Comparison of Results with Different Values of τmax 23
5.2 Comparison of Results with Different Values of λ 24
5.3 Comparison of Results with Different Values of ρ 25
5.4 Comparison of Results with Different Number of Sections 25
5.5 Comparison of Results between MMAS and GA with DP 25
Chapter 6 Conclusions 27
References 28
Fig. 1 Framework of ATC system 31
Fig. 2 Relationship between the free and occupied blocks 32
Fig. 3 Relationship between the speed codes of ATO and ATP systems under a 6-aspect equi-block system 33
Fig. 4 How ants exploit the pheromone to find the shorter path between two branches 33
Fig. 5 Flowchart of block-layout design for saving energy 34
Fig. 6 Decomposition of train weight on the uphill. 34
Fig. 7 Flowchart for finding out the optimal train-speed trajectory for saving energy 35
Fig. 8 Example of selection mechanism under 5-aspect system 36
Fig. 9 Convergence of different τmax 37
Fig. 10 Convergence of different λ 37
Fig. 11 Convergence of different ρ 38
Fig. 12 Convergence of different number of sections 38
Fig. 13 Result of the 4-aspect system by the MMAS 39
Fig. 14 Result of the 5-aspect system by the MMAS 40
Fig. 15 Result of the 6-aspect system by the MMAS 41
Fig. 16 Result of the 7-aspect system by the MMAS 42
Fig. 17 Result of the 6-aspect system by the GA with DP 43

Table 1 Braking distances and the set of speed codes under different aspects 44
Table 2 Results of different τmax 44
Table 3 Results of different λ 45
Table 4 Results of different ρ 45
Table 5 Results of different number of sections 46
Table 6 Results of different aspects by the MMAS 46
Table 7 Result of comparison between MMAS and GA with DP 47
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