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研究生(外文):Jui- Chan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of AZO films for solar cell applications
指導教授(外文):Fang-Hsing Wang
外文關鍵詞:RFH2 plasmaAZO
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本論文探討利用射頻濺鍍系統濺鍍AZO薄膜之電、光特性及不同製備條件之AZO薄膜應用於非晶矽薄膜太陽電池對電性之影響。在這篇論文中,使用氬氣做濺鍍背景氣體,並改變玻璃基板溫度及射頻功率對薄膜進行電學特性、光學特性與結構分析。固定工作壓力5×10-2 torr,沉積溫度從室溫提升至380℃,射頻功率從40瓦提升至160瓦。在可見光譜(400nm-700nm)範圍均有85%以上之穿透率。根據Burstein-Moss效應,薄膜光學特性的改變與電學特性有ㄧ定相關性,其光學能隙隨自由載子濃度增加而愈大。在薄膜結構上,利用X光薄膜繞射儀使用CuKα波長對AZO材料做結晶性分析,並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察薄膜表面型態,其粗糙度隨著沉積溫度有增加的趨勢。為了減少AZO片電阻值,我們使用氫電漿對薄膜後處理15至120分鐘,其電阻值有明顯下降。經由氫電漿後處理120分鐘, AZO片電阻值從516.3 Ω/sq.降至90.1 Ω/sq.,然而過高氫電漿功率容易對薄膜造成表面傷害並增加電阻值。利用此方法可以有效地改善AZO薄膜電特性,應用在非晶矽薄膜太陽能電池上可改善其短路電流及效率。
Aluminum doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films deposited by RF sputter and the effects on electrical properties of amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells were studied. The electrical, optical, and structural properties of the AZO films were investigated as a function of the substrate temperature and the RF power with a background gas Ar. Argon gas pressure during deposition was kept at 5×10-2 torr. The substrate temperature and the RF power were ranging from 27 to 380℃ and 40 to 160 W, respectively. The transmittances of all the samples were above 85% in the wavelength of 400-800nm. The optical properties of the films, which change in accordance with the Burstein-Moss effect, are consistent with the observed changes in electrical properties. Optical band gap widens with carrier concentration. For structural analysis, crystallinity and surface morphology of AZO films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM, respectively. It is found that the roughness of the samples increases with substrate temperature. In order to improve the electrical characteristics of AZO films, a novel post H2-plasma treatment for 15-120 min was performed. The sheet resistances of the AZO films decreased form 516.3 to 90.1 Ω/sq. However, high H2-plasma power would damage the film surface and increase the sheet resistance. The post H2-plasma treated AZO films had been applied for amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells and better short current and efficiency of cells were obtained.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
目次 iii
圖目次 vii
表目次 ix

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 透明導電膜 1
1.2 透明導電膜的應用 1
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧與基礎理論 5
2.1 氧化鋅薄膜文獻回顧 5
2.1.1 氧化鋅結構分析 5
2.1.2 氧化鋅摻雜3A族之電學特性 7
2.1.3 氧化鋅摻雜3A族之光學特性 8
2.2 濺射原理 12
2.2.1 電漿原理 13
2.2.2 濺射機制 13
2.2.3 射頻濺鍍法 13
2.2.4 薄膜成長機制 14
2.2.5 薄膜型態 16
第三章 實驗步驟與方法 18
3.1 實驗流程 18
3.2 實驗材料 19
3.3 薄膜製程 19
3.3.1 濺鍍系統 19
3.3.2 實驗參數與步驟 19
3.4 薄膜分析 20
3.4.1 鍍膜速率之量測 20
3.4.2 電性量測 20
3.4.3 光學量測 21
3.4.4 結構分析 21
3.4.5 表面型態分析 22
第四章 結果與討論 24
4.1 沉積速率 24
4.2 電性量測 24
4.3 基板溫度對氧化鋅薄膜特性影響 26
4.3.1 結構分析 26
4.3.2 成份分析 29
4.3.3 表面分析 33
4.3.4 光學分析 35
4.4 薄膜穩定性 38
4.4.1 電性分析 38
4.4.2 光學分析 39
4.5 改變工作距離對AZO薄膜之影響 41
4.5.1 結構分析 41
4.5.2 光學分析 41
4.6 氫電漿後處理 42
4.7 AZO薄膜太陽能電池 46
第五章 結論 49
5.1 總結 49
5.2 未來工作 49
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