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研究生(外文):Ming-Han Li
論文名稱(外文):Restroscleral Implantation of Acrylic or Silicon Ball with Artificial Eye Shell as Prosthesis in Dogs
指導教授(外文):Feng-Pang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:ocular prosthesisartificial eye shellretroscleral implantationanophthalmic implantationveterinary medicinecanine
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Various ophthalmic diseases in dogs such as glaucoma, ocular trauma and congenital defects may be treated with enucleation. Evisceration with intrascleral implant is a preferred surgical technique which almost replaced enucleation since its introduction into veterinary medicine by Brightmann in 1977. However, limitations like perforated cornea, deformed globe, etc. are major contraindications of evisceration. Since iris is removed, the different appearance between the treated eye and the normal opposite eye is cognoscible especially in dogs with light-colored iris. Thus, the aim of this study was to seek for alternative methods for better evisceration approach and post-surgery cosmetic effect. We applied techniques modified from human medicine to five dogs (six globes) with suitable indications. These techniques do not require normal cornea tissue. Patients (n=5) of NCHU veterinary teaching hospital were examined for physical and ophthalmic conditions. Owners’ approval were obtained prior to the surgery. Among the 6 globes, one was treated with evisceration followed by intrascleral acrylic ball implantation with a donor’s sclera patch replacing the damaged cornea. The other 5 globes were treated with evisceration followed by removal of the cornea and retroscleral acrylic/silicone ball implantation. Custom made artificial eye shell was inserted into the conjunctival sac one month after surgery. Any complications occurred was observed and recorded. The reality of artificial eye shell, the cosmetic effect and the tendency of choosing retroscleral implantaion instead of enucleation was surveyed using questionary among owners. Of the 5 globes treated with retroscleral implantation technique, protrusion of the implant occurred only in one globe that had been suffered from a prolapsed globe in a Shi-Tzu. Besides, no other major complications were detected except that there was various amount of increased ocular discharge after applying artificial eye shell. All owners are satisfied with the cosmetic result. Of the 3 dogs that were evaluated by random owners using questionnaires, one dog had a significant lower mean artificial eye identification score and mean artificial eye realistic score, indicating that it is easier to identify the dog’s artificial eye as fake eye. There were no significant differences between the mean cosmetic effect score of all 3 dogs, indicating that all participants considered the appearance has been greatly improved after the surgery. When cost and risk of anaesthesia are not considered, all participants prefer to choose prosthesis rather then enucleation if their dogs encountered suitable indications. There were no linear correlation between the number of dogs the participants owned and the ability of the participants to identify the artificial eye. The cause of the protrusion was not determined. However, implant size may play an important role. The increasing ocular discharge is formed by tears trapped in space between artificial eye shell and conjunctiva. This may be managed either by making a thicker eye shell to reduce dead space, or by constant cleansing of the shell. One dog’s eye having poor realistic score and cosmetic effect score is due to microphthalmia, in which not only the globe but also the outer orbit tissue is decreased in its size. This modified technique provides an optimal alternative for dogs who do not meet the requirement for evisceration/intrascleral implantation surgery.
第一章 緒言 1
第二章 文獻探討 2
第一節 人類義眼 2
(一) 義眼材料的演進 2
(二) 近代義眼 – 珊瑚球 3
(三) 珊瑚球與非連接式膠球體之比較 5
(四) 鞏膜後球體植入術 9
第二節 獸醫義眼 10
(一) 全眼摘除術之適應症 10
(二) 獸醫義眼手術的演變 12
(三) 鞏膜內球體植入術 14
第三節 犬眼球與人類眼球解剖構造、功能及醫療行為的差異 16
(一) 犬基本眼球解剖構造及功能 16
(二) 犬與人類眼球結構的異同 19
(三) 犬與人類醫療行為的差異 20
第三章 材料與方法 22
第一節 材料 22
(一) 實驗動物 22
(二) 藥品 22
(三) 器材與耗材 23
第二節 方法 24
(一) 基礎資料 24
(二) 眼科學檢查 24
(三) 鞏膜內球體植入術搭配捐贈者鞏膜 25
(四) 鞏膜後球體植入術 27
(五) 術後評估 28
(六) 問卷調查 28
第三節 分析與統計 29
第四章 結果 32
第一節 實驗動物基礎資料及檢查結果 32
(一) 基礎資料及一般檢查結果 32
(二) 眼科學檢查結果 33
第二節 球體植入手術 35
(一) 鞏膜內球體植入術搭配捐贈者鞏膜 35
(二) 鞏膜後球體植入術 35
第三節 術後評估 36
(一) 術後併發症 36
(二) 義眼片相關併發症 36
第四節 問卷調查 41
(一) 義眼不可辨識性 42
(二) 義眼真實性 43
(三) 義眼手術美容效果 44
(四) 受訪者飼養狗數量與發現義眼能力之關係 44
(五) 選擇義眼手術意願 44
第五章 討論 45
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