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研究生(外文):Yu-Ten Yan
論文名稱(外文):Gonadal Hormone Modulates the Dendritic Spines of the Sensorimotor Cortical Neurons of Adult Females Rats
外文關鍵詞:pyramidal neuronsensoritory cortexestrogenprogesterone3D reconstruction dendritedendritic spine
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Gonadal hormones have recently been reported to alter the dendritic structures of hippocampal and even prefrontal cortical neurons. These findings open up the intriguing question as to whether gonadal hormones affect primary sensorimotor cortical functions by regulating the dendritic morphology of primary sensorimotor cortical neurons. Dendrites are the main receiving structures of neurons and dendritic spines are dynamic structures and their density may alter in response to changes in environment. To find out whether gonadal hormone affects primary sensorimotor cortical structures we examined the dendritic spine densities of layer III and V pyramidal neurons, output neurons of the primary sensorimotor cortex of control, ovarihysterectomized (OHE) and hormone pellet implanted OHE female rats. Three stages of the estrous cycle, proestrus, estrus, and diestrus were determined in control rats with vaginal smear. The dendritic arbors of layer III and V pyramidal neurons were revealed using fixed tissue intracellular dye injection technique and analyzed following 3-dimensional reconstruction. Our results indicated that the densities of dendritic spine on pyramidal neurons were dynamically regulated during the estrous cycle. Spines densities on both basal and apical dendrites of both layer III and V pyramidal neurons were significantly higher during the proestrous than estrous and diestrous phases of the cycle. OHE downregulated the dendritic spine densities of these two neurons significantly reduced 2 weeks post-operation. Fourteen days of estrogen pellet or progesterone pellet implantation restored the spine densities of OHE rats to estrous or diestrous levels. Despite these, none of the treatments affected the total, apical or basal dendritic lengths of these two pyramidal neurons. In summary, our results indicate that the dendritic spine densities of pyramidal neurons of the primary sensorimotor cortex of the female rats changed cyclically with their estrous cycle and this appeared to be mediated by female gonadal hormone. Thus, gonadal hormone appeared to be able to regulate primary sensimotor cortical function via regulating the dendritic spine densities of their output neurons. These results suggest strongly although indirectly that menopause may seriously impact cortical functions.
一、 中文摘要--------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
二、 英文摘要--------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ
三、 前言-------------------------------------------------------------1
四、 材料與方法-------------------------------------------------------5
五、 結果-------------------------------------------------------------8
六、 討論------------------------------------------------------------10
七、 結論------------------------------------------------------------14
八、 表次------------------------------------------------------------15
九、 圖次------------------------------------------------------------20
十、 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------32
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