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研究生(外文):Shih-Ying Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the U.S. Operational Strategy in Two U.S.-Iraq Wars - Viewed from the Perspective of Asymmetric Theories
外文關鍵詞:The First U.S.-Iraq WarThe Second U.S.-Iraq WarAsymmetric TheoryExpected Effects of Strategic Interaction
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A joint troop approved by UN and led by U.S. was sent to Iraq in 1991.The anti-terrorism invasion of Iraq by the United States, Britain and other countries began on March 20.2003.Within fifteen years, U.S. military actions have been launched against Iraq twice. It was taken for certain by the rest of the world that U.S. would have a big victory in the Second U.S.-Iraq war due to the huge gap of the forces between both sides. However, the result was ironically shown that U.S. indeed faced a large deal of difficulties involving in Iraq even if the U.S. has called “the main war” had ended. The contradiction of the consequence toward the 2003 Iraq war reflects an interesting fact that is the big power cannot win the small one. This would be the crucial issue for further research on U.S. military operational strategy and also the specific theme of this thesis.
In order to study U.S. military operational strategy, “asymmetric strategy” is adopted into this research. The article can be divided into three aspects: will, dimension and risk for analyzing the operational strategy of U.S.and Iraq. Compared to the difference between fact and theory, asymmetric interactive model is used as the approach in the article.
In the conclusion, the research has summarized that U.S. limited itself on the military strategic options on account of their own moral consciousness. Even though U.S. has extremely strong forces and progressive military technology, Iraq still took plenty of advantages by means of guerilla warfare to extend the war and moreover to reduce the possibility for U.S. pullout with victory in the end.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討 4
第三節 研究途徑、架構與方法 9
第四節 研究範圍與限制 16
第五節 章節安排 18
第二章 不對稱戰略理論 21
第一節 不對稱戰略演進 21
第二節 Steven Metz不對稱戰略理論 29
第三節 Ivan Arreguín-Toft不對稱戰略理論 35
第四節 不對稱戰略互動模型 42
第三章 第一次美伊戰爭不對稱戰略互動 49
第一節 戰爭背景 49
第二節 美國用兵戰略分析 50
第三節 伊拉克軍事戰略分析 55
第四節 美伊用兵戰略互動 59
第五節 小結 64
第四章 第二次美伊戰爭第一階段不對稱戰略互動 67
第一節 戰爭背景 68
第二節 美國用兵戰略分析 70
第三節 伊拉克用兵戰略分析 78
第四節 美伊軍事戰略互動 83
第五節 小結 89
第五章 第二次美伊戰爭第二階段不對稱戰略互動 91
第一節 美國軍事戰略分析 91
第二節 伊拉克軍事戰略分析 94
第三節 美伊軍事戰略互動 96
第四節 小結 103
第六章 結論 105
第一節 研究發現 105
第二節 研究建議 109
參考書目 111
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