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研究生(外文):Wei-Liang Hung
論文名稱(外文):A key Effect Factors Research of Customer Loyalty & Its Intention of Repurchase—As an Example for Hypermarket
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hung Liu
外文關鍵詞:HypermarketService qualityStore imageComplaints’ perceptionsCustomer Satisfaction LevelCustomers’ trustsCustomer loyalty
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經現場實地進行問卷發放調查,研究範圍及對象包括目前就讀於台中縣市地區大專院校之量販店的學生消費者,並使用統計方法進行研究分析。 本研究結果發現(1)商店服務功能要素(服務品質、商店形象及抱怨處理)對顧客滿意度有正向顯著影響關係;(2)顧客滿意度、信任及顧客忠誠度三者間皆存在顯著之正向影響關係;(3)顧客忠誠度的關鍵影響因素為顧客信任、顧客滿意、服務品質、商店形象及抱怨處理等構面(4)顧客再購意願的關鍵影響因素為能力、顧客滿意、有形性、服務、分配公正性及互動公正性等構面(5) 顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度的高低與消費者每月的購物次數,呈現高度的正相關(6) 顧客忠誠度愈高則顧客每月在量販店消費的金額相對愈高(7)人口統計變項在性別的部份男生的顧客滿意度顯著高於女生,而女生對量販店的信任的重視程度顯著高於男生,其餘人口統計變項則無顯著的差異,上述之分析結果可做為對量販店經營業者之經營決策的參考。
Retailer such as Carrefour in Taiwan attracts many similar enterprises to compete with each other in sharing this market by stressing the price and quality of products and services of hypermarkets. The service quality, store image, and complaints’ perceptions have become to be important causes to promote customer satisfaction to increase trusts each other in order to attract many higher loyal customers. This study discusses and analyzes the subject that the service quality, store image, and complaints’ perceptions may significantly promote customer satisfaction levels and further affect customers’ trusts, and build higher customer loyalty for retailers on the basis of the service function elements of the store (service quality, store image, and complaints’ perceptions).
The survey questionnaires were sent to students who are studying in the university or college in Taichung area as consumers of hypermarkets, and the collected data from them were examined and analyzed by making use of the statistical methods.
The results of this study show that (1) there has a positive effect correlation between the service function elements of the store (service quality, store image, and complaints’ perceptions) and overall customer satisfaction levels; (2) there exist significantly positive effect correlations between customer satisfaction levels, customers’ trusts, and customer loyalty; (3) the key effect factors of the customer loyalty are customers’ trusts, customer satisfaction levels, service quality, store image, and complaints’ perceptions; (4) the key effect factors of the intention of repurchase are ability, customer satisfaction levels, tangibles, service, distributive justice, and interactional justice; (5) there exist higher positive correlations between customer satisfaction levels, customer loyalty, and purchase frequencies each month for consumers; (6) the higher is customer loyalty, the higher is the expenditure of the consumer on the hypermarket each month; (7) one demographic variable as sex has significantly different perceived feelings on overall customer satisfaction levels and customers’ trusts, and the trust level of the female customer for the hypermarket is significantly higher than that of the male customer for the hypermarket. The above analytical results can be regarded as a reference for the operation decision-making of the management on hypermarkets.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii

一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究流程 5
二、 文獻探討 7
2.1 服務品質 7
2.2 商店形象 9
2.3 抱怨處理 13
2.3.1 顧客抱怨行為 13
2.3.2 顧客抱怨行為主要影響因素 14
2.4 顧客滿意 16
2.5 顧客信任 19
2.6 顧客忠誠 21
2.7 各構面相關性之文獻 23
三、 研究架構與方法 25
3.1 研究架構 25
3.2 研究假說 26
3.3 問卷設計內容 26
3.4 研究構面和相關變數的定義 27
3.5 人口統計變項的問卷內容 31
3.5.1 其他變數 32
3.6 抽樣方法 32
3.7 統計分析方法 33
四、 資料分析與討論 35
4.1 樣本分析 35
4.2 量表信度 40
4.2.1 信度分析 41
4.3 單一樣本T檢定 45
4.4 相關分析 52
4.5 單因子變異數分析 65
4.5.1 單因子變異數分析(男女生滿意度的差異) 65
4.5.2 單因子變異數分析(男女生重視程度的差異) 66
4.5.3 單因子變異數分析(每月收入、學歷、年齡、職業等) 67
4.6 多元迴歸分析 68
4.7 研究假設檢定結果 72
4.8 路徑分析 73
4.8.1 模型驗證 73
4.8.2 路徑分析 76
4.8.3 次構面之路徑分析 77
4.9 集群分析 78
五、 結論和建議 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 建議 80
5.3 未來研究方向 80
參考文獻 81
附錄一 92
自傳 98
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