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研究生(外文):Hsi-Hung Chang
論文名稱(外文):State Space Formalism for Piezothermoelasticity of Anisotropic Bodies and Functionally Graded Materials and Its Applications
指導教授(外文):Jiann-Quo Tarn
外文關鍵詞:State space formalismSaint-Venant's principleTorsionEnd effectsEffective lengthExtensionBendingThermoelastic wavesPerturbationVariational formulationHamiltonianFunctionally graded materialsLagrangianThermal relaxationComposite laminatesPiezothermoelasticity
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A state space formalism for piezothermoelasticity and generalized thermoelasticity of anisotropic materials and functionally graded materials is developed. By taking the displacement vector and the stress vectors as the fundamental field variables, the basic equations for the problems can be expressed in a concise matrix form which retains the characteristics of the original field equations without recourse to elimination of the unknown variables. Accordingly, the state equation and the output equation are expressed in remarkably neat yet explicit representations so that many mathematical methods which are usually not amenable to the conventional approaches are applicable to determining the analytic solution for a problem. Furthermore, correspondence and analogy among various theories appear explicitly in the state space setting. To examine further the mathematical properties of the system matrices inherent in the state space framework, the state equation and the output equation are also derived through the variational formulation. A number of problems in Cartesian coordinate and cylindrical coordinate systems, such as the stress analysis of composite laminates, the responses of anisotropic bodies in generalized thermoelasticity, the generalized plane problems of piezoelectric circular cylinders, the effective lengths of piezoelectric specimens, and the propagation behaviors of elastic waves in functionally graded materials, are studied following the state space approach. Whenever possible, we seek for the exact solutions for the problems under study. The present study shows that the state space formalism is an effective and systematic approach for problems of piezothermoelasticity of anisotropic bodies and functionally graded materials.
Abstract (in Chinese) iv
Abstract v
Acknowledgments vi
Table of Contents viii
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xiv
Nomenclature xvi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Objectives and Scope 3
Part I State Space Formalism in Cartesian Coordinates and Applications 5
Chapter 2 State Space Formulation in Cartesian Coordinate System 6
2.1 Basic Equations in Matrix Form 6
2.1.1 State equation and output equation 7
2.1.2 Structures and identities of relevant matrices 9
2.2 Variational Formulation 11
2.2.1 Lagrangian formulation 11
2.2.2 Hamiltonian formulation 13
2.3 Characteristics of Hamiltonian System 16
2.3.1 Solvability conditions 17
2.3.2 Symplectic orthogonality 20
2.4 Correspondences in the State Space Setting 22
2.4.1 Correspondences among various theories 22
2.4.2 Correspondence with Stroh’s formalism 24
2.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 2 26
Chapter 3 Exact Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates 27
3.1 State Space Formulation 27
3.1.1 Problem statement 28
3.1.2 Laminates under extension, torsion, and bending 30
3.2 Torsion of Cross-ply Laminates and Orthotropic FGM 32
3.2.1 Exact solution for homogeneous bars 32
3.2.2 Exact solution for FGM bars 35
3.2.3 Exact solution for cross-ply laminates 37
3.3 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 3 46
3.A Proof of Zero Resultant Shear Forces over Cross-section 46
3.B Eigen Relation 47
Chapter 4 Generalized Thermoelasticity with Thermal Relaxation 49
4.1 State Space Formulation 50
4.2 Nondimensionalization 52
4.3 Perturbation with Multiple Scales 54
4.4 Plane Harmonic Waves 55
4.4.1 Strong coupling 55
4.4.2 Weak coupling 57
4.4.3 The case c0n ≈ cΘ0(á) 62
4.5 Results and Discussions 65
4.6 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 4 70
4.A Solvability Condition 72
4.B Higher-order Solutions to Eqs. (4.20) and (4.21) 73
Part II State Space Formalism in Cylindrical Coordinates and Applications 75
Chapter 5 State Space Formulation in Cylindrical Coordinate System 76
5.1 Basic Equations in Matrix Form 76
5.1.1 State equation and output equation 76
5.1.2 Structures and identities of relevant matrices 78
5.2 Variational Formulation 80
5.2.1 Lagrangian formulation 80
5.2.2 Hamiltonian formulation 82
5.3 Characteristics of Hamiltonian System 84
5.3.1 Solvability conditions 86
5.3.2 Symplectic orthogonality 89
5.4 Correspondences in the State Space Setting 91
5.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 5 92
Chapter 6 Generalized Plane Problems of Piezoelectric Circular Cylinders 93
6.1 State Space Formulation 94
6.2 Exact Solution for Power-Law Radial Inhomogeneity 96
6.2.1 Homogeneous solution 97
6.2.2 Particular solutions 98
6.3 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 6 100
Chapter 7 Effective Lengths of Tensile and Torsional Specimens of Piezoelectric Materials 101
7.1 State Space Formulation 102
7.2 Solution by Matrix Algebra 103
7.2.1 Characteristics of the eigensolution 104
7.2.2 Characteristic decay length 106
7.3 Results and Discussions 107
7.4 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 7 112
7.A Matrices for Orthorhombic Material of Class mm2 in Axisymmetric Problem 112
Chapter 8 Characteristics of Elastic Waves in Circular Tubes or Bars of Functionally Graded Materials 114
8.1 Two-dimensional Problems of ElasticWaves 114
8.1.1 Power series approximation 116
8.1.2 Piecewise-constant approximation 117
8.2 Results and Discussions 119
8.3 Summary and Concluding Remarks of Chapter 8 120
8.A Eigen Relation 123
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Further Research 125
9.1 Conclusions 125
9.2 Further Research 126
Bibliography 128
Appendix A Alternative Formulation in Matrix Form 134
Appendix B Displacement Field for Generalized Plane Problems 136
Appendix C Relations between the Two State Space Formulations 139
Appendix D Approximate Methods 141
D.1 Power Series Approximation 141
D.2 Piecewise Constant Approximation 145
Vita 148
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