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研究生(外文):Chin-yuan Hour
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Aging of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash on Characteristics of Asphalt Mixtures
指導教授(外文):Jian-shiuh Chen
外文關鍵詞:Multiple Toxicity Characteristic Leaching ProcedToxicity Characteristic Leaching ProcedureAgingX-Ray FluorescenceMunicipal Solid Waste Incinerator
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Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash is the by-product produced during the combustion of municipal solid waste in combustor facilities. With the rising of the concept of environmental protection, how to reuse MSWI bottom ash has become a critical issue.
In this research, aging of MSWI bottom ash, for an estimated period of 1~3 months, were investigated. Physical tests were performed to determine its gradation and specific gravity, as well as chemical composition of the leaching from the ash. MSWI bottom ash was also used in the mixture of hot-mix asphalt and optimum mixtures were evaluated.
The results show the concentration of H and Cl decreased with aging of MSWI bottom ash increased. The most significant change in the bottom ash was found that the content of Ca decreased noticeable before and after aging by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). However, physical properties of MSWI bottom ash would not be affected by aging. The index of aging could be judged by pH value with a period of 3 months in this study.
Furthermore, results also indicate that Marshall stability value, resilient modulus and indirect strength value decreased with increasing percent of MSWI bottom ash, whereas retained strength increased. Results from Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and Multiple Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (MTCLP) conducted the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Cb and Cr would conform to the standard of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) even with a percentage of up to 45% by total weight.
摘要 I

目錄 V

縮寫目錄 X

表目錄 XI

圖目錄 XIII

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言 1-1
1.2 研究動機 1-2
1.3 研究目的 1-3
1.4 研究範圍 1-4
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1焚化爐底碴來源 2-1
2.1.1焚化底碴之物理特性 2-4
2.1.2焚化底碴之化學特性 2-6
2.2底碴之前處理技術 2-8
2.2.1 底碴熟化目的 2-10
2.2.2 底碴重金屬溶出機制 2-13
2.2.3 熟化抑止重金屬溶出機制 2-16
2.2.4. 底碴熟化工程技術 2-18
2.3 國內外焚化底碴應用於瀝青混凝土之現況 2-20
2.3.1 國外應用現況 2-20
2.3.2 國內應用現況 2-22
2.4 重金屬溶出試驗評估程序 2-23
2.5 垃圾焚化底碴瀝青混凝土之環境性質評估 2-26
第三章 研究材料與方法
3.1 試驗架構與流程 3-1
3.2 試驗材料 3-3
3.3 馬歇爾配合設計實驗 3-4
3.3.1 平均瀝青薄膜厚度 3-4
3.4 粒料物性試驗 3-6
3.4.1 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 3-7
3.5 粒料化性試驗 3-8
3.5.1 X光螢光分析元素組成(XRF) 3-8
3.5.2 感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜分析儀 3-8
3.5.3 X光繞射分析(XRD) 3-9
3.5.4 熱重分析(TGA) 3-10
3.6 粒料安定性分析 3-11
3.6.1 氫離子濃度指數(pH值)測定試驗 3-11
3.6.2 水溶性氯離子試驗值分析 3-11
3.6.3 毒性特性溶出試驗 3-12
3.6.4 浸水回脹試驗 3-13
3.7 瀝青混凝土力學性質試驗與環境特性評估 3-14
3.7.1 穩定值、流度值試驗 3-14
3.7.2 回彈模數試驗 3-14
3.7.3 間接張力試驗 3-16
3.7.4 浸水剝脫試驗 3-18
3.7.5 多重毒性特性溶出試驗(MTCLP) 3-19
3.7.6 荷蘭可溶出量試驗 3-20
3.7.7 荷蘭桶槽溶出試驗 3-21
第四章 試驗結果分析與討論
4.1 材料基本性質試驗結果 4-1
4.1.1 物理性質 4-1 篩分析試驗 4-1 粒料比重及吸水率 4-2 洛杉磯磨損率 4-4 含砂當量 4-6 健性試驗 4-7 含水率 4-8 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 4-9
4.1.2 化學性質 4-17 X光螢光分析 4-18 感應耦合電槳原子放射光譜儀分析 4-20 X光繞射分析 4-21
4.2 焚化爐底碴之安定性 4-25
4.2.1 氫離子濃度指數 4-25
4.2.2 水溶性氯離子 4-27
4.2.3 毒性特性溶出試驗 4-28
4.2.4 浸水回脹試驗 4-30
4.3 馬歇爾配比設計試驗結果 4-32
4.3.1 馬歇爾穩定值 4-32
4.3.2 馬歇爾流度值 4-33
4.3.3 瀝青混凝土單位重 4-34
4.3.4 瀝青混凝土孔隙率 4-35
4.3.5 粒料間空隙率 4-36
4.3.6 最佳瀝青含量之判定 4-37
4.3.7 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡分析 4-39
4.4 工程特性與環境穩定性分析 4-44
4.4.1 穩定值 4-45
4.4.2 間接張力 4-48
4.4.3 回彈模數 4-51
4.4.4 殘餘強度 4-55
4.4.5 熱重分析試驗 4-60
4.4.6 環境穩定性評估 4-64 毒性特性溶出試驗 4-65 多重毒性特性溶出試驗 4-66 可溶出量試驗 4-70 桶槽溶出試驗 4-70
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論 5-1
5.2 建議 5-6
參考文獻 參-1
附錄 附-1


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