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研究生(外文):Kuo-Feng Lo
指導教授(外文):Sheng-huoo Ni
外文關鍵詞:PileNondestructive testTime-Frequency AnalysisNumerical Signal Process
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長期以來,非破壞檢測及評估技術已經成為鑽掘式及貫入式基樁施工過程之品質控制方法。特別是將低應變之檢測方法(如:音波回音法sonic echo method,SE、脈波回應法impulse response method,IR),應用於新近施工完成之基樁長度與完整性檢測。然而,相較以往之基樁,現今的基樁長度則是越來越長。而傳統的SE 法的檢測基樁技術與設備,已無法應用於長大型基樁檢測。實際上,SE法應用於長大型之基樁有以下限制:長度無法過長及長度與直徑比較大之基樁;缺陷面積不應過小;無法檢測多重缺陷及含樁帽之基樁。
本研究為克服上述之限制,特將SE 法之硬體及分析軟體進行修正:變更檢
測設備並應用新的數位訊號處理(numerical signal process)方法Wigner-Ville distribution(WVD),於分析檢測結果如長度較長;含微小缺陷面積;含多重缺陷及含樁帽等之基樁檢測。研究結果顯示,修正後之設備依舊適用預力基樁及場鑄基樁的檢測。另外,時頻分析WVD 理論被證明確實可應用於基樁完整性檢測之結果分析,可清楚辨識並定位出基樁內缺陷及樁尖的位置。同時,運用WVD不僅可以將檢測所得之特徵值視覺化,使結果更容易辨識,並可檢測出以往研究學者所無法所求得之結果。
Nondestructive test and evaluation (NDT&E) techniques have been used for many years to provide a quality control method during the construction procedures for drilled shafts and driven concrete piles. In particular, low strain pile integrity test methods (e.g., both sonic echo and impulse response methods) have been used to check the lengths and integrity of newly installed foundations. Nowadays, pile length is increasingly longer than it had been in the past, and traditional SE method testing techniques and equipment seem to have some difficulty identifying proper pile integrity. In fact, there are limitations in testing and evaluating, including: longer and larger length-diameter ratio pile, defect with small necking area, multi-defects and pile with cap.
In this dissertation, hardware and software of SE test are both upgraded, including: modification of equipments to overcome these limitations and adoption of a new numerical signal process method, Wigner-Ville distribution WVD, to interpret the testing results (e.g. longer pile, small necking, two necking defects and pile with cap). The experimental results indicate that modified equipments still applied to both pre-stressed pile and cast-in-place plies. Besides, WVD theory is feasible to detect and locate necking(s) in pile. Not only WVD can also visualize the test results, and provide more details that were previously unavailable to researchers.
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………….IV
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….....VIII
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………… ....IX
LIST OF SYMBOLS………………………………………………………………XIII
1.1 Background and Motivation……………………………………………………..1
1.2 Objectives and Scope……………………………………………………………2
1.3 Organization……………………………………………………………………..3
Chapter 2 BASIC CONCEPTS OF WAVE THEORY AND TIME-FREQUENCY ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………..…..8
2.1 One Dimensional Wave Propagation Theory…...…………………………………8
2.1.1 Theoretical Background of One Dimensional Wave Theory………..…………..8
2.1.2 Boundary Conditions at the Top and Toe…………………………….………...10
2.1.3 Pile Discontinuities……………...…………………………………….……….13
2.2 Literature Review of Low Strain of Pile Integrity Test...………………....…..…14
2.2.1 Literature Review……………………………………………………….……..14
2.2.2 Limitation of Low Strain Pile Integrity Test……………………………..…….16
2.3 Concept of Signal Analysis……………......……………………………………..19
2.3.1 Time domain and frequency domain……………………………………..…….19
2.3.2 Fourier Transform…………………………………………………………..….20
2.3.3 Short- Time Fourier Transform……………………………………………...…22
2.3.4 Wavelet Transform……………………………………………………..………24
2.4 Mathematical Model of Time-Frequency Analysis……...……………….…..….26
2.4.1 Winger-Ville Distribution………………………………. …………………….26
2.4.2 Discrete Wigner-Ville Distribution….…………………………………..…….30
Chapter 3 FACILITY OF SONIC ECHO METHOD …………………………….36
3.1 Sonic Echo Method……………………………………………………………...37
3.2 Spectrum Analyzer ……………………………………………………………...39
3.3 Geophone………………………………………………………………………..39
3.4 Dynamic Hammer…………………………………………………………..…...40
Chapter 4 CASE STUDY…………..………………………………………………46
4.1 Casting In-Place Pile Test………………………………………………………..47
4.1.1 Impact Force Affect……………….……………………………………….…..48
4.1.2 Intact Pile Testing……………………………………….……………………..49
4.1.3 Sensor Accelerometer and Seismic Velocity Pickups…….…………..………..51
4.1.4 Different Hammer Stiffness Affect………………………………….…………51
4.2 Group Pile Test Without Cap……………………...………………….………….53
4.3 Pile With Necking………………………………………………………….…….69
4.3.1 Intact Prestressed Concrete Pile………………………………………..………69
4.3.2 Prestressed Concrete Pile With Necking …………………………………..…..71
4.3.3 Prestressed Concrete Pile With Two Necking ………………………..………..72
4.4 Pile With Cap……………...……………………………………………………..80
Chapter 5 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION…………………………………86
5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………..………...86
5.2 Suggestion………………………………………………………………...……...88
APPENDIX A……..…………………………………………………………………96
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