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研究生(外文):Yu-Jen Pan
論文名稱(外文):Application of Photopolymers in Microfluidic Chip Fabrication and Electrokinetic Instability Flow Micromixing
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Jen Yang
外文關鍵詞:microfluidicelectroosmotic flowUV resinmicromixingelectrokinetic instability
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運用上述發展室溫玻璃晶片接合技術所獲得之概念,我們更進一步嘗試運用此感光性高分子聚合材料發展一套快速、簡易及在一般傳統實驗室中即可完成製作PDMS微流體晶片所需之母模的製作程序。整個母模的製作程序從高分子材料塗佈至玻璃基材表面、到照射紫外光進行曝光和使用丙酮當作顯影液進行顯影程序所需的時間不到40分鐘。接著我們利用此母模製造方式製作不同PDMS微流體晶片進行各項實驗,其實驗結果與各文獻中所提出之實驗或理論分析之結果皆符合。根據Poisson方程式與歐姆電流模式(Ohmic current model),可得淨電荷密度為 ,而當電場強度達到臨界值時,電動不穩定之現象將會發生於微管道中,然而當我們適當的將電導率梯度與流體流動的方向做調整,則在微管道中發生電動不穩定之現象所需之電場強度可降低。利用此簡易、快速製作技術所製造的PDMS微流體晶片證實實驗結果也獲得相同之結論。
最後我們以簡單操作模式控制多重樣品流體(M x N)之電動聚焦及無閥切換(註:M為樣品流數量、N為出口端數量)。其操控原理為:由於玻璃管道之表面電位勢為負電位,根據Helmholtz-Smoluchowski方程式可知電驅動流體之流動方向與電位勢梯度方向同向,流體之流向可藉由電場之控制而被操控,因此在M x N微流體無閥切換裝置上,若要將樣品流操控至所指定之出口管道,只需控制所指定之出口管道具有電位勢梯度存在,其餘出口管則無電位勢梯度存在,則樣品流可輕易地流向所指定之管道。實驗結果顯示藉由此操作模式,樣品流可輕易地被切換至所指定之出口管道。接著我們將上述操控模式與微管道內之電動不穩定現象做整合,嘗試發展具有多重樣品傳輸及具有混合功能之整合性微流體晶片。實驗與數值模擬之結果皆顯示,樣品流可輕易地被切換至所指定之出口管道並在此出口管道發生電動不穩定之現象以進行樣品混合。實驗結果顯示混合效率可在短時間及短距離內被有效地提升。
Recently, MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) technology has been a promising approach in various fields. For example, the MEMS have been widely employed for biochemical analysis in recent years. In this dissertation, we focus on novel manufacturing techniques development for microfluidic chip fabrication and application for the investigation of electrokinetically-driven microfluidic devices. This research consists of three parts as expressed in the following:
First, the UV epoxy resin is utilized to bond glass substrates for microfluidic chips. The UV epoxy resin possesses a cationic polymerization character, hence the oxygen does not influence polymerization and consequently there is no need to use a vacuum pump to evacuate the oxygen. The solubility parameter of the acetone solution is similar to UV epoxy resin, and therefore the epoxy dissolves uniformly in the acetone. For this reason, the resin solution can spread uniformly into a gap between substrates under the action of capillary forces. The effect of pressure and chemical reagent had been tested on the microfluidic chip bounded by the UV epoxy resin. Under a pressure of 1.792 ×102 kPa and with various chemical reagents (sodium hydroxide solution, DI-water and hydrochloric acid solutions), the microfluidic chip did not reveal any solution leakages between adhesive interfaces. Currently, the experimental results show no electrical leakage and good sample flow manipulation when comparing the chips made by both the UV epoxy resin bonding and the thermal fusion bonding technique.
Next, we develop a fast and simple technique for the fabrication of UV epoxy resin master moulds for the replication of PDMS-based microfluidic chips. The master mold is produced simply by exposing a layer of UV epoxy resin coating on a glass substrate requiring only 40 minutes or less to produce an epoxy master mould. A series of electrokinetic experiments are performed using PDMS microchips replicated from the current epoxy resin master moulds. The obtained experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical predictions and the experiment results of the previous literatures. According to the Poisson equation and the Ohmic current model, the net charge density can be expressed as , which tells us that the net charge density exists in bulk liquid when the electrical conductivity gradients exist in microchannels, i.e., there is an electrical body force away from the channel wall. At critical electrical field strength, this induced electrical body force will result in an instability flow field. However, with an appropriate alignment of the sample flow and the conductivity gradient, the electrokinetic disturbance can be induced under a lower electrical field strength. From experimental results, we get agreement with the mathematical predictions.
Finally, a manipulation of the electrokinetic multiple sample flows for focusing/valveless switching in an M x N microfluidic chip based on electrokinetic force had been studied. According to the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation, we know that flows are driven electrokinetically along the direction of the externally applied electrical potential gradient. This investigation includes two flow manipulations, namely electrokinetic focusing and valve-less flow switching within multi-ported microchannels. Experimental results show the sample can be pre-focused into a specified outlet port. Then, the electrokinetic instability effect is integrated into an M x N microfluidic chip for achieving the sample mixing process. In practice, there is a difference in electrical conductivity between sample flow and sheath flow, i.e., the electrical conductivity gradient exists at the interface between the sample flow and the sheath flow. At the critical electrical field strength, an instability flow field can be induced in an outlet channel. Experimental and numerical simulation results both show the sample can induce an instability phenomenon using the same operation conditions.
Abstract Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅲ
Acknowledgments Ⅵ
Table of contents Ⅴ
List of tables Ⅷ
List of figures Ⅸ
Nomenclature ⅩⅣ

Chapter 1 :
1.1 MEMS technology for biological applications 1
1.2 Introduction of microfluidic chips 2
1.3 The development of the UV curing resin 3
1.4 Motivation and objectives 4
1.5 The dissertation organization 6

Chapter 2:
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Chemicals and materials 11
2.3 Fabrication and experimental details 12
2.3.1 Microfluidic chip fabrication 12
2.3.2 Adhesive bonding 12
2.3.3 Detection system and Measurement 13
2.4 Results and discussion 14
2.4.1 Leakage test 14
2.4.2 The operation of the pre-focusing sample injection chip 15
2.4.3 Re-bonded of the microfluidic chip 16

Chapter 3:
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 UV epoxy resin properties and polymerization mechanisms 26
3.3 Materials and fabrication methods 27
3.3.1 Chemicals and reagents 27
3.3.2 Fabrication of positive epoxy master from negative glass template 27
3.3.3 Fabrication of positive epoxy resin master using UV resin as negative photoresist layer 28
3.3.4 Fabrication of PDMS microchips using epoxy resin embossing master 29
3.3.5 Detection system 29
3.4 Results and discussion 30
3.4.1 UV epoxy resin master 30
3.4.2 Sample focusing experiments 32
3.4.3 Sample flow switching experiments 33
3.4.4 Electrokinetic instability investigations 33

Chapter 4:
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Design and method 45
4.3 Fabrication and experiment 49
4.3.1 Fabrication 50
4.3.2 Experimental setup 50
4.4 Simulation 50
4.5 Results and discussion 52
4.5.1 Focusing/valveless switching of sample flows 52
4.5.2 EKI mixing of samples in outlet channels 53

Chapter 5:
5.1 Dissertation overview 64
5.2 Future work 66

References 68
Curriculum Vitae 76
Publication 76
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