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研究生(外文):Zhi-Siang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Searching Sound's Direction by Omni-Directional Mobile Robot
指導教授(外文):Rong-Tyai Wang
外文關鍵詞:omni-directional mobileidentify the direction by soundmobile robot
  • 被引用被引用:11
  • 點閱點閱:396
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This paper is mainly about applying TMS320LF2407ADSP of T1 as the center-controlling chip, and it is the center of the omni-directional mobile robot . One of the objects is to build a omni-directional mobile robot that can detect the sound’s direction , so that it can trace the direction of sound. In the whole system, the robot is driven by the inter-rotation of 3 galvanic motors.At this mobile robot has four infrared rays sensors,a human pyroelectric infrared rays sensor,six collision sensors, and three sound sensor, which are used to detect environment’s condition . The moving control of the robot and all of sensors are achieved by DSP chip and PIC16F877A. DSP chip provides two sets of Quadrature Encoder-Pulse (QEP) detection. While PIC16F877A controls a HCTL2032 chip to provide output functions; such as, a set of Quadrature Encoder-Puls (QEP) detection, data and signal system processing detection, etc. DSP chip has an excellent calculating ability (40MIPS), and a complete peripheral server .Therefore, it is very suitable for the robot’s controller. The complete systems of this paper includes the structure of a set of galvanic motor which is omnidirectional mobile plant a set of DSP controlling board, etc. The result of the experiment has proved that the mobile robot can move to the source of sounds effectively.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3文獻回顧 2
1.4論文架構 3
第二章 系統架構 4
2.1系統架構簡介 4
2.2系統單元 5
2.2.1 運動控制單元 5
2.2.2 保護感測單元 5
2.2.3辨位感測單元 6
2.3硬體架構 6
2.3.1聽音辨位全方位避障移動機器人設備 10
2.3.2 聽音辨位全方位避障移動機器控制核心 12
2.3.3 聽音辨位全方位移動機器人運動控制 16
2.3.4聽音辨位全方位避障移動保護感測單元 24
2.3.5聽音辨位全方位避障移動辨位感測單元 26
2.3.6發聲模組 31
第三章 全方位移動機械人控制系統 33
3.1全方位移動平台運動方程式 33
3.1.1馬達控制 37
3.1.2直流馬達簡化 38
3.2全方位避障辨識 39
3.3聲源方位辨位 42
第四章 實驗與結果 44
4.1 平台驅動系統運動控制 44
4.1.2 PID控制實驗 44
4.1.3平台運動控制實驗 45
4.2平台避障系統控制 49
4.2.1 接觸式碰撞感測器實現 49
4.2.2無接觸式碰撞感測器實現 51
4.3聽音辨位及人體感測系統 55
4.3.1聽音辨位及人體感測系統實現 55
4.3.2焦熱式人體紅外線模組 55
4.4.1無障礙物時聽音辨位實驗 65
4.5實驗結果與討論 68
第五章 結果與未來展望 71
参考文獻 74
附錄 78
附錄[一]:L298n IC 78
附錄[二]:HCTL 2032 80
附錄[三]:GP2D12 82
附錄[四]:KPCM-063U 83
附錄[五]:LHi778 84
自述 85
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