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研究生(外文):Chang-ming Yang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Mold Surface Cleaning Method on the Adhesion between EMC and Mold
指導教授(外文):Huei-Huang Lee
外文關鍵詞:Mold cleaning methodIC PackagingEMCAdhesion effect
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在IC封裝製程中,封膠材料(EMC;Epoxy Molding Compound)在熟化成型過程中會與IC封裝模具表面產生黏著的現象,稱為黏著效應(Adhesion Effects),而此黏著效應會造成IC成品在脫模過程的黏模現象,影響產品的品質與可靠度,甚至可能會破壞產品,導致封膠失敗、生產良率降低等結果。
During the encapsulation process of IC packages, when epoxy molding compound (EMC) is filling the mold cavity and cured in the mold, adhesion effects occur in the interface between EMC and mold surface. Adhesion effects can cause many problems. However, an excessive adhesion force may damage an IC during ejection and cause the package to fail and decrease the yield rate and reliability.
This research uses a semi-automatic EMC adhesion force test instrument that had been developed and fabricated to measure normal and shear adhesion forces between the mold surface and EMC. The most effectiveness of mold coating is used to execute the continuous normal adhesion experiment. The variation of normal force during successive molding test could be used to predict the time for mold cleaning. By counting the total number of shots when the normal force begins to rise. Comparing various mold cleaning methods to find out the most efficient way, the duration of mold usage after mold cleaning could be extended.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 IC封裝製程簡介 2
1-3 研究目的 6
1-4 文獻回顧 7
1-4-1 封膠材料之黏著特性 7
1-4-2 黏著強度量測規範 8
1-4-3 相關文獻 12

第二章 量測原理與實驗設備說明 15
2-1 黏著介面量測原理 15
2-2 量測試片與封膠材料使用準則 17
2-2-1 量測試片製作 17
2-2-2 封膠材料使用準則 18
2-3 量測設備簡介 21
2-3-1 模壓機單元 23
2-3-2 模具單元 24
2-3-3 灌膠伺服系統 27
2-3-4 檢測裝置 28
2-4 控制系統 30
2-5 資料擷取系統 31
2-6 量測結果 34

第三章 正向黏模力量測實驗 35
3-1 實驗目標 35
3-2 實驗規劃與實驗控制條件 36
3-3 實驗結果 39

第四章 表面清洗方法的比較 47
4-1 實驗目的 47
4-1-1實驗前的準備工作 48
4-2 乾冰清洗法 49
4-2-1 乾冰粒噴洗法 50
4-2-2 乾冰砂噴洗法 52
4-2-3 實驗結果與說明 53
4-2-4 乾冰清洗 59
4-2-5 結果比較 62
4-3 曲線擬合 63
4-4 雷射清洗法 67
4-4-1 實驗結果與說明 68
4-4-2 雷射清洗 72
4-4-3 結果比較 77
4-5 脫模水清洗法 79
4-5-1 實驗結果與說明 79
4-5-2 脫模水清洗 83
4-5-3 結果比較 88
4-6 結果比較與討論 89

第五章 結論與未來發展 90
5-1 結論 90
5-2 未來發展 92

參考文獻 93
自述 97
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