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研究生(外文):Chih-Yao Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Elastoplastic Response and Buckling Failure of Circular Tubes with Different Materials Subjected to Cyclic Bending
指導教授(外文):Wen-Fung Pan
外文關鍵詞:Buckling failureCyclic bending
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This paper discuss the thin and circular tubes of five kinds of different materials by the way of experiments and theories, including SUS 304 is managed with 316L stainless steel, 7005- T53 aluminum tube and C2700 copper tube and titanium alloy tube ,which were researched the mechanical behavior of the elasticity and plasticity, and buckling failure of circular tubes subjected to cyclic bending. The experiment of circular tubes subjected to cyclic bending is in charge of the experiment with the “tube bending machine” and “curvature-ovalization measurement apparatus.” The theory part is to adopt the endochronic theory for the basic theory of the deformation of the elasticity and plasticity, cooperate with the principle of virtual work to derive the essential balance equation. We also use one group of Fourier series to approximate to in charge of every some displacement on the section while being round to spread, trying to get the relationship of the moment, curvature and ovalization from the each other corresponding parameter. Shown by the experiment and theory result: Circular tubes of different materials subjected to symmetrical and cyclic bending, we will get the situation of the strain hardening. After the cyclic bending, the moment and the curvature will get the steady states gradually.The diameter of tube will present the behavior of ovalization , the ovalization of the tube cross-section increases in a ratcheting manner with the number of cycles.Owing to the progressive accumulation of the ovalization of the tube cross-section during cyclic bending.In addition as controlled curvature getting bigger, the number of cycles of buckling failure is getting less. Conversely, the controlled curvature getting less, the number of cycles of buckling failure is getting bigger.Finally, the relationship of the controlled curvature from the experiment and the number of cycles of buckling failure, we will use the theory which advanced by Kyriakides and Shaw in 1987, try to get the corresponding parameters.
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------1
1-1 研究動機----------------------------------------------1
1-2 文獻回顧----------------------------------------------2
1-3 論文內容----------------------------------------------6
第二章 內涵時間塑性理論----------------------------------7
2-1 基本理論----------------------------------------------7
2-1-1 內涵時間定義----------------------------------------7
2-1-2 材料函數的定義--------------------------------------8
2-1-3 材料性質的假設--------------------------------------9
2-2 增量式內涵時間塑性理論-------------------------------10
2-3 圓管在純彎曲作用下,增量式內涵時間理論的推導---------12
第三章 虛功法與里茲法應用於圓管內涵時間理論之推導-------16
3-1 圓管應變的推導---------------------------------------16
3-1-1 軸向應變的推導-------------------------------------16
3-1-2 圓周方向應變的推導---------------------------------17
3-2 圓管受彎曲負載下虛功法的描述-------------------------20
3-3 圓管受彎曲負載下的數值計算---------------------------21
第四章 圓管彎曲計算流程---------------------------------26
4-1 模擬過程---------------------------------------------26
4-2 切割管壁、積分與運算---------------------------------27
4-3 計算流程---------------------------------------------27
第五章 實驗材料、實驗設備與實驗方法---------------------33
5-1 實驗材料---------------------------------------------33
5-2 實驗設備---------------------------------------------33
5-3 實驗原理---------------------------------------------35
5-4 實驗量測方法-----------------------------------------36
5-5 實驗步驟---------------------------------------------37
第六章 理論分析與實驗結果-------------------------------51
6-1 力學行為實驗與理論的比較-----------------------------51
6-2 皺曲損壞之實驗結果-----------------------------------52
第七章 結論---------------------------------------------72
1.S.Kyriakides and P.K.Shaw,“Inelastic Buckling of Tubes Under Cyclic Bending”,Journal of Pressure VesselTechnology,Vol.109,pp.169-178(1987)。

2.E.Corona and S.Kyriakides,“On the Collapse of Inelastic Tubes Under Combined Bending and Pressure”,Int. J. Solids Structures,Vol.24,No.5,pp.505-535(1988)。

3.E.Corona and S.Kyriakides,“An Experimental Investigation Degradation and Buckling of Circular Tubes Under Cyclic Bending and Buckling of Circular Tubes Under Cyclic Bending and External Pressure”, Thin-Walled Structures Vol.12, pp.229-263(1991)。

4.S.Kyriakides and G.T.Ju,“Bifurcation and Localization Instabilities in Cylindrical Shells Under Bending-Ⅰ. Experiments”,Int. J. Solids Structures,Vol.29,No.9,pp.

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7.Wen-Fung Pan and Chun-Huei Fan,“An Experimental Study on the Effect of Curvature-Rate at Preloading Stage on Subsequent Creep or Relaxation of Thin-Walled Tubes under Pure Bending”,JSME International Journal Series A,Vol.41, No.4,pp.525-531(1998)。

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9.Wen-Fung PAN and Kuo-Long LEE,“The Effect of Mean Curvature on the Response and Collapse of Thin-Walled Tubes Under Cyclic Bending”,JSME International Journal Series A,Vol.45, No.2,pp.309-318(2002)。

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