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研究生(外文):Hsin-fei Huang
論文名稱(外文):Thermal Analysis of High Power LEDs
指導教授(外文):J. H. Chou
外文關鍵詞:junction temperatureresistanceHB LED
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本研究使用有限體積分析軟體Flotherm對高功率LED模擬熱場分析,分別探討Luxeon LED內部Slug面積與厚度間之關係及四種PCB基板對整體散熱效益之影響。結果顯示,欲將接面溫度降至120℃以下,1W與2W的LED所需Slug面積不得小於25、70mm2。而厚度在2~4mm時有較低的熱阻值。簡化介電層層數與使用高導熱性銲錫取代導熱膠能有效改善溫度變化劇烈的現象,有效提昇散熱效益。實驗部份紀錄LED重複啟動後,在固定電流400mA的條件下,紅光電壓下降0.4V,晶片表面上升6.2℃;綠光電壓下降0.4V,晶片表面上升9.1℃。
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have progressed from being indicators to general and back lighting applications in recent years due to increase of their emitting efficiency. LED junction temperatures are considerably lower than those of light bulbs and hence the heat transfer mechanism depends on conduction and convection primarily. With the increased electrical currents, the thermal managements have been focused in developments of LED packaging. A good thermal path can help an LED chip to OK its junction temperature low to maintain the reliability of LED.
A finite volume method package (Flotherm) is used to analyze the temperature field of the high power LEDs. Both package and system level thermal managements are discussed. The junction temperature of 120℃ can be obtained. Packages with the slug of 25 and 70 mm2 in cross sectional areas, 2~4mm thick for 1W and 2W’s LED, respectively, with the same cooling system. By removing the dielectric layers and using solder in place of epoxy can lower the junction temperature. Experimental results show that the voltages of the red and green LEDs decrease 0.4 Volt with a fixed current of 400mA. The surface temperatures of the red and green LED increase 6.2℃ and 9.1℃.
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 序論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3文獻回顧 4
第二章 理論基礎 10
2-1 LED構裝圖 10
2-2 LED的熱傳路徑 11
2-3 熱阻基本定義 12
第三章 實驗方法與設備 15
3-1實驗方法 15
3-2實驗設備 15
3-2-1電源供應器 15
3-2-2熱電偶溫度擷取系統 16
3-2-3電壓擷取系統 16
3-2-4絕熱環境 17
3-2-5固定電流源 17
3-3實驗模型 17
3-3-1 LED晶片 18
3-3-2 散熱膏 18
3-3-3 鋁塊(Heat Sink) 18
第四章 數值模擬 20
4-1熱設計流程 20
4-2 Flotherm軟體介紹 20
4-2-1數學分析模式 21
4-2-2系統環境參數 23
4-3材料性質之設定 26
4-3-1材料參數設定 26
4-3-2 熱源參數設定 27
4-4數值模型介紹 27
第五章 結果與討論 30
5-1熱設計需求及目標 30
5-2 LED內部Slug面積與厚度間之關係 31
5-2-1完整與簡化的LED模型之比較 31
5-2-2 LED發熱瓦數為1W之情況 32
5-2-3 LED發熱瓦數為2W之情況 35
5-3 各類型PCB基板對整體散熱效益之影響 36
5-4 LED特性實驗 40
第六章 結論 43
參考文獻 45
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