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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chieh Su
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Learning Path Construction from Learning Objects
指導教授(外文):Tzone-I Wang
外文關鍵詞:Formal Concept AnalysisDepth First SearchTopological Sorting
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  本研究提出了一個基於正規化概念分析(Formal Concept Analysis, FCA) 的理論為基礎的方法,再配合一個經過改良的TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)資料前處理方法-Adapted TF-IDF(ATF-IDF)所產生出來的二元關係矩陣以建立起一個概念方格(Concept Lattice),用以表達不同概念之間的階層關係,接著藉由本研究提出的學習路徑建構機制,對概念方格做學習路徑的尋訪,找出一個學習路徑。
  With the development of the Internet technology, more and more study materials abound in the Web. However, most of these are designed and structured by the notion of material providers, but by a systematical way. It will make it not efficient for most materials to be reused by the other material providers and learners. And it also makes learners confusing about how to find the way, the learning path, crossed with these study materials.
  In our research, we introduce an Automatic Learning Path Constructing Mechanism, based on the theory of formal concept analysis (FCA) with a binary relation matrix which is pre-processed by an adapted TF-IDF (ATF-IDF) methodology, to find out a concept lattice that shows the concept hierarchy between different concepts, and then output a learning path by learning path traversal methodology.
摘  要 I
Abstract II
誌  謝 III
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 研究方法 3
1.4. 成果與貢獻 3
1.5. 論文架構 4
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1. 數位學習相關定義 5
2.1.1. 數位學習 5
2.1.2. 學習元件 6
2.2. 文件分類 7
2.2.1. TF-IDF 7
2.2.2. 基於本體論的輔助分類 8
2.3. 正規化概念分析 9
2.3.1. FCA的定義 9
2.3.2. 概念方格 10
2.4. 拓樸排序 (Topological Sorting) 12
2.5. 深度優先搜索 17
第三章 學習路徑分析演算法 18
3.1. 系統架構 18
3.2. 研究假設 20
3.3. ATF-IDF 20
3.4. FCA 23
3.5. Learning Path Constructing Mechanism 28
第四章 實驗設計與結果 39
4.1. 實作開發環境介紹 39
4.2. 實驗一 40
4.3. 實驗二 44
4.4. 實驗三 48
第五章 結論與未來展望 49
5.1. 結 論 49
5.2. 未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
自述 53
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