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研究生(外文):Zheng-bin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Novel Design of Tactile Icon Using Vibration Actuator in Mobile Devices
指導教授(外文):Meng-dar Shieh
外文關鍵詞:Vibration patternTactile senseNon-visual interaction
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This study presents four elements for composing vibration patterns, which are (a) Shortest interval, (b) Duration of vibration, (c) Intensity difference, and (d) Continuous variation in intensity. Interval and duration of the vibration offer the elements of rhythm, intensity difference, and continuous variation in intensity brings the second dimension for encoding the vibration pattern.
Based on the attributes of rhythm and intensity, sixteen initial vibration patterns are encoded by four rhythm types and four intensity difference types. Rhythms are composed by four duration of vibrations and three intervals. Intensity types are (a) Strengthening, (b) Weakening, (c) High intensity, and (d) Low intensity. The results achieve 72.27% for accuracy of overall vibration patterns. Intensity differences have correct rate at 92.19%. The results for recognition of rhythm types are recognized at 75.78%.
The result shows that people can really differentiate the different rhythm and intensity by their tactile sense, but has limitation. This research provides the guideline for vibration pattern design, and the third scenario for non-visual interaction.
Abstract 1
Table of Contents 2
List of Tables 6
List of Figures 8
1 Introduction 12
1.1 Background 12
1.2 Scope 14
1.3 Research Structure 15
2 Related Works 16
2.1 Tactile User Interfaces 16
2.2 Tactile Display 16
2.3 Portable Devices 18
2.4 Micro Vibrator 18
2.5 Vibration and Material Surface Attribution 20
2.6 Usability Engineering 21
3 Method 23
3.1 Performance Testing 25
3.2 Heuristic Evaluation 25
4 Implementation 27
4.1 Task Analysis 27
4.2 Prototype Construction 30
4.2.1 Prototype 30
4.2.2 Basic Specifications Test 31
4.3 Combination of Vibrations 34
4.4 Limitation of User’s Cognition: Initial Experiment 34
4.4.1 Shortest Interval: 35
4.4.2 Duration of Vibration 37
4.4.3 Intensity Difference 39
4.4.4 Continuous Variation in Intensity 41
4.5 Results and Discussions: Initial Experiment 44
4.5.1 Shortest Interval: 44
4.5.2 Duration of Vibration 45
4.5.3 Intensity Difference 49
4.5.4 Continuous Variation in Intensity 51
4.6 Limitation of User’s Cognition: Modified Experiments 52
4.6.1 Duration of Vibration 52
4.6.2 Continuous Variation in Intensity 54
4.7 Results and Discussions: Modified Experiments 55
4.7.1 Duration of Vibration 55
4.7.2 Continuous Variation in Intensity 60
4.8 Experiment of Initial Vibration Pattern 62
4.8.1 Guideline for Designing Vibration Pattern 62
4.8.2 Initial Vibration Pattern Generation 64
4.9 Vibration Pattern Experiment 65
4.10 Results and Discussions: Vibration Pattern Experiment 66
4.10.1 Percentage of Accuracy 67
4.10.2 Discussion 69
4.11 Experiment of Vibration Pattern 69
4.11.1 Vibration Pattern Generation 69
4.11.2 Vibration Pattern Experiment 76
4.12 Results and Discussion 77
4.12.1 Percentage of Accuracy 77
4.12.2 Discussion 79
5 Conclusion and Future works 80
5.1 Conclusion 80
5.2 Future Work 81
5.2.1 Limitation of User’s Cognition 81
5.2.2 Combination of Vibration 82
References 83
Appendix 86
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