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研究生(外文):Cheng-Chung Lee
論文名稱(外文):Development of Hybrid Heuristic Search Method for the Machine Scheduling in Optoelectronics Factory
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Tun Li
外文關鍵詞:Genetic algorithmParallel machine schedulingTabu searchOptoelectronics industry
  • 被引用被引用:3
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薄膜液晶顯示器(TFT LCD)光電產業是台灣近幾年來發展極為快速的產業,短短幾年內已有多座廠房設立,是台灣繼半導體產業後另一個明日之星。在台、日、韓等國於光電產業的激烈競爭中,各家廠商無不極思生產成本的降低,也不斷的在新技術、新材料的研發,製程的改善,自動化程度的提昇與生產管理各方面持續努力,加強競爭優勢。
本研究針對TFT LCD生產製程中的瓶頸-老化測試(Aging)製程進行排程研究,期望能在生產管理上,有效的規劃此階段的排程,以節省生產時程,使其能達成降低生產成本的目標,讓台灣的TFT LCD產業在激烈的競爭中獲得重要的優勢。老化測試製程作業模式是屬於一種非等效平行機臺生產排程(Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling),針對這種類型的機臺排程,是屬於一種非線性的NP-completed問題,本研究以混合型啟發式解法求解,以基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)為主,輔以禁忌搜尋法(Tabu Search)增加求解效率,建構出合適的架構。
研究中發現到演算法參數間的關聯,分析出演算法最佳的參數組合,並且在實驗中,以最小化總完工時間(Make span)為績效指標,有效的搜尋出較佳解以改善排程問題。
In manufacturing, how to increase manufacturing operation and shorten efficiency time and processes has been an very important research subject. Meanwhile, the optimal resource allocation scheduling also become one of the wide research items. In modernized manufacturing factories, products have complicated processing procedure, use different machines and add various producing types to make producing scheduling designs very complex.
Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT LCD) optoelectronics is the very rapidly developed industry in recent years in Taiwan. During a few years many factories have established and become tomorrow stars after the semiconductor industry. In the competition optoelectronics industry among Taiwan, Japan and Korea, all manufacturers want to cost down, constantly develop new technology, and new materials, improve procession and automation, and strengthen production controlling to increase competition advantage.
The paper aims at doing the scheduling research of Aging Testing about TFT LCD production process bottleneck to expect to effectively design the scheduling in the phase in the production controlling and save the production time and processes to meet the cost downing target, and let TFT LCD in Taiwan get an important advantage in the drastic competition.
The operation type of Aging Testing belongs to unrelated parallel machine scheduling, and, about this type of machine scheduling, belongs to non-linear NP-completed problems. The paper constructs the proper construction by using hybrid heuristic search method to solve the problems---Genetic algorithm with Tabu search to increase the solution efficiency.
In the paper, the author finds the relationship between algorithm parameters, analyzes the best parameter combination, and in the experiments, efficiently searches the best solution to improve scheduling problems by making the minimal Make Span the achievement target.
摘要                         I
ABSTRACT                      II
目錄                        IV
圖目錄                       VI
表目錄                      VIII
第一章 緒論                     1
 第一節 研究背景與動機               1
 第二節 研究目的                  2
 第三節 研究方法                  2
 第四節 研究架構                  3
第二章 文獻探討                   5
 第一節 排程問題探討                5
 第二節 TFT LCD製程簡介              7
 第三節 LCD成品測試                8
 第四節 啟發式解法                 9
第三章 研究方法                  20
 第一節 問題定義                 20
 第二節 目標式與符號說明             21
 第三節 啟發式解法說明              23
 第四節 基因演算法與禁忌基因混合型演算法模型建構 30
第四章 實驗與結果分析               43
 第一節 實驗設計                 43
 第二節 基因演算法實驗              45
 第三節 禁忌基因混合演算法實驗          48
 第四節 各組實驗比較               65
 第五節 各演算法排程效能評估           77
第五章 結論與討論                 81
 第一節 結論                   81
 第二節 討論與未來研究發展            82
文獻參考                      85
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