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研究生(外文):Yi-Yen Chen
論文名稱(外文):From Agents of Social Control to Agents for Social Transformation?A Sociological Analysis of Health Professionals and Street-Level Bureaucrats Participating in the Public Health Education at Community University
指導教授(外文):Kan-Lin Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Public Health Education at Community Universityhealth professionalstreet-level bureaucraftscognitive praxistransformative learningmovement intellectuals
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  「公衛教育在社大」是以形成草根衛生運動,進而改革公衛體系為目標而進行的活動,其中的主要參與者就具有基層公務員或健康專業人員的身份。本研究是以基層公務員和健康專業人員參與「公衛教育在社大」為例,結合兩個理論取向:其一是Ron Eyerman and Andrew Jamison(1991)提出的社會運動研究的認知取向,將「公衛教育在社大」視為朝向改革公衛體系方向拓展,並在這過程當中創造新知識及新型知識份子的衛生運動;其二是Jack Mezirow(1978)的轉化學習理論,將他們參與「種籽師資培訓營」及任教「社大公衛課程」視為轉化學習的不同環節。試圖回答:社會控制的代理人如何可能是社會轉化的施為者?


Reproduction of social order and social structure depends on routine practices. On the one hand, street-level bureaucrats have been considered as agents of social control for their structural positions. Owing to their close contact with the populace in daily life, however, their practices might have the potential for social transformation. On the other hand, health professionals have also been considered as agents of social control for their functions in maintaining normal social behaviors. Due to the same reason as in the case of street-level bureaucrats, however, they might have the potential for social transformation as well. In other words, both street-level bureaucrats and health professionals have a contradictory duality in that they are agents of social control and possible agents for social transformation at the same time.

Public Health Education at Community University is an endeavor aimed at forming a grass-root health movement for transforming the public health system. Most of its participants are either street-level bureaucrats or health professionals, or both. By combining the cognitive approach to social movement and theory of transforming learning, the present thesis aims to explore the possibility and mechanisms of how these agents of social control could be transformed into agents for social transformation. Accordingly, the Public Health Education at Community University is conceptualized as a cognitive praxis for creating new public health knowledge and as a movement for health reform, on the one hand; and its constitutive phases are viewed as settings for transforming learning.

By in-depth interview with five members from the Promotion Committee and fourteen seed-teachers with different background, the author analyzes what differences the seed-teacher training courses and the experience of teaching public health courses at community universities made for seed-teachers.

The result indicates that, firstly, seed-teacher training courses provide participants with opportunity for theoretical reflection and transformative thinking, though some hindrances remain. Secondly, teaching public health at community universities offers seed-teachers opportunities for communicating professional knowledge with lay persons.

Finally, the roles of emotions and new social relationship seem to be significant in the process of transformative learning. Moreover, the possibility of participants extending learning effects to workplace is limited, an important issue for further study.
第一節 公衛教育在社大的緣起1
第二節 公衛教育在社大的發展與主要參與者4
第三節 研究問題與章節介紹7

第一章 社會控制的代理人還是社會轉化的施為者?9
第一節 社會結構和能動性9
第二節 結構位置的二重性(一):社會控制的代理人11
第三節 結構位置的二重性(二):社會轉化的潛能16

第二章 分析架構與研究方法22
第一節 社會運動研究的認知取向22
第二節 轉化學習理論26
第三節 公衛教育在社大與健康專業人員及基層公務員31
第四節 研究設計與資料蒐集34

第三章 作為轉化學習的認知實踐41
第一節 活動的原初構想與期待41
第二節 健康專業人員與基層公務員的學習效果47

第四章 從觀點轉化到運動知識份子?64
第一節 參與的不同階段64
第二節 公衛教育在社大與職場之間78

第五章 轉社會控制的代理人為社會轉化的施為者?84
第一節 學習與認知解放84
第二節 學習的助力與阻礙87
第三節 額外的啟示93

第六章 結論101
第一節 結語101
第二節 研究限制與未來方向103


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