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研究生(外文):Chih-Bin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The impact of group practice centers on the medicalization of health stations: a historical investigation
指導教授(外文):Meei-Shia Chen
外文關鍵詞:health stationmedicalizationgroup practice center
  • 被引用被引用:10
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The government established health stations on the basis of the health prevention after coming to Taiwan. Health stations initiate many public health plans, such as family plan, malaria prevention plan and trachoma prevention. These plans have tremendous contributions on preventing acute contagious diseases.
In 1983, the government began to set up group practice centers in health stations. By utilizing the original equipment, manpower from health station and with the subsidiary of 1.5 million dollars for medical equipment in each health station from National Health Administration, the government reforms the medical clinic in health station. It also cooperated with hospital, and hospital sent doctors to support the medical appointment of group practice centers in health stations. This strengthened the medical function in health stations.
This research is based on the medicalization theory. It discussed whether the establishment of group practice centers created the medicalization of health centers. It analyzed the differences, for instance the changes of manpower, budget and allocation of time management in health center, before and after the establishment of group practice centers in health stations.
The research methods were based on the oral history from staffs in health stations. The in-depth interviews were engaged with staffs of health station in southern Taiwan, which equipped with group practice centers. In order to conduct the analysis with multi-dimension, this research also collected documents and news related to health stations or group practice centers as well as the budget plan of health stations.
The research found out that after health stations set up group practice centers, the total proportion of medical resources, such as manpower disposing, medical funds and equipments, is higher than before. The tendency expanded continually. However, the manpower or funds of prevention work did not change. This result proved that the establishment of group practice centers brought the medicalization in health stations.
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機----------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究問題----------------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻回顧----------------------------------------------------5
第一節 衛生所文獻回顧----------------------------------------------5
第二節 醫療化理論-------------------------------------------------12
第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------16
第一節 個案研究---------------------------------------------------16
第二節 歷史研究---------------------------------------------------21
第四章 研究結果---------------------------------------------------24
第一節 群體醫療執業中心的政治經濟變遷-----------------------------24
第二節 群體醫療執業中心制度---------------------------------------27
第三節 衛生所醫療化 ----------------------------------------------29
(一) 衛生所主任的角色的變化-------------------------------------30
(二) 衛生所人力的變化-------------------------------------------34
(三) 衛生所經費的變化-------------------------------------------40
(四) 衛生所設備的變化-------------------------------------------44
(五) 衛生所門診量的變化-----------------------------------------47
(六) 衛生所推行預防保健業務時間分配的變化-----------------------50
第四節 非群醫型衛生所醫療經費趨勢的成長---------------------------53
第五章 討論-------------------------------------------------------55
第一節 與衛生所文獻的對話-----------------------------------------55
第二節 醫療化理論再探討-------------------------------------------56
第三節 衛生所醫療化原因之探討-------------------------------------59
第四節 偏重醫療的政策對其他非群醫型衛生所的影響-------------------61
第五節 衛生所經費趨勢再探討---------------------------------------63
第六節 醫療化政策對基層公共衛生體系的影響-------------------------64
第六章 結論-------------------------------------------------------67
第七章 建議與未來研究---------------------------------------------70
附錄一 衛生所中文文獻---------------------------------------------76


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1. 杜保瑞 〈蕅益智旭溝通儒佛的方法論探究〉 哲學與文化第30卷第6期,2003年6月
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7. 傅振宗 (1990). "實施丙表前, 三所群體醫療執業中心急慢病與牙科醫療費用分析 " 中華民國公共衛生學會雜誌: 175-183.
8. 陳麗美 and 石曜堂 (1984). "臺灣地區衛生所功能分折-組織、人力及經費之結構分折 " 公共衛生 11(2): 115-139
9. 康清雲, 洪百薰, et al. (1991). "群醫型衛生所人員與非群醫型衛生所人員對群體醫療執業中心的態度及其工作滿意度之研究." 公共衛生 18(1): 19-40.
10. 季瑋珠, 張淑芬, et al. (1990). "基層護理人員時間分配之探討-以宜蘭三星鄉為例." 中華民國公共衛生學會雜誌 10: 39-43.
11. 季瑋珠 (1988). "由權力和利益的觀點探討群體醫療執業中心計畫的衝擊." 思與言 26(2): 23-37
12. 李世代 (1991). "三所群醫型衛生所人員工作時間分配之探討 " 中華民國家庭醫學雜誌: 173-183.
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14. 于漱 and 金蓓莉 (1996). "公共衛生護理人員在不同型態衛生所的角色探討和比較 " 公共衛生 23(1): 17-26
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