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研究生(外文):Yu Tai
論文名稱(外文):Epidemiology and Outcomes of Serious Influenza-related Infections in the Cancer Population in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Kow-Tong Chen
外文關鍵詞:influenza vaccinationinfluenzacancer patients
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結果:1997年至2003年共有1,410位癌症病患因流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院,所有癌症病患因感染流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院的住院發生率是非癌症病患的1.58倍。與一般族群比較,所有癌症病患因感染流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院後的住院平均天數較長(12天 vs. 5天,P<0.0001),住院期間較需要接受插管治療(2.27% vs. 0.10%,P<0.0001)。癌症病患因流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院之平均住院一天健保支付的醫療費用約為台幣5,587元,每次住院健保支付的總醫療費用約為台幣71,411元,每年健保需支付癌症病患因感染流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院的醫療費用總共為台幣14,384,216元。
Aims:Cancer patients are high risk group of infecting influenza, and cancer is the first cause of death in Taiwan since 1982. Most articles mentioned the humoral response to influenza immunization in cancer patients was similar to general population, but the recommended influenza vaccination schedule doesn’t reinforce cancer patients in Taiwan. In the same time, epidemiology studies of influenza related infections in cancer patients are rare. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the disease burden and medical costs of influenza and related pneumonia in cancer patients for the recommended influenza vaccination schedule in the future.
Methods:From the NHI Research Database of 1997-2003, we created a sample included discharges with principle diagnosis code for influenza and related pneumonia and next four diagnosis codes for cancer. We analyzed the influenza and related pneumonia hospitalizations in terms of average length of stay, resource utilization and expense in cancer patients. Furthermore, using information of Health and National Health Insurance Annual Statistics and Taiwan Cancer Registration System to estimate the cancer patients and described the rates of influenza and related pneumonia hospitalizations in cancer patients.
Results:Between 1997 and 2003, there were 1,410 cancer patients who hospitalized with influenza and related pneumonia. The estimated rate for influenza and related pneumonia hospitalization in the cancer patients was higher than non-cancer patients, and the cancer-non-cancer hospitalization RR for hospitalization due to influenza and related pneumonia infections was 1.58. Comparing to general population, cancer patients with diagnosed influenza and related pneumonia of the average length of stay was longer (12 days vs. 5 days,P<0.0001), and needed more further mechanical or artificial ventilation during hospitalization (2.27% vs. 0.10%,P<0.0001). Moreover, mean medical cost was NT 5,587/day, mean medical cost of each hospital stay was NT 71,411, and total costs were NT 14,384,216/year.
Conclusions:Cancer patients who hospitalized with influenza and related pneumonia were a serious public health problem in Taiwan. To reinforce the recommended influenza vaccination schedule for cancer patients and reduce hospitalizations, deaths and economic burden in this highly susceptible population.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 流行性感冒---------------------------------------------------------------------------4
第二節 流行性感冒病毒---------------------------------------------------------------------5
第三節 傳播方式------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
第四節 臨床表徵------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
第五節 流行性感冒的流行病學------------------------------------------------------------8
第六節 流行性感冒疫苗-------------------------------------------------------------------17
第三章 材料與方法
第一節 資料來源----------------------------------------------------------------------------20
第二節 研究對象----------------------------------------------------------------------------21
第三節 變項定義----------------------------------------------------------------------------23
第四節 統計方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第四章 研究結果
第一節 基本人口學資料-------------------------------------------------------------------25
第二節 因流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院之住院發生率-------------------------------26
第三節 因流行性感冒及相關肺炎住院之住院平均天數、醫療費用與醫療資源的耗用-----------------------29
第五章 討論--------------------------------------------------------------------------37
第六章 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------------42
第七章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------------43

表 目 錄

圖 目 錄

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