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研究生(外文):Kai-Fang Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of water networks in batch processes
指導教授(外文):Chuei-Tin Chang
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A general mixed-integer nonlinear programming model (MINLP) is developed in this study to synthesize water networks in batch processes. The proposed model formulation is believed to be superior to the available ones. In the past, the tasks of optimizing batch schedules, process water reuse subsystems and wastewater treatment subsystems were performed individually. In this study, all three optimization problems are incorporated in the same mathematical programming model. By properly addressing the issue of interaction between subsystems, better overall designs can be generated. The resulting design specifications include: the short-term production schedule, the number and sizes of buffer tanks, the physical configuration of pipeline network, and the operating policies of water flows. The network structure can also be strategically manipulated by imposing suitable logic constraints. A series of illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
第一章 緒論                        1
第二章 批式製程整廠水網路的最佳設計            9
 2.1 生產排程設計                  9
  2.1.1 狀態-任務網路 (State-Task Network, STN)   10
  2.1.2 時間的劃分                 11
  2.1.3 符號說明                  11
  2.1.4 數學規劃模式                13
  2.1.5 例題一                   16
 2.2 程序用水網路設計                   21
  2.2.1 集合                    21
  2.2.2 超結構                   22
  2.2.3 數學規劃模式                24
  2.2.4 例題二                   33
  2.2.5 例題三                   52
 2.3 廢水處理網路設計                   59
  2.3.1 集合                    59
  2.3.2 超結構                   60
  2.3.3 數學規劃模式                61
  2.3.4 例題四                   65
第三章 水網路的整合                    83
 3.1 程序用水網路與廢水處理網路之整合           83
  3.1.1 集合定義                  83
  3.1.2 超結構的建構步驟              83
  3.1.3 數學規劃模式                85
  3.1.4 例題五                   85
  3.1.5 例題六                   89
 3.2 生產排程及用水網路設計之整合             111
  3.2.1 基本架構                  111
  3.2.2 例題七                   111
 3.3 生產排程、程序用水網路及廢水處理網路之整合設計    117
  3.3.1 基本架構                  117
  3.3.2 例題八                   117
第四章 結論與展望                      123
參考文獻                           125
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