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研究生(外文):Hung-Te Chang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Synthesis and Opto-Electronic Properties of Aryl-Substituted Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Derivatives
指導教授(外文):Mou-Yung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:PPV derivatives
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本論文主要是以Gilch方法合成五種具有螢光性的PPV衍生物:Poly[2-decyloxy-1,4-phenylenevinyl- ene, DO-PPV] (P0)、Poly[2-decyloxy-5- (2'-(6'-dodecy loxy)naphthyl)-1,4-phenylenevinylene, DDN-PPV] (P1)、Poly- [2-decyloxy-5-(2',5'-bis(decyl- oxy)phenyl)-1,4-phenylenevinylene, DBDP- PPV] (P2)、Poly[2-decyloxy-5-(4’-ethoxyphenyl)-1,4-phen ylenevinylene, DEP-PPV] (P3)、Poly[2-decy- loxy-5-(4¢-tert-butylphenyl)-1,4-phenylene vinylene, DtBP-PPV] (P4)。除了P0不具有芳香環取代基外,在結構上P0∼P4相似。利用質子核磁共振譜(1H NMR)、傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜 (FT-IR) 、紫外線與可見光吸收光譜(UV/Vis)、熱重量分析儀(TGA)、螢光放射光譜(PL)及電激發螢光放射光譜(EL)來探討所合成的聚合物(P0∼P4)的結構、光的吸收及放射、熱及光電性質。
由於聚合物P0產生光氧化作用,使其在傅立葉轉換的紅外線光譜分析中,發現存有羰基(carbonyl group, -C=O)的結構;但P1∼P4在傅立葉轉換的紅外線光譜分析中則沒有羰基吸收帶。在1H NMR分析中,顯現P0在結構上具有參鍵-雙-苄基(tolane-bis-benzyl,TBB)的缺陷,P1∼P4則沒有TBB缺陷。由於P1∼P4聚合物均具有共振性的芳香環取代基及不具有TBB缺陷,使得P1∼P4在溶液狀態下的紫外線與可見光吸收波長(UV/Vis)及光激發的螢光放射波長(PL),與P0相較皆呈現紅位移現象。
以P0∼P4為發光材料,分別組裝成電激發光元件,元件結構為ITO/PEDOT/PPVs/Ca/Ag。比較各元件電激發光特性,以P4為發光材料的元件顯現具有較低的驅動電壓(8.2 伏特)、較長的電激發光波長(546 nm) 、較高的亮度和發光效率。P4的元件在12伏特(v)時,其最大發光亮度和發光效率分別為57 cd/m2 和 0.112 cd/A。
Five fluorescent polymers, poly[2-decyloxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene, DO-PPV] (P0)、poly[2-
decyloxy-5-(2'-(6'-dodecyloxy)naphthayl)-1,4-phenyl- enevinylene, DDN-PPV] (P1)、poly[2-decyloxy-5-(2',5'-bis(decyloxy)phen- yl)-1,4-phenyleneviny- lene, DBDP-PPV] (P2)、poly[2-decyloxy-5-(4’-eth-oxy phenyl)-1,4-phenylene vinylene, DEP-PPV] (P3) and poly[2-decyloxy-5-(4¢-tert-butylphenyl)-1,4-phenylenevinylene, DtBP-PPV] (P4), are prepared by a method similar to the Gilch procedure in this stydy. The P0∼P4 have a similar structure except that the P0 doesn’t have the conjugated aryl substituent. The structure and optical, fluorescent, thermal and opto-electronic properties of the poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivatives (P0∼P4) are characterized using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectrometry, fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum, ultraviolet and visible light (UV/Vis) absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), photoluminescence (PL), and electroluminescence (EL).
FT-IR spectra show the presence of carbonyl group in the P0 arised from the photooxidation, but no carbonyl group in P1∼P4. 1H NMR spectra show the presence of tolane-bis-benzyl (TBB) structure defects in the P0, but no TBB defects in P1∼P4. Owing to the presence of the conju- gated aromatic nucleus substituent and no TBB defects in the P1∼P4, both UV/Vis absorp- tion peak and PL emission one of the P1∼P4 solutions exhibit a red shift phenomenon as compared with those of the P0 solution.
With the P0∼P4 acting as light-emitting polymers separately, the EL devices are fabricated with a sequential lamination of ITO/PEDOT/PPVs/Ca/Ag. The P4-based device shows a lower turn-on voltage (8.2 voltage), a longer EL emission wavelength (546 nm), and a higher brightness and luminescence efficiency as compared with the other PPVs-based device. The maximum brightness and luminescence efficiency of the P4-based device are 57 cd/m2 and 0.112 cd/A at an applied voltage of 12 V.
一、 前言-------------------------------------1
二、 有機電激發光材料及元件的回顧-------------3
三、 有機發光二極體元件構造-------------------6
四、 有機發光二極體元件材料-------------------9
五、 有機二極體元件發光原理及能帶理論--------15
六、 螢光理論--------------------------------16
七、 高分子發光材料的介紹--------------------19
八、 PPV 衍生物之合成方法--------------------21
九、 成膜作業:旋轉塗佈法--------------------26
第二章、含芳香環取代基的PPV 衍生物聚合-------27
一、 前言 ------------------------------------27
二、 動機 ------------------------------------31
三、 實驗方法及流程--------------------------31
四、 實驗步驟與結果--------------------------42
一、 聚合物分子量測定------------------------66
二、 聚合物的結構測定------------------------67
三、 聚合物的紫外光-可見光吸收光譜-----------70
四、 聚合物的螢光放射光譜--------------------74
五、 聚合物元件的電激發光分析----------------77
六、 聚合物的熱分析--------------------------81
七、 聚合物的電化學分析----------------------83
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