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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsiang Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Spectroscopic Study of the NaH D1Σ+ State in the Dissociation Limit and Double-Well Potential
指導教授(外文):Thou-Jen Whang
外文關鍵詞:Dissociation LimitDouble-Well PotentialD stateNaHOODR
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在解離極限附近,我們得到了v*+31~v*+49共17個振動能階的數據,轉動能階分布在J=0~14間,共164個振轉能級。我們還觀測到可能是D1Σ+電子能階解離極限的訊號,並以此訊號的能量值,由鈉原子譜線推算出NaH分子基態解離能約為15790 cm-1,這與Nedelec在1983年由實驗經外插法獲得的基態解離極限15785±20 cm-1相當的接近。
In this study, Optical-optical double resonance(OODR) technique was used to detect NaH molecular D1Σ+ state to the dissociation limit with the double-well potential.

The experimental results with in the double well of NaH D1Σ+ state, can not match previous work and hard to confirm. So we are unable to analyze the experimental data.

In this work we have observed 164 rovibrational levels among 17 vibration levels of D1Σ+ electronic state near the dissociation limit. We have also found the possible signal of D1Σ+ state dissociation limit. The De value of the ground state of molecular NaH can be deduced from the observed dissociation energy of D1Σ+ state. This value is 15790 cm-1 which agrees well with Nedelec et al. results (15785±20 cm-1).

第一章 緒論................................1
1-1 前言...................................1
1-2 文獻回顧...............................1
1-3 NaH分子D1�獺牊q子能階之雷射光譜研究....4
第二章 理論................................9
2-1 Born-Oppenheimer近似法.................9
2-2 雙原子分子的電子光譜...................13
2-3 雙原子分子電子態躍遷選擇律.............14
2-4 法蘭克-康登原理........................14
2-5 Fano lineshape parameter...............15
第三章 實驗................................19
3-1 實驗的儀器與儀器架構...................19
3-2 實驗簡介...............................25
第四章 結果與討論..........................40
4-1 NaH分子存在之確認......................40
4-2 NaH分子高能位D1S+電子能階下半部至谷底的偵測..........................................41
4-3 NaH分子高能位D1S+電子能階上半部至解離極限的偵測..........................................44
第五章 結論................................74
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