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研究生(外文):Li-Wen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Factors Driving the Effectiveness of M-advertising Communication: An Empirical Study of Extended TAM
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hsin Chang
外文關鍵詞:TAMAdvertising effectivenessPerceived utilityInteractivityM-advertising
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由於行動技術的快速發展,廣告商使用行動裝置(手機或PDA)傳遞廣告訊息與服務的頻率日益增加,行動廣告被視為未來最具潛力的廣告通路。因此,本文以延伸之科技接受模型(TAM)探討行動廣告的互動性、認知的效用性、認知的有用性與認知的易用性對於廣告效果 (使用者態度與使用行為的意願) 之影響。研究對象針對曾經使用過行動廣告溝通相關訊息及服務之使用者,總共回收256份網路發放之有效樣本。根據結構方程模式分析結果如下:(1) 行動廣告溝通之互動性在本研究中並未顯著影響廣告效果(由態度導致未來的使用意願); (2) 使用者對於行動廣告的認知的效用性、認知有用性及認知易用性對廣告效果(由態度導致未來的使用意願)有顯著且正向的影響,且認知易用性亦對認知有用性產生顯著影響。由資料分析的結果,可建議廣告業者應根據行動廣告的不同使用目的及需求以制定未來行動廣告溝通之行銷策略。
The rapid development of mobile technology makes advertisers increasingly take use of mobile devices (such as mobile phone and personal digital assistant, PDA) to deliver advertising messages and services. Mobile advertising communication is regarded a potential advertising channel. This study extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and generalized four constructs (interactivity, perceived utility, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) to examine their effects on M-advertising effectiveness. A total of 256 responses having ever used m-advertising communication were collected through an online web survey. Data were primarily analyzed by means of structure equation model (SEM). Results indicate that (1) interactivity doesn’t significantly affect advertising effectiveness on mobile advertising communication (attitude to use intention); (2) perceived utility, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have significant and positive relationships on advertising effectiveness, and perceived ease of use have also significant influence on perceived usefulness. Based on these empirical results, this paper suggests managerial implications of new marketing strategies, focusing on different consumers’ purposes, needs and usage situation in the future.
Abstract (Chinese).................................II
List of Tables and Figures.........................VI

Chapter 1 Introduction..............................1

Chapter 2 Research Background and Hypotheses Development
2.1 Mobile Advertising Communication (M-adcom)....5
2.2 Technology Acceptance Model and Extended TAM..7
2.3 Interactivity.................................8
2.4 Perceived Utility............................10
2.5 M-adcom Characteristics and M-advertising

Chapter 3 Variables Measurement and Research Design
3.1 Conceptual Framework.........................17
3.2 Constructs Definition and Measurement........18
3.3 Research Design..............................20

Chapter 4 Data Analysis
4.1 Pilot Test...................................21
4.2 Sampling.....................................26
4.3 Data Analysis................................26
(1) Descriptive Statistic......................26
(2) Reliability and Validity Examination.......27
4.4 Structural Equation Model (SEM)..............34

Chapter 5 Research Findings and Recommendations
5.1 Research Findings..........................36
5.2 Managerial Implications....................40
5.3 Research Limitations and Suggestions.......42

Reference ..........................................43
Appendix I Measurement Scales.....................51
Appendix II Questionnaires.........................54
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