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研究生(外文):Cheng-Feng Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Optimization of Online Auction Strategy from the Perspectives of Seller and Bidder: An Application of Prospect Theory
指導教授(外文):Wann-Yih WuShu-Hui Chen
外文關鍵詞:Online auction strategyProspect theoryGame theoryDominant strategy
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This study attempts to develop mathematical models for online auctions based on the perspectives of both online bidders and sellers and then adopts an empirical analysis to il-lustrate the viability of the mathemati¬cal models. First of all, the study applies prospect theory to investigate the impacts of auction quality strategy and bidding characteristics on bidder satisfaction and competitive intensity through auction prices in online auctions. The auction quality strategy consists of information quality, system quality, and service quality. Bidding characteristics are the conditions faced by bidders, such as starting price, auction length, bidding cost, and transaction cost. Second, this study investigates the effects of the above auction quality strategy and bidding characteristics strategy on bidder satisfaction, competitive intensity, and seller satisfaction, respectitively. Third, the study employs dy-namic game theory to integrate the online auction strategy from the bidders’ perspectives. This approach provides a dynamic game model to identify the dominant strategy in com-petitive online auction environments.
The results of path analysis show that both auction quality strategy and bidding char-acteristics can enhance seller costs, online auction prices, bidder satisfaction, and competi-tive intensity. Higher online auction prices decrease online bidder satisfaction and in-creases seller costs. Higher seller costs decrease online seller satisfaction. In addition, bid-der satisfaction enhances competitive intensity from the bidders’ perspective in the online environment. From the sellers’ perspective, auction price and competitive intensity en-hances seller satisfaction in the online environment.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................I
LIST OF TABLES..........................................V
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................VII
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION...............................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations.................1
1.2 The Purpose of the Study............................5
1.3 Structure of the Research...........................6
2.1 The Theoretical Based in This Study.................7
2.1.1 The law of diminishing marginal utility...........7
2.1.2 Prospect theory...................................9
2.1.3 Dynamic Game theory..............................11
2.2 Definition of Research Constructs..................14
2.2.1 Auction Quality Strategy.........................14
2.2.2 Bidding Characteristics..........................15
2.2.3 Auction Price....................................15
2.2.4 Bidder Satisfaction..............................16
2.2.5 Competitive Intensity............................16
2.2.6 Seller Costs.....................................17
2.2.7 Seller Satisfaction..............................18
2.3 Interrelationships among Research Constructs and Hypotheses.............................................18
2.3.1 The Impact of Auction Quality Strategy...........18
2.3.2 The Impact of Bidding Characteristics............21
2.3.3 The Impact of Auction Price......................22
2.3.4 Interrelationships among Bidder Satisfaction, Competitive Intensity, and Seller Satisfaction.........24
2.3.5 Interrelationship between Seller Costs and Seller Satisfaction...........................................24
2.4 Mathematical Models Adopting the Concepts of Diminishing Marginal Utility and Prospect theory.......25
2.4.1 Focus on Maximum Bidder Satisfaction under Given Resources..............................................34
2.4.2 Focus on Maximum Seller Satisfaction under Given Resources..............................................35
CHAPTER THREE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODELS.................................................37
3.1 Mathematical Models from Bidder’s Perspective.....37
3.1.1 Applying Natural Logarithms and Trigonometric Functions Based on Bidder’s Perspective...............38
3.1.2 Applying Negative Exponential and Trigonometric Functions Based on Bidder’s Perspective...............41
3.2 Mathematical Models from Seller’s Perspective.....44
3.2.1 Applying Natural Logarithmic Functions Based on Seller’s Perspective..................................44
3.2.2 Applying Negative Exponential Functions Based on Seller’s Perspective..................................47
3.2.3 The Optimal Values for Auction Quality Strategy and Bidding Characteristics................................48
3.3 Competition among Online Bidders...................55
3.3.1. Bidder Makes the First Move with an Infinite Price. ..............................................55
3.3.2. Bidder Makes a Later Move with an Infinite Price. ..............................................57
3.3.3. Bidder Makes the First Move and a Later Move with a Finite Price...........................................59
4.1 The Research Model.................................63
4.2 Construct Measurement..............................64
4.2.1 Auction Quality Strategy.........................65
4.2.2 Bidding Characteristics..........................66
4.2.3 Seller Costs.....................................67
4.2.4 Auction Price....................................68
4.2.5 Bidder Satisfaction..............................68
4.2.6 Competitive Intensity............................69
4.2.7 Seller Satisfaction..............................69
4.3 Hypotheses to be Tested............................70
4.4 Questionnaire Design...............................71
4.5 Sampling Plan......................................71
4.6 Data Analysis Procedures...........................71
4.6.1 Descriptive Statistics...........................71
4.6.2 Purification and Reliability of the Measurement Variables..............................................72
4.6.3 Interrelationships among Research Variables......73
CHAPTER FIVE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS AND RELIABILITY TESTS ..............................................74
5.1 Descriptive Analysis...............................74
5.1.1 Data Collection..................................74
5.1.2 Characteristics of Respondents...................75
5.2 Measurement Results for Relevant Research Variables ..............................................76
5.5 Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests of Online Bidders’ Perspective..................................83
5.6 Factor Analysis and Reliability Tests of Online Sellers’ Perspective..................................90
6.1 Structural Equation Model of Online Bidders’ Perspective...........................................100
6.2 Structural Equation Model of Online Sellers’ Perspective...........................................115
6.3 The Optimization of Online Auction Strategy.......129
6.4 The Optimal Bidding Strategy for Online Bidders...135
CHAPTER SEVEN RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS .............................................146
7.1 Research Conclusions..............................146
7.2 Managerial Implications and Contributions.........151
7.3 Limitation and Future Research....................154
APPENDIX .............................................162
Appendix A: Optimal Online Auction Strategy based on Bidders’ Perspective.................................162
Appendix B: Optimal Online Auction Strategy based on Sellers’ Perspective.................................174
Appendix C: Questionnaire for Online Bidders..........181
Appendix D: Questionnaire for Online Sellers..........185
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