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研究生(外文):Nishikawa Taichi
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Foreign-capital Life Insurance Companies’Localization: Case Study of Japanese Market
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Chi LiuYung-Ming Shiu
外文關鍵詞:localizationglobalizationderegulationchannel management
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  本研究以立意抽樣方式選出四家外商公司(即,ALICO Japan、American Family、Hartford、ING)為研究對象,蒐集相關資料及資訊並且透過訪談,以個案研究的方式,探討此四家公司成功開拓日本市場之意涵。
 Premium volume of Japanese life insurance market in 2004 was 389,843 million US dollars (including postal life insurance) that meant the second largest market of the world behind the US. Japanese life insurance market today has 38 private companies, including 15 foreign-capital companies, whose premium volume accounted for 26.6% of the overall premium volume of private companies in 2004, whereas for only 2.4% in 1994. Foreign-capital companies succeeded in getting market share at tremendous speed has mainly come from the result of a sequence of related deregulation that brought competition principle toward Japanese life insurance market, which had been extremely peaceful with no competition.
 This study chose, by purposeful sampling, four foreign companies (i.e. ALICO Japan, American Family, Hartford and ING) as research subject, collected the information and data concerned, investigated how these four companies have succeeded in pioneering Japanese life insurance market and conducted case studies.
The important conclusions of this study are as follows:
(1)Deregulation brought a company the possibility of executing a new strategy, and some of companies took advantage of the deregulation to explore Japanese life insurance market.
(2)Successful company, whenever it’s before and after deregulation, properly selects
localization strategy or globalization one.
(3)A company which has best seller insurance product(s), no matter what strategy it
may choose between localization and globalization one, creates new distribution channel suitable for its product(s).
(4)A company which takes globalization strategy also embodies the element of
localization in its strategy based on the needs of local customers.
第一章 緒論.........................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................................................................1
  第二節 研究目的..............................................................................................2
第二章 文獻探討..................................................................................................3
第一節 全球化與當地化之研究............................................................................3
  第二節 日本人壽保險業界規制緩和之研究.............................................................5
  第三節 保險通路管理之研究...............................................................................9
第三章 研究設計..................................................................................................14
第一節 研究架構..............................................................................................14
  第二節 研究對象..............................................................................................20
  第三節 研究方法..............................................................................................23
第四章 個案研究..................................................................................................27
第一節 ALICO Japan.........................................................................................27
  第二節 American Family....................................................................................45
  第三節 Hartford人壽.........................................................................................59
第四節 ING人壽...............................................................................................76
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................................90
第一節 研究結論..............................................................................................90
  第二節 研究限制..............................................................................................99
  第三節 研究建議..............................................................................................99
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アリコジャパン アニュアルリポート (2001年度∼2005年度)
ハートフォード生命 アニュアルリポート(2001年度∼2005年度)
アメリカンファミリー アニュアルリポート(2001年度∼2005年度)
ING生命保険 アニュアルリポート(2001年度∼2005年度)
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