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研究生(外文):Kuoan Tung
論文名稱(外文):Geochronology, magmatism, and tectonic affinity of the Central-South Qilian Block and its neighboring areas in NW China
指導教授(外文):Huai-Ren YangHoung-Yi Yang
外文關鍵詞:Proto-TeyhysPrecambrian basementQilian BlockSHRIMPZirconU-Pb geochronology
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The Central-South Qilian Block is a tectonic unit in NW China. It’s tectonic affinity to neighboring North China, Yangtze and Qaidam Blocks is a key for understanding tectonic evolution in central Asia during Proterozoic ages. To resolve the mutual relationship between the Central-South Qilian Block and its neighboring tectonic units, 47 samples representing the basements of this area were analyzed for their major and trace element abundances as well as Sr and Nd isotope ratios. In addition, zircon grains separated from 11 of these 47 samples were dated with U-Pb isotope systematics measured by SHRIMP.
The results indicated that the detrital zircon age spectrums for the Central-South Qilian Block and its southern adjacent area (Dakendaban Group) show a similar pattern, mostly distributed in Proterozoic era with a few Archean data. Such a distribution pattern is consistent with that of their Nd model ages. Samples from northern Longshoushan Group also have Nd model ages similar to that of the basement of the Central-South Qilian Block except for two older ages. It is therefore inferred that the Longshoushan Group was not a part of the North China Block but the lower part of the Central-South Qilian basement, which was thrust onto the Alaxa block during Caledonian orogeny. Consequently, the Central-South Qilian Block and its adjacent Dakendaban Group on the south and Longshoushan Group on the north belonged to a “Pan central-south Qilian block”.
Zircon grains from four orthogneisses were dated 930±8 Ma, 918±14 Ma, 895±34 Ma and 790±12 Ma. These ages represent two periods of magmatism, which can be correlated with the early and late stages of magmatism associated with the Jinninggian movement on the Yangtze Block during the late-Ptoterozoic time.
Consistent with previous studies, our data also showed that the ages of detrital zircon from the Central-South Qilian Block were mainly Proterozoic. Such a distribution pattern is similar to that of Yangtze Block but distinct from that of North China Block, a stable tectonic unit without magmatic activities during late-Middle Proterozoic era. Therefore, it is suggested that the Central-South Qilian Block had a strong Yangtze affinity and might belong to the Gondwana continent in the late Proterozoic time. This inference is supported by the rapid continental reworking in the Neoproterozoic era as well as stratigraphic and paleontological evidence. It is further proposed that the Central-South Qilian Block was split from the Gondwana continent during late Sinian becoming an isolated continent in the Proto-Tethyan Ocean. With the closure of the Paleo-Qilian Ocean in the early Paleozoic period, it collided with the Alaxa Block to form the North Qilian Orogenic Belt. Thus, it is considered that the Paleo-Qilian Ocean was a part of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean during late-Sinian to early Paleozoic time and the ophiolites occur on the North Qilian Orogenic Belt represent the obducted Proto-Tethyan Ocean. Finally, continental reactivation on the Central-South Qilian Block during Early Paleozoic time is contemporary with the northward subduction of the Qaidam Block, implying a possible link between these two events.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 前人研究 3
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
第二章 研究區域與地質背景 6
2.1 中-南祁連地塊區域地質 7
2.2 阿拉善地塊南緣-龍首山群區域地質 10
2.3 柴達木地塊北緣-達肯大阪群區域地質 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 野外調查及岩石標本採集 16
3.2 分析樣本的描述及岩象觀察 16
3.3 全岩地球化學分析 29
3.3.1 X光螢光(XRF)分析 29
3.3.2 感應耦合電漿質譜儀(ICP-MS)分析 29
3.4 鍶、釹同位素分析 30
3.5 高分辨率二次離子探針質譜儀(SHRIMP)分析 34
3.5.1 U Th-Pb 定年基本原理 34
3.5.2 SHRIMP實驗方法 36
第四章 全岩地球化學研究結果與討論 38
4.1 主要元素及原岩恢復 38
4.2 微量元素之分析結果 53
4.3 討論與小結 64
第五章 Sr-Nd同位素測定結果及討論 67
5.1 中-南祁連地塊 68
5.2 阿拉善地塊南緣基盤岩-龍首山群 73
5.3 柴達木地塊北緣基盤岩-達肯大坂群 77
5.4討論與小結 80
5.4.1 中-南祁連地塊 80
5.4.2 阿拉善地塊南緣-龍首山群 83
5.4.3 柴達木地塊北緣-達肯大坂群 85
第六章 鋯石SHRIMP U-Pb年代測定結果及討論 87
6.1 中-南祁連地塊之鋯石標本特徵與U-Pb年齡 87
6.2 阿拉善地塊南緣基盤岩-龍首山群之鋯石標本特徵與U-Pb年齡 97
6.3 柴達木地塊北緣基盤岩-達肯大坂群之鋯石標本特徵與U-Pb年齡 102
6.4 由SHRIMP U-Pb年齡推測沉積年代 106
6.4.1中-南祁連地塊基盤岩形成年代 106
6.4.2阿拉善地塊南緣-龍首山岩群形成年代 110
6.4.3柴達木地塊北緣-達肯大坂群形成年代 110
第七章 綜合討論 112
7.1中-南祁連地塊及南北鄰區之相互關係 112
7.1.1 中-南祁連地塊與北鄰區之關係 112
7.1.2 中-南祁連地塊與南鄰區之關係 113
7.2 泛“中-南祁連地塊”的歸屬與親緣性 118
7.3中-南祁連地塊的演化 124
第八章 結論 127
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