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研究生(外文):Cheng-Lung Liao
論文名稱(外文):RF-Sputtered LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0、0.5) Cathode Films and the Electrochemical Properties
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Zong Fung
外文關鍵詞:cathode filmLi-ion batteryRF sputterlithium cobalt nickel oxidelithium cobalt oxide
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本研究採用射頻磁控濺鍍法(RF magnetron sputtering)成長LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0)薄膜。全文可分為三個部分,第一部份探討探討改變射頻磁控濺鍍的製程參數(工作壓力、氧氣分率及射頻功率)對HT-LiCoO2薄膜成長速率及薄膜組成的影響,並分析HT-LiCoO2初鍍膜之結構。第二部分以成長LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜為主,分析LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)初鍍膜之組成及結構。第三部分探討熱處理對HT-LiCoO2薄膜及LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜其結晶性與電化學性質之影響,並比較HT-LiCoO2薄膜與鎳添加的LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜其電化學性質之差異。
結果顯示,隨著工作壓力降低、氧氣分率降低及射頻功率提高,HT-LiCoO2薄膜成長速率呈現明顯的增加,最高可達14.77 nm/min,然而過高的射頻功率雖可提升薄膜成長速率卻也導致過高的壓應力殘留造成薄膜剝落。HT-LiCoO2薄膜中Li/Co之比例則隨著工作壓力降低、氧氣分率降低及射頻功率提高呈現先升後降的趨勢。不同濺鍍條件所製備的HT-LiCoO2初鍍膜及經過熱處理的薄膜皆呈現具(104)面擇優取向成長的奈米晶薄膜。熱處理製程對薄膜的結晶性與組成有明顯的影響。循環伏安分析顯示出經過熱處理的薄膜具有鋰離子嵌入及嵌出的電化學活性。在10 μA•cm-2的充放電速率下,經過500oC、600oC及700oC熱處理後的薄膜其第一次放電電容量分別為41.77、50.62及61.16 μAh•μm-1•cm-2;而其第五十次放電容量則分別為第一次的58.1%、72.2%及74.9%。熱處理溫度亦影響薄膜中鋰離子的擴散速率,熱處理溫度越高,薄膜的結晶性越好,鋰離子於薄膜電極中的擴散速率隨著熱處理溫度提高而提升,鋰離子擴散速率較高的薄膜在高放電速率測試下能有較低的電容量損失。

為了降低成本的考量,以鎳添加進入HT-LiCoO2中並利用射頻磁控濺鍍法製備LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0)薄膜。在基板溫度為250oC下所製備的LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0)初鍍膜已具R-3m對稱結構,且呈現以(104)面擇優取向成長,其結晶性隨著熱處理溫度的提高而提升。LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)初鍍膜的成分為Li1.29Ni0.49Co0.51O2,薄膜中的鋰含量隨著熱處理溫度越高而呈現略微缺乏的情形。熱處理後的LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜具有鋰離子嵌入及嵌出的電化學活性,其放電電容量隨著熱處理溫度提高而上升,在10 μA•cm-2的充放電速率下,LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜經過500oC、600oC及700oC熱處理後的第一次放電電容量分別為42.95、51.20及60.07 μAh•μm-1•cm-2;而其第五十次放電容量則分別皆為第一次的60.6、65.4及68.6%左右。熱處理溫度亦影響薄膜的鋰離子擴散速率,鋰離子於LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜電極中的擴散速率隨著熱處理溫度升高而提高,鋰離子擴散速率較高的薄膜在高放電速率測試下能有較低的電容量損失。於不同放電速率(10、20及50 μA•cm-2)下,LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜的放電電容量皆接近於相同放電條件下的HT-LiCoO2薄膜,針對降低材料合成成本之考量,鎳添加之LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜實具有相當的經濟效益以取代HT-LiCoO2薄膜。
In this work, LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0) films were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. First, the effect of various sputtering parameters (such as working pressure, O2 fraction, and rf power) on the film growth rate and film composition of HT-LiCoO2 deposited on Pt-coated silicon were investigated. The effect of annealing temperature and annealing time on crystallinity and electrochemical properties of HT-LiCoO2 films were also discussed. Second, LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) films were deposited on Pt-coated silicon. The structure and composition were investigated. Consequently, the effect of annealing process on crystallinity and electrochemical properties of LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) films were illustrated.
The results indicated that film growth rate of HT-LiCoO2 was obviously enhanced by the decreasing pressure, decreasing O2 fraction, and increasing RF power. However, it also resulted in high compress stress and film peeling. In addition, the Li/Co ratio of HT-LiCoO2 film initially increased with the inceeasing pressure, increasing O2 fraction, and increasing RF power but finally decreased at higher pressure, O2 fraction, and RF power. The as-deposited films and annealed films show crystalline HT-LiCoO2 single phase with (104) preferred orientation under various sputtering parameters. From ICP-MS results, it was observed that the sputtering parameters and annealing process affected the compositions of the films significatly. The annealing process enhanced the crystallinity of HT-LiCoO2 films. The CV curve shows three well-defined redox peaks. The LiCoO2 films deposited by RF sputtering were electrochemically active. The 1st discharge capacity of 500oC, 600oC, and 700oC-annealed LiCoO2 thin films was about 41.77, 50.62, and 61.16 �嫀h�泌m-2���慆-1, respectively. The 50th discharge capacity remained 58.1%, 72.2%, and 74.9% of the 1st discharge capacity for LiCoO2 films annealed at 500oC, 600oC, and 700oC, respectively. Films showed difference in crystallinity and resulted in the variation of Li+ diffusion coefficient that was measured and estimated by slow-scan-rate cyclic voltammetry (SSCV). The charge/discharge tests indicated that films that exhibit higher DLi+ showed better rate capability.

LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0) thin-film cathodes were grown on Pt-coated silicon substrate by RF sputtering. From XRD, TEM, and Raman spectra analyses, the structure of the 250oC as-deposited LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0~1.0) films exhibited layered (R-3m symmetry) crystalline structure with (104) out-of-plane texture. From XRD and Raman spectra analyses, the crystallinity of the as-deposited films was enhanced by postannealing due to the rearrangement of atoms during the annealing process. The stoichiometry of LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) film was Li1.29Ni0.49Co0.51O2, the content of Li in film decreased with the increasing annealing temperature. The Li+ diffusion coefficient and discharge capacity of the LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) thin-film cathode were direct proportion to the annealing temperature. The 1st discharge capacities of 500, 600, and 700oC-annealed films were 42.95, 51.20, and 60.07 μAh•μm-1•cm-2, respectively. The 50th discharge capacity remained 60.6, 65.4, and 68.6% of the initial discharge capacity. Annealed films showed difference in crystallinity and resulted in the variation of Li+ diffusion coefficient that was measured and estimated by slow-scan-rate cyclic voltammetry (SSCV). The charge/discharge tests indicated that films exhibit higher DLi+ showed better rate capability. The electrochemical properties of LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) films are close to that of HT-LiCoO2 films under the same discharge condition. Based on the motive for decreasing the cost of material synthesis, LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5) exhibits practical interest to substitute for commercial cathode material- HT-LiCoO2.

第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------1
1-1 能源工業之現況及發展趨勢--------------------------------1
1-2 鋰離子電池之發展沿革與薄膜電池--------------------------1
1-3 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------6

第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧-----------------------------------8
2-1 鋰離子二次電池之工作原理--------------------------------8
2-2 鋰離子二次電池之陰極材料-------------------------------10
2-3 濺鍍理論-----------------------------------------------15
2-4 低掃瞄速率循環伏安法量測鋰離子擴散速率之理論基礎-------17

第三章 實驗步驟與方法--------------------------------------23
3-1 實驗流程 ----------------------------------------------23
3-2 系統設計 ----------------------------------------------24
3-3 原料選擇-----------------------------------------------26
3-4 鍍膜參數及步驟-----------------------------------------27
3-5 鍍膜結構分析 ------------------------------------------28
3-6 電池組裝-----------------------------------------------29
3-7 電化學性質測試-----------------------------------------31

第四章 LiCoO2薄膜之成長特性--------------------------------32
4-1 濺鍍參數對LiCoO2薄膜其成長速率及組成之影響 ------------32
4-1-1 射頻功率對成長速率之影響 ----------------------------32
4-1-2 氧氣分率對成長速率之影響---------------------------37
4-1-3 工作壓力對成長速率之影響 --------------------------39
4-1-4 濺鍍參數對LiCoO2薄膜組成之影響-----------------------41
4-2 LiCoO2初鍍膜之晶體結構---------------------------------43
4-3 熱處理對LiCoO2薄膜其結構及組成之影響 ------------------50
4-3-1 熱處理溫度之影響-----------------------------------50
4-3-2 熱處理時間之影響 ----------------------------------57
4-4 小結 --------------------------------------------------61

第五章 鎳添加之LiCoO2薄膜----------------------------------63
5-1 鎳添加對LiCoO2結構之影響-------------------------------63
5-2 LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)初鍍膜之晶體結構-------------------68
5-3 熱處理對LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜其結構及組成之影響 ----72
5-4 小結 --------------------------------------------------77

第六章 LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0、0.5)薄膜之電化學性質 ------------78
6-1 熱處理對HT-LiCoO2薄膜其電化學性質之影響----------------78
6-1-1 循環伏安分析 --------------------------------------78
6-1-2 熱處理對鋰離子擴散速率之影響 ----------------------81
6-1-3 熱處理對充放電性質之影響---------------------------86
6-1-3-1 熱處理溫度的影響 ----------------------------------86
6-1-3-2 熱處理時間之影響-----------------------------------90
6-1-4 放電速率之影響---------------------------------------92
6-2 熱處理對LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜其電化學性質之影響------95
6-2-1 循環伏安分析---------------------------------------95
6-2-2 熱處理對鋰離子擴散速率之影響-----------------------97
6-2-3 熱處理溫度對充放電性質之影響 ----------------------97
6-2-4 放電速率之影響-------------------------------------100
6-3 LiNixCo1-xO2 (x=0.5)薄膜與HT-LiCoO2薄膜之性質比較-----104
6-4 小結--------------------------------------------------107

第七章 總結論---------------------------------------------109

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